Daily use common Slovenian Sentences and Phrases

Table of content

     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Slovenian language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Slovenian sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Slovenian translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Slovenian language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Slovenian language quickly and also play some Slovenian word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Slovenian.

Daily use common Slovenian Sentences and Phrases

Slovenian sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Slovenian language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

I hate yousovražim te
I love youLjubim te
I’m in lovezaljubljen sem
I’m sorryžal mi je
I’m so sorryZelo mi je žal
I’m yourstvoj sem
Thanks againHvala še enkrat
How are youkako si
I am finev redu sem
Take carepazi nase
I miss youpogrešam te
You're nicePrijazen si
That’s terribleTo je grozno
That's too badTo je pa res škoda
That's too muchTo je preveč
See youSe vidiva
Thank youHvala vam
Thank you sirHvala, gospod
Are you freeAli si prost
No problemBrez težav
Get well soonKmalu ozdravi
Very goodZelo dobro
Well doneDobro opravljeno
What’s upKaj se dogaja
I can't hear youNe slišim te
I can't stopNe morem nehati
I knowVem
Good byeadijo
Good ideaDobra ideja
Good luckVso srečo
You are latePozen si
Who is next?Kdo je naslednji?
Who is she?Kdo je ona?
Who is that man?Kdo je tisti človek?
Who built it?Kdo ga je zgradil?
They hurtBolijo
She got angryRazjezila se je
She is a teacherOna je učiteljica
She is aggressiveJe agresivna
She is attractivePrivlačna je
She is beautifulOna je lepa
She is cryingona joka
She is happySrečna je
No way!Ni šans!
No worriesBrez skrbi
No, thank youNe, hvala
I'm so happyTako sem srečna
I'm hungrylačen sem
I'm able to runLahko tečem
I agreestrinjam se
I can swimznam plavati
I can't comeNe morem priti
He got angryRazjezil se je
He was aloneBil je sam
He was braveBil je pogumen
He likes to swimRad plava
Don't be angryNe bodi jezna
Don't be sadNe bodi žalosten
Don't cryne joči
Come inVstopi
Come onpridi no
Can you come?Lahko prideš?
Can I help?Lahko pomagam?
Can I eat this?Ali lahko to jem?
Can I help you?Ti lahko pomagam?
Can I see?Lahko vidim?
Are you going?Ali greš?
Are you hungry?Si lačen?
Are you mad?Si jezen?
Are you serious?misliš resno
Are you sleeping?Ali spiš?
Can you do this?Ali lahko to storiš?
Can you help me?Mi lahko pomagaš?
Can you tell me?Mi lahko poveš?
Come on tomorrowPridi jutri
Come quicklyPridi hitro
Could I help you?Vam lahko pomagam?
Could you tell me?Mi lahko poveste?
Do not disturb!Ne moti!
Do you hear me?Ali me slišiš?
Do you smoke?Ali kadiš?
Have you eaten?Si jedel?
Have you finished?Ali si končal?
He can run fastLahko teče hitro
He began to runZačel je bežati
He did not speakNi spregovoril
His eyes are blueNjegove oči so modre
His smile was goodNjegov nasmeh je bil dober
How is your life?Kako je tvoje življenje?
How is your family?Kako je tvoja družina?
I am a studentjaz sem študent
I am going to studygrem študirat
I am not a teacherNisem učitelj
I am sorryžal mi je
I believe youverjamem ti
I can do this jobLahko opravljam to delo
I can run fasterLahko tečem hitreje
I can’t believe itNe morem verjeti
It happensZgodi se
It is newJe nov
It is a long storyTo je dolga zgodba
