Daily use common Catalan Sentences and Phrases

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     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Catalan language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Catalan sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Catalan translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Catalan language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Catalan language quickly and also play some Catalan word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Catalan.

Daily use common Catalan Sentences and Phrases

Catalan sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Catalan language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

I hate youT'odio
I love youT'estimo
I’m in loveestic enamorat
I’m sorryho sento
I’m so sorryho sento molt
I’m yourssóc teu
Thanks againGràcies de nou
How are youCom estàs
I am fineEstic bé
Take careCuida't
I miss youEt trobo a faltar
You're niceEts agradable
That’s terribleAixò es terrible
That's too badAixò és una llàstima
That's too muchAixò és massa
See youEns veiem
Thank youGràcies
Thank you sirGràcies senyor
Are you freeEstàs lliure
No problemCap problema
Get well soonMillora't aviat
Very goodMolt bé
Well doneBen fet
What’s upQuè passa
I can't hear youNo et puc escoltar
I can't stopNo puc parar
I knowho sé
Good byeAdéu
Good ideaBona idea
Good luckBona sort
You are lateArribes tard
Who is next?Quí és el següent?
Who is she?Qui és ella?
Who is that man?Qui és aquell home?
Who built it?Qui el va construir?
They hurtVan fer mal
She got angryElla es va enfadar
She is a teacherElla és una mestra
She is aggressiveElla és agressiva
She is attractiveElla és atractiva
She is beautifulElla és bonica
She is cryingElla està plorant
She is happyElla és feliç
No way!De cap manera!
No worriesNo et preocupis
No, thank youNo gràcies
I'm so happyestic molt content
I'm hungrytinc gana
I'm able to runSóc capaç de córrer
I agreeestic dacord
I can swimPuc nedar
I can't comeNo puc venir
He got angryEs va enfadar
He was aloneEstava sol
He was braveEra valent
He likes to swimLi agrada nedar
Don't be angryNo t'enfadis
Don't be sadNo estiguis trist
Don't cryNo ploris
Come inEndavant
Come onVinga
Can you come?Pots venir?
Can I help?Puc ajudar?
Can I eat this?Puc menjar això?
Can I help you?Et puc ajudar?
Can I see?Puc veure?
Are you going?Vas?
Are you hungry?Tens gana?
Are you mad?Estàs boig?
Are you serious?Parles seriosament?
Are you sleeping?Estàs dormint?
Can you do this?Pots fer això?
Can you help me?Em pots ajudar?
Can you tell me?Em pots dir?
Come on tomorrowVinga demà
Come quicklyVine ràpidament
Could I help you?Et podria ajudar?
Could you tell me?Podria dir-me?
Do not disturb!No molestar!
Do you hear me?Em sents?
Do you smoke?Fuma vostè?
Have you eaten?Has menjat?
Have you finished?Has acabat?
He can run fastPot córrer ràpid
He began to runVa començar a córrer
He did not speakEll no parlava
His eyes are blueEls seus ulls són blaus
His smile was goodEl seu somriure era bo
How is your life?Com és la teva vida?
How is your family?Com està la teva família?
I am a studentsóc estudiant
I am going to studyVaig a estudiar
I am not a teacherNo sóc professor
I am sorryho sento
I believe youet crec
I can do this jobPuc fer aquesta feina
I can run fasterPuc córrer més ràpid
I can’t believe itNo m'ho puc creure
It happensAixò passa
It is newÉs nou
It is a long storyÉs una història llarga
It looks like an birdSembla un ocell
It really takes timeRealment necessita temps
It was really cheapEra realment barat
It was so noisyEra tan sorollós
It was very difficultVa ser molt difícil
It wasn't expensiveNo era car
It wasn't necessaryNo era necessari
Let me checkDeixa'm comprovar-ho
Let me sayDeixa'm dir
Let me seeDeixa'm veure
May I come in?Puc passar?
May I help you?Puc ajudar-te?
May I join you?Puc unir-me a tu?
May I speak?Puc parlar?
May I eat this?Puc menjar això?
My father is tallEl meu pare és alt
My sister has a jobLa meva germana té feina
My sister is famousLa meva germana és famosa
My wife is a doctorLa meva dona és metgessa
No, I'll eat laterNo, menjaré més tard
Please come inSi us plau vingui
Please do that againSi us plau, torna a fer-ho
Please give meSiusplau Dona'm
She admired himElla l'admirava
She avoids meElla m'evita
She came lastElla va arribar l'última
She goes to schoolElla va a l'escola
That house is bigAquella casa és gran
That is a good ideaAixò és una bona idea
That is my bookAquest és el meu llibre
That is my sonAquest és el meu fill
The dog is deadEl gos està mort
The river is wideEl riu és ample
There is no doubtNo hi ha cap dubte
They are playingEstan jugant
They are prettySón boniques
They got marriedElls es van casar
They have few booksTenen pocs llibres
They stopped talkingVan deixar de parlar
This is my friendAquest és el meu amic
This bird can't flyAquest ocell no pot volar
This decision is finalAquesta decisió és definitiva
This is my bookAquest és el meu llibre
This is my brotherAquest és el meu germà
This is my daughterAquesta és la meva filla
This is not a jokeAixò no és una broma
This is surprisingAixò és sorprenent
This river is beautifulAquest riu és preciós
This story is trueAquesta història és certa
We are happyEstem feliços
Will it rain today?Plourà avui?
Will you go on a trip?Aniràs de viatge?
Will she come?Ella vindrà?
Would you kill me?Em mataries?
Would you love me?M'estimaries?
Would you come here?Vindries aquí?
You are a teacherEts un mestre
You are very beautifulEts molt maca
You are very braveEts molt valent
You broke the rulesHas trencat les regles
You love meM'estimes
you love me or notm'estimes o no
You make me happyEm fas feliç
You may goPots anar
You should sleepHauries de dormir
You must study hardHas d'estudiar molt
Whose idea is this?De qui és aquesta idea?
Thanks for your helpGràcies per la teva ajuda
Thank you for comingGràcies per venir
How about youQuè tal tu
How is your familyCom està la teva família
How to SayCom dir-ho
Good morningBon dia
Good afternoonBona tarda
Good eveningBona nit
Good nightBona nit
Happy birthdayFeliç aniversari
Happy ChristmasBon Nadal
Happy new yearBon any nou
Good to see youEncantat de veure't
I don't like itNo m'agrada
I have no ideaNo en tinc ni idea
I know everythingho sé tot
I know somethingSé alguna cosa
Thank you so muchMoltes gràcies
Thanks a millionUn milió de gràcies
See you laterEt veig després
See you next weekEns veiem la setmana que ve
See you next yearEns veiem l'any vinent
See you soonFins aviat
See you tomorrowFins demà
Sweet dreamsDolços somnis
I’m crazy about youEstic boig per tu
I'm crazy with youEstic boig amb tu
Nice to meet youEncantat de conèixer-te
It's very cheapÉs molt barat
Just a momentNomés un moment
Not necessarilyNo necessàriament
That’s a good dealAixò és un bon negoci
You're beautifulEts preciosa
You're very niceEts molt agradable
You're very smartEts molt intel·ligent
I really appreciate itHo aprecio molt
I really miss youEt trobo molt a faltar

