Daily use common Romanian Sentences and Phrases

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     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Romanian language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Romanian sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Romanian translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Romanian language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Romanian language quickly and also play some Romanian word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Romanian.

Daily use common Romanian Sentences and Phrases

Romanian sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Romanian language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

WelcomeBine ati venit
I hate youVă urăsc
I love youte iubesc
I’m in loveSunt îndrăgostit
I’m sorryÎmi pare rău
I’m so sorryÎmi pare atât de rău
I’m yoursSunt a ta
Thanks againmulțumesc din nou
How are youCe mai faci
I am finesunt bine
Take careAi grijă
I miss youMi-e dor de tine
You're niceEsti dragut
That’s terribleAsta e teribil
That's too badPăcat
That's too muchE prea mult
See youTe văd
Thank youMulțumesc
Thank you sirMultumesc domnule
Are you freeEști liber
No problemNici o problemă
Get well soonFă-te bine cât mai curând
Very goodFoarte bine
Well doneFoarte bine
What’s upCare-i treaba
I can't hear youNu te aud
I can't stopNu mă pot opri
I knowstiu
Good byeLa revedere
Good ideaBună idee
Good luckMult noroc
You are lateai intarziat
Who is next?Cine e urmatorul?
Who is she?cine este ea?
Who is that man?cine este acel om?
Who built it?cine l-a construit?
They hurtau durut
She got angryea s-a supărat
She is a teacherea este o profesoara
She is aggressiveea este agresiva
She is attractiveea este atrăgătoare
She is beautifulea este frumoasa
She is cryingea plânge
She is happyea este fericita
No way!în nici un caz!
No worriesnu vă faceți griji
No, thank younu, mulțumesc
I'm so happySunt atât de fericit
I'm hungrysunt infometat
I'm able to runsunt capabil să alerg
I agreesunt de acord
I can swimpot să înot
I can't comenu pot veni
He got angryel s-a enervat
He was aloneera singur
He was braveera curajos
He likes to swimîi place să înoate
Don't be angrynu fi supărat
Don't be sadnu fi trist
Don't crynu plânge
Come inIntrați
Come onHaide
Can you come?poti sa vii?
Can I help?Pot sa ajut?
Can I eat this?pot sa mananc asta?
Can I help you?Vă pot ajuta?
Can I see?pot vedea?
Are you going?te duci?
Are you hungry?iti este foame?
Are you mad?esti suparat?
Are you serious?vorbesti serios?
Are you sleeping?dormiți?
Can you do this?poti face asta?
Can you help me?mă puteți ajuta?
Can you tell me?poți să-mi spui?
Come on tomorrowhai mâine
Come quicklyVino repede
Could I help you?pot sa te ajut?
Could you tell me?ai putea sa imi spui?
Do not disturb!Nu deranjați!
Do you hear me?ma auzi?
Do you smoke?Fumați?
Have you eaten?ai mancat?
Have you finished?ai terminat?
He can run fastpoate alerga repede
He began to runa început să alerge
He did not speaknu vorbea
His eyes are blueochii lui sunt albaștri
His smile was goodzâmbetul lui era bun
How is your life?cum este viața ta?
How is your family?Ce mai face familia ta?
I am a studentSunt un student
I am going to studymă duc să învăț
I am not a teachernu sunt un profesor
I am sorryimi pare rau
I believe youTe cred
I can do this jobpot face treaba asta
I can run fasterpot alerga mai repede
I can’t believe itnu pot sa cred
It happenss-a întâmplat
It is neweste nou
It is a long storyeste o poveste lungă
It looks like an birdarată ca o pasăre
It really takes timechiar ia timp