It looks like an birdVideti je kot ptica
It really takes timeRes zahteva čas
It was really cheapBilo je res poceni
It was so noisyBilo je tako hrupno
It was very difficultBilo je zelo težko
It wasn't expensiveNi bilo drago
It wasn't necessaryNi bilo potrebno
Let me checkNaj preverim
Let me sayNaj povem
Let me seeNaj pogledam
May I come in?Smem vstopiti?
May I help you?Ti lahko pomagam?
May I join you?Se vam lahko pridružim?
May I speak?Lahko govorim?
May I eat this?Ali lahko to pojem?
My father is tallMoj oče je visok
My sister has a jobMoja sestra ima službo
My sister is famousMoja sestra je znana
My wife is a doctorMoja žena je zdravnica
No, I'll eat laterNe, jedel bom kasneje
Please come inNaprej, prosim
Please do that againProsim, ponovi to
Please give meProsim daj mi
She admired himObčudovala ga je
She avoids meOna se me izogiba
She came lastPrišla je zadnja
She goes to schoolHodi v šolo
That house is bigTa hiša je velika
That is a good ideaTo je dobra ideja
That is my bookTo je moja knjiga
That is my sonTo je moj sin
The dog is deadPes je mrtev
The river is wideReka je široka
There is no doubtNi dvoma
They are playingOni se igrajo
They are prettyLepe so
They got marriedPoročila sta se
They have few booksImajo malo knjig
They stopped talkingNehala sta govoriti
This is my friendTo je moj prijatelj
This bird can't flyTa ptica ne more leteti
This decision is finalTa odločba je dokončna
This is my bookTo je moja knjiga
This is my brotherTo je moj brat
This is my daughterTo je moja hči
This is not a jokeTo ni šala
This is surprisingTo je presenetljivo
This river is beautifulTa reka je lepa
This story is trueTa zgodba je resnična
We are happySrečni smo
Will it rain today?Bo danes deževalo?
Will you go on a trip?Boste šli na izlet?
Will she come?Bo prišla?
Would you kill me?Bi me ubil?
Would you love me?Bi me ljubil?
Would you come here?Bi prišel sem?
You are a teacherTi si učitelj
You are very beautifulZelo si lepa
You are very braveZelo si pogumen
You broke the rulesPrekršil si pravila
You love meLjubiš me
you love me or notme ljubiš ali ne
You make me happyOsrečuješ me
You may goLahko greš
You should sleepMoral bi spati
You must study hardTrdo se moraš učiti
Whose idea is this?Čigava je to ideja?
Thanks for your helpHvala za vašo pomoč
Thank you for comingHvala za prihod
How about youKaj pa ti
How is your familyKako je tvoja družina
How to SayKako naj rečem
Good morningDobro jutro
Good afternoonDober večer
Good eveningDober večer
Good nightLahko noč
Happy birthdayVse najboljše
Happy ChristmasVesel božič
Happy new yearSrečno novo leto
Good to see youLepo te je videti
I don't like itNi mi všeč
I have no ideanimam pojma
I know everythingvse vem
I know somethingNekaj vem
Thank you so muchNajlepša hvala
Thanks a millionMilijonkrat hvala
See you laterSe vidimo kasneje
See you next weekSe vidimo naslednji teden
See you next yearSe vidimo naslednje leto
See you soonSe vidiva kmalu
See you tomorrowSe vidiva jutri
Sweet dreamsSladke sanje
I’m crazy about youJaz sem nor nate
I'm crazy with younora sem nate
Nice to meet youLepo te je bilo srečati
It's very cheapJe zelo poceni
Just a momentSamo trenutek
Not necessarilyNi nujno
That’s a good dealTo je dober posel
You're beautifulČudovita si
You're very niceZelo ste prijazni
You're very smartZelo si pameten
I really appreciate itRes cenim
I really miss youres te pogrešam