Hard sentences

What is your nameQuin és el teu nom
Which is correct?Quina és correcta?
Will you please help me?Si us plau, m'ajudeu?
Will you stay at home?Et quedaràs a casa?
Do you need anything?Necessites alguna cosa?
Do you need this book?Necessites aquest llibre?
Are you feeling better?Et sents millor?
Are you writing a letter?Estàs escrivint una carta?
Come and see me nowVine a veure'm ara
Come with your familyVine amb la teva família
I'm very busy this weekEstic molt ocupat aquesta setmana
There is a lot of moneyHi ha molts diners
They are good peopleSón bona gent
We need some moneyNecessitem una mica de diners
What is your destination?Quin és el teu destí?
What are you doing today?Què fas avui?
What are you reading?Què estàs llegint?
What can I do for you?Què puc fer per tu?
What is the problem?Quin és el problema?
What is the story?Quina és la història?
What is your problem?Quin es el teu problema?
What was that noise?Què era aquell soroll?
When can we eat?Quan podem menjar?
When do you study?Quan estudies?
When was it finished?Quan es va acabar?
How about your familyQuè tal la teva família
Do you understand?Entens?
Do you love me?M'estimes?
Don't talk about workNo parleu de feina
How can I help you?Com et puc ajudar?
How deep is the lake?Quina profunditat té el llac?
I'm not disturbing