It was really cheapa fost chiar ieftin
It was so noisyera atât de zgomotos
It was very difficulta fost foarte dificil
It wasn't expensivenu a fost scump
It wasn't necessarynu era necesar
Let me checklasă-mă să verific
Let me saylasa-ma sa spun
Let me seestați să văd
May I come in?pot sa intru?
May I help you?pot sa te ajut?
May I join you?pot să mă alătur?
May I speak?pot să vorbesc?
May I eat this?pot sa mananc asta?
My father is talltatăl meu este înalt
My sister has a jobsora mea are de lucru
My sister is famoussora mea este faimoasă
My wife is a doctorsotia mea este medic
No, I'll eat laternu, voi mânca mai târziu
Please come inTe rog, intra
Please do that againte rog sa faci asta din nou
Please give mevă rog să-mi dai
She admired himea îl admira
She avoids meea mă evită
She came lastea a venit ultima
She goes to schoolea merge la școală
That house is bigcasa aia e mare
That is a good ideaeste o idee bună
That is my bookasta este cartea mea
That is my sonacela e fiul meu
The dog is deadcâinele este mort
The river is widerâul este lat
There is no doubtnu există nici o îndoială
They are playingei se joaca
They are prettyele sunt dragute
They got marrieds-au căsătorit
They have few booksau puține cărți
They stopped talkingau încetat să mai vorbească
This is my friendacesta este prietenul meu
This bird can't flyaceastă pasăre nu poate zbura
This decision is finalaceastă decizie este definitivă
This is my bookaceasta este cartea mea
This is my brotheracesta este fratele meu
This is my daughteraceasta este fiica mea
This is not a jokeAceasta nu este o glumă
This is surprisingacest lucru este surprinzător
This river is beautifulacest râu este frumos
This story is trueaceastă poveste este adevărată
We are happysuntem fericiți
Will it rain today?va ploua azi?
Will you go on a trip?vei pleca intr-o excursie?
Will she come?va veni ea?
Would you kill me?m-ai ucide?
Would you love me?m-ai iubi?
Would you come here?ai veni aici?
You are a teacheresti un profesor
You are very beautifulești foarte frumoasă
You are very braveesti foarte curajos
You broke the rulesai încălcat regulile
You love metu mă iubești
you love me or notmă iubești sau nu
You make me happytu mă faci fericit
You may gopoți pleca
You should sleepar trebui să dormi
You must study hardtrebuie să studiezi din greu
Whose idea is this?a cui este ideea asta?
Thanks for your helpVă mulțumim pentru ajutor
Thank you for comingmultumesc ca ati venit
How about youTu ce mai faci
How is your familyCe mai face familia ta
How to SayCum să spun
Good morningBuna dimineata
Good afternoonBuna ziua
Good eveningBună seara
Good nightNoapte bună
Happy birthdayLa multi ani
Happy ChristmasCraciun fericit
Happy new yearAn Nou Fericit
Good to see youMa bucur sa te vad
I don't like itNu-mi place
I have no ideanu am nici o idee
I know everythingȘtiu tot
I know somethingȘtiu ceva
Thank you so muchMulțumesc mult
Thanks a millionMultumesc de un milion de ori
See you laterNe vedem mai tarziu
See you next weekNe vedem săptămâna viitoare
See you next yearNe vedem anul viitor
See you soonNe vedem în curând
See you tomorrowNe vedem mâine
Sweet dreamsVise plăcute
I’m crazy about youSunt innebunit dupa tine
I'm crazy with yousunt nebun cu tine
Nice to meet youÎncântat de cunoștință
It's very cheapeste foarte ieftin
Just a momento clipă
Not necessarilyNu neaparat
That’s a good dealEste o afacere bună
You're beautifulești frumoasă
You're very niceEsti foarte dragut
You're very smartEști foarte deștept
I really appreciate itchiar apreciez
I really miss youMi-e foarte dor de tine

Hard sentences

What is your nameCum te numești
Which is correct?care este corect?
Will you please help me?ma ajuti te rog?
Will you stay at home?vei sta acasa?
Do you need anything?ai nevoie de ceva?
Do you need this book?ai nevoie de aceasta carte?
Are you feeling better?te simti mai bine?
Are you writing a letter?scrii o scrisoare?
Come and see me nowvino să mă vezi acum
Come with your familyvino cu familia ta
I'm very busy this weeksunt foarte ocupat saptamana asta
There is a lot of moneysunt multi bani
They are good peoplesunt oameni buni
We need some moneyavem nevoie de niște bani
What is your destination?Care este destinația ta?
What are you doing today?Ce faceți azi?
What are you reading?ce citesti?
What can I do for you?Cu ce ​​vă pot ajuta?
What is the problem?care este problema?
What is the story?care este povestea?
What is your problem?care este problema ta?
What was that noise?ce a fost acel zgomot?
When can we eat?cand putem manca?
When do you study?cand inveti?
When was it finished?cand s-a terminat?
How about your familyDar despre familia ta
Do you understand?intelegi?
Do you love me?ma iubesti?
Don't talk about worknu vorbi despre munca
How can I help you?Cu ce ​​vă pot ajuta?
How deep is the lake?cat de adanc este lacul?
I'm not disturbing younu te deranjez
I'm proud of my sonsunt mândru de fiul meu
I'm sorry to disturb youimi pare rau ca te deranjez
Is something wrong?este ceva greșit?
May I open the door?pot deschide usa?
Thanks for everythingMultumesc pentru tot
This is very difficultAcest lucru este foarte dificil
This is very importantEste foarte important
Where are you fromDe unde ești
Do you have any ideaAi vreo idee
I love you so muchTe iubesc atat de mult
I love you very muchTe iubesc foarte mult
I’m in love with youSunt îndrăgostit de tine
I missed you so muchmi-ai lipsit atat de mult
Let me think about itlasa-ma sa ma gandesc la asta
Thank you very muchMulțumesc foarte mult
I can't stop thinkingNu pot să nu mă mai gândesc
Will you stop talking?te vei opri din vorbit?
Would you like to go?doriți să mergeți?
Would you teach me?m-ai invata?
Where is your room?unde este camera ta?
Where should we go?unde ar trebui sa mergem?
Where is your house?unde este casa ta?
Please close the doorTe rog inchide usa
She agreed to my ideaa fost de acord cu ideea mea
That boy is intelligentacel baiat este inteligent
It was a very big roomera o cameră foarte mare
He can swim very fastpoate înota foarte repede
He accepted my ideaa acceptat ideea mea
They loved each otherse iubeau
When will you reach?cand vei ajunge?
Where are you from?de unde ești?
Where are you going?Unde te duci?
We love each otherne iubim
We obeyed the rulesne-am supus regulilor
We started to walkam început să mergem
We will never agreenu vom fi niciodată de acord
We can make changeputem face o schimbare
We cook everydaygătim în fiecare zi
We enjoyed itne-am bucurat
What about you?și tu?
What are you doing?ce faci?
What did you say?ce ai spus?
What do you need?de ce ai nevoie?
What do you think?ce crezi?
What do you want?ce vrei?
What happened?Ce s-a întâmplat?
What is that?ce este asta?
When was she born?cand ea s-a nascut?
When will we arrive?cand vom ajunge?
Where are you?unde esti?
Where does it hurt?Unde te doare?
Where is my book?unde este cartea mea?
Where is the river?unde este raul?
Who broke this?cine a spart asta?
Why are you crying?de ce plângi?
I can't see anythingnu pot vedea nimic
I disagree with younu sunt de acord cu tine
I like it very muchimi place foarte mult
I need more timeam nevoie de mai mult timp
I want to sleepvreau sa dorm
I'm able to swimsunt capabil să înot
I'm not a doctornu sunt doctor
I'm taller than yousunt mai înalt decât tine
I'm very sadSunt foarte trist
Is he a teacher?este profesor?
Is she married?este ea maritată?
Is this book yours?aceasta carte este a ta?
Let's ask the teachersă-l întrebăm pe profesor
Let's go out and eathai sa iesim si sa mancam
Let's go to a moviehai sa mergem la un film

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedopinia lui nu a fost acceptată
His proposals were adopted at the meetingpropunerile sale au fost adoptate în ședință
How do you come to school?cum ai venit la școală?
If I had money, I could buy itdaca as avea bani i-as putea cumpara
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you onedacă vrei un creion, îți împrumut unul
If he comes, ask him to waitdacă vine, roagă-l să aștepte
If it rains, we will get wetdaca ploua ne vom uda
If I studied, I would pass the examdaca as invata, as trece examenul
My hair has grown too longmi-a crescut părul prea lung
My mother is always at homemama e mereu acasă
There are many fish in this lakesunt mulți pești în acest lac
There are many problems to solvesunt multe probleme de rezolvat
There are some books on the desksunt niște cărți pe birou
There is nothing wrong with himnu este nimic în neregulă cu el
There was a sudden change in the weathers-a produs o schimbare bruscă a vremii
There was nobody in the gardennu era nimeni în grădină
There was nobody therenu era nimeni acolo
There were five murders this monthau fost cinci crime luna aceasta
They admire each otherse admiră unul pe altul
They agreed to work togetherau fost de acord să lucreze împreună
They are both good teachersamândoi sunt profesori buni
We want something newvrem ceva nou
We should be very carefular trebui să fim foarte atenți
When can I see you next time?cand te pot vedea data viitoare?
When did you finish the work?cand ai terminat treaba?
When will you harvest your wheat?când vei culege grâul?
Where do you want to go?unde vrei sa mergi?
Where is the pretty girl?unde este fata frumoasa?
Which food do you like?ce mancare iti place?
Which is more important?care este mai important?
Which one is more expensive?care este mai scump?
Which way is the nearest?care este drumul cel mai apropiat?
Which is your favorite team?care este echipa ta preferata?
Which languages do you speak?ce limba vorbesti?
Which team will win the game?care echipa va castiga meciul?
Why are you drying your hair?de ce iti usuci parul?
Why are you late?de ce ai intarziat?
Why did you get so angry?de ce te-ai enervat asa?
Why did you quit?de ce ai renunțat?
Why don't you come in?de ce nu intri?

Why were you late this morning?de ce ai intarziat azi dimineata?
Why are you so tired today?de ce ești atât de obosit azi?
Would you like to dance with me?ai vrea sa dansezi cu mine?
Would you come tomorrow?ai veni maine?
You are always complainingte plângi mereu
Thanks for your explanationÎți mulțumesc pentru explicația ta
Thanks for the complimentmultumesc pentru compliment
Thanks for the informationmulțumesc de informație
Thanks for your understandingmultumesc pentru intelegere
Thank you for supporting meva multumesc ca ma sustineti
I really miss you so muchMi-e tare dor de tine
Happy valentine’s dayZiua Indragostitilor fericita
Whose decision was final?a cui decizie a fost definitiva?
Whose life is in danger?a cui viata este in pericol?
You are a good teacherești un profesor bun
You can read this bookpoți citi această carte
You don't understand menu ma intelegi
You have to study hardtrebuie să studiezi din greu
Where do you have pain?unde ai dureri?
They are both in the roomsunt amandoi in camera
That house is very smallacea casa este foarte mica
Please give me your handte rog da-mi mana ta
Please go to the schoolte rog mergi la scoala
Please sit here and waitte rog stai aici si asteapta
Please speak more slowlyVă rog, vorbiți mai rar
My father is in his roomtatăl meu este în camera lui
May I ask you something?Pot să vă întreb ceva?
May I ask you a question?pot să te întreb ceva?
Is the job still available?jobul mai este disponibil?
I arrived there too earlyam ajuns acolo prea devreme
Do you have a family?ai o familie?
Do you have any problem?Ai vreo problema?
Do you have any idea?ai vreo idee?
Did you finish the job?ai terminat treaba?
Did you like the movie?Ți-a plăcut filmul?
Are we ready to go now?suntem gata să plecăm acum?
Would you like to come?ai vrea sa vii?
I don't speak very wellNu vorbesc foarte bine
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

Romanian Vocabulary
Romanian Dictionary