Hard sentences

What is your namekako ti je ime
Which is correct?Katera je pravilna?
Will you please help me?Mi prosim pomagaš?
Will you stay at home?Boste ostali doma?
Do you need anything?rabiš kaj
Do you need this book?Ali potrebujete to knjigo?
Are you feeling better?Se počutite bolje?
Are you writing a letter?Ali pišete pismo?
Come and see me nowPridi me pogledat zdaj
Come with your familyPridi s svojo družino
I'm very busy this weekTa teden sem zelo zaposlen
There is a lot of moneyDenarja je veliko
They are good peopleDobri ljudje so
We need some moneyPotrebujemo nekaj denarja
What is your destination?Kaj je vaš cilj?
What are you doing today?Kaj počneš danes?
What are you reading?Kaj bereš?
What can I do for you?Kaj lahko naredim zate?
What is the problem?V čem je problem?
What is the story?Kaj je zgodba?
What is your problem?Kaj je tvoj problem?
What was that noise?Kaj je bil ta hrup?
When can we eat?Kdaj lahko jemo?
When do you study?Kdaj študiraš?
When was it finished?Kdaj je bilo končano?
How about your familyKaj pa tvoja družina
Do you understand?Ali razumeš?
Do you love me?Ali me ljubiš?
Don't talk about workNe govori o službi
How can I help you?Kako vam lahko pomagam?
How deep is the lake?Kako globoko je jezero?
I'm not disturbing youNe motim te
I'm proud of my sonPonosna sem na svojega sina
I'm sorry to disturb youOprostite, ker vas motim
Is something wrong?Je kaj narobe?
May I open the door?Lahko odprem vrata?
Thanks for everythingHvala za vse
This is very difficultTo je zelo težko
This is very importantTo je zelo pomembno
Where are you fromiz kje si
Do you have any ideaImate kakšno idejo
I love you so muchljubim te močno
I love you very muchzelo te imam rad
I’m in love with youZaljubljen sem vate
I missed you so muchZelo sem te pogrešal
Let me think about itNaj pomislim
Thank you very muchNajlepša hvala
I can't stop thinkingNe morem nehati razmišljati
Will you stop talking?Boš nehal govoriti?
Would you like to go?Ali želiš iti?
Would you teach me?Bi me naučil?
Where is your room?Kje je tvoja soba?
Where should we go?Kam naj gremo?
Where is your house?Kje je tvoja hiša?
Please close the doorProsim zaprite vrata
She agreed to my ideaStrinjala se je z mojo idejo
That boy is intelligentTa fant je inteligenten
It was a very big roomBila je zelo velika soba
He can swim very fastZelo hitro zna plavati
He accepted my ideaSprejel je mojo idejo
They loved each otherImela sta se rada
When will you reach?Kdaj boste dosegli?
Where are you from?iz kje si
Where are you going?Kam greš?
We love each otherimava se rada
We obeyed the rulesUpoštevali smo pravila
We started to walkZačeli smo hoditi
We will never agreeNikoli se ne bomo strinjali
We can make changeLahko naredimo spremembo
We cook everydayKuhamo vsak dan
We enjoyed itUživali smo
What about you?Kaj pa ti?
What are you doing?Kaj delaš?
What did you say?Kaj si rekel?
What do you need?kaj potrebuješ
What do you think?Kaj misliš?
What do you want?Kaj hočeš?
What happened?Kaj se je zgodilo?
What is that?Kaj je to?
When was she born?Ko se je rodila?
When will we arrive?Kdaj pridemo?
Where are you?Kje si?
Where does it hurt?Kje boli?
Where is my book?Kje je moja knjiga?
Where is the river?Kje je reka?
Who broke this?Kdo je to zlomil?
Why are you crying?Zakaj jokaš?
I can't see anythingNičesar ne vidim
I disagree with youNe strinjam se s teboj
I like it very muchzelo mi je všeč
I need more timePotrebujem več časa
I want to sleephočem spati
I'm able to swimZnam plavati
I'm not a doctorNisem zdravnik
I'm taller than youVišji sem od tebe
I'm very sadsem zelo žalosten
Is he a teacher?Ali je učitelj?
Is she married?Je poročena?
Is this book yours?Je ta knjiga tvoja?
Let's ask the teacherVprašajmo učitelja
Let's go out and eatPojdiva ven in jejva
Let's go to a movieGremo v kino

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedNjegovo mnenje ni bilo sprejeto
His proposals were adopted at the meetingNjegovi predlogi so bili na seji sprejeti
How do you come to school?Kako prideš v šolo?
If I had money, I could buy itČe bi imel denar, bi ga lahko kupil
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you oneČe želiš svinčnik, ti ga posodim
If he comes, ask him to waitČe pride, ga prosite, naj počaka
If it rains, we will get wetČe bo deževalo, bomo mokri
If I studied, I would pass the examČe bi študiral, bi naredil izpit
My hair has grown too longLasje so mi zrasli predolgi
My mother is always at homeMoja mama je vedno doma
There are many fish in this lakeV tem jezeru je veliko rib
There are many problems to solveRešiti je treba veliko težav
There are some books on the deskNa mizi je nekaj knjig
There is nothing wrong with himNič ni narobe z njim
There was a sudden change in the weatherPrišlo je do nenadne spremembe vremena
There was nobody in the gardenNa vrtu ni bilo nikogar
There was nobody thereTam ni bilo nikogar
There were five murders this monthTa mesec je bilo pet umorov
They admire each otherObčudujejo drug drugega
They agreed to work togetherDogovorila sta se za sodelovanje
They are both good teachersOba sta dobra učitelja
We want something newŽelimo nekaj novega
We should be very carefulMorali bi biti zelo previdni
When can I see you next time?Kdaj se lahko vidimo naslednjič?
When did you finish the work?Kdaj ste končali delo?
When will you harvest your wheat?Kdaj boste želi svojo pšenico?
Where do you want to go?Kam želiš iti?
Where is the pretty girl?Kje je lepo dekle?
Which food do you like?Katero hrano imate radi?
Which is more important?Kaj je bolj pomembno?
Which one is more expensive?Kateri je dražji?
Which way is the nearest?Katera pot je najbližja?
Which is your favorite team?Katera je vaša najljubša ekipa?
Which languages do you speak?Katere jezike govorite?
Which team will win the game?Katera ekipa bo zmagala?
Why are you drying your hair?Zakaj si sušiš lase?
Why are you late?Zakaj si pozen?
Why did you get so angry?Zakaj si se tako razjezil?
Why did you quit?Zakaj si odnehal?
Why don't you come in?Zakaj ne vstopiš?

Why were you late this morning?Zakaj si bil pozen danes zjutraj?
Why are you so tired today?Zakaj si danes tako utrujen?
Would you like to dance with me?Bi rad plesal z mano?
Would you come tomorrow?Bi prišel jutri?
You are always complainingVedno se pritožuješ
Thanks for your explanationHvala za tvojo razlago
Thanks for the complimentHvala za kompliment
Thanks for the informationHvala za informacije
Thanks for your understandingHvala za razumevanje
Thank you for supporting meHvala, ker me podpirate
I really miss you so muchZelo te pogrešam
Happy valentine’s dayVeselo valentinovo
Whose decision was final?Čigava odločitev je bila dokončna?
Whose life is in danger?Čigavo življenje je ogroženo?
You are a good teacherDober učitelj si
You can read this bookLahko preberete to knjigo
You don't understand meNe razumeš me
You have to study hardTrdo se moraš učiti
Where do you have pain?Kje te boli?
They are both in the roomOba sta v sobi
That house is very smallTa hiša je zelo majhna
Please give me your handProsim, daj mi roko
Please go to the schoolProsim pojdi v šolo
Please sit here and waitProsim, sedite tukaj in počakajte
Please speak more slowlyProsim, govorite počasneje
My father is in his roomMoj oče je v svoji sobi
May I ask you something?Vas lahko nekaj vprašam?
May I ask you a question?Ali ti lahko postavim vprašanje?
Is the job still available?Je delo še na voljo?
I arrived there too earlyTja sem prišel prezgodaj
Do you have a family?Imaš družino?
Do you have any problem?Imaš kakšen problem?
Do you have any idea?Imate kakšno idejo?
Did you finish the job?Si dokončal delo?
Did you like the movie?Vam je bil film všeč?
Are we ready to go now?Ali smo zdaj pripravljeni na odhod?
Would you like to come?Bi rad prišel?
I don't speak very wellNe govorim dobro
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

•   Are sentences
•   Can sentences
•   Come sentences
•   Could sentences
•   Did sentences
•   Do sentences
•   Don't sentences
•   Have sentences
•   He sentences
•   His sentences
•   How sentences
•   I sentences
•   If sentences
•   I'm sentences
•   Is sentences
•   It sentences
•   Let sentences
•   May sentences
•   My sentences
•   No sentences

Slovenian Vocabulary
Slovenian Dictionary