This sentences in Slovenian and English
‘This’ sentences in Slovenian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Slovenian translation of This sentences and play This sentences quiz in Slovenian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Slovenian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Slovenian language in an easy way. To learn Slovenian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.
This sentences in Slovenian and English
The list of 'This' sentences in Slovenian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Slovenian translations.
This is my friend | To je moj prijatelj |
This bird can't fly | Ta ptica ne more leteti |
This book is heavy | Ta knjiga je težka |
This book is mine | Ta knjiga je moja |
This book is old | Ta knjiga je stara |
This book is smaller | Ta knjiga je manjša |
This book is too expensive | Ta knjiga je predraga |
This book is yours | Ta knjiga je tvoja |
This castle is beautiful | Ta grad je lep |
This chair is ugly | Ta stol je grd |
This clock is broken | Ta ura je pokvarjena |
This decision is final | Ta odločba je dokončna |
This flower smells nice | Ta roža lepo diši |
This is a hospital | To je bolnišnica |
This is my book | To je moja knjiga |
This is my friend | To je moj prijatelj |
This bird can't fly | Ta ptica ne more leteti |
This book is heavy | Ta knjiga je težka |
This book is mine | Ta knjiga je moja |
This book is old | Ta knjiga je stara |
This book is smaller | Ta knjiga je manjša |
This book is too expensive | Ta knjiga je predraga |
This book is yours | Ta knjiga je tvoja |
This castle is beautiful | Ta grad je lep |
This chair is ugly | Ta stol je grd |
This clock is broken | Ta ura je pokvarjena |
This decision is final | Ta odločba je dokončna |
This flower smells nice | Ta roža lepo diši |
This is a hospital | To je bolnišnica |
This is my book | To je moja knjiga |
This is an emergency | To je nujen primer |
This is an old book | To je stara knjiga |
This is delicious | To je okusno |
This is my brother | To je moj brat |
This is my daughter | To je moja hči |
This is not a joke | To ni šala |
This is not fair | To ni pošteno |
This is surprising | To je presenetljivo |
This is the last game | To je zadnja igra |
This is never going to end | Temu se ne bo nikoli končalo |
This is what I need | To je tisto, kar potrebujem |
This is what I want | To si želim |
This river is beautiful | Ta reka je lepa |
This story is true | Ta zgodba je resnična |
This surprised many people | To je marsikoga presenetilo |
This winter is warm | Letošnja zima je topla |
This Sentences Quiz
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‘This’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Slovenian words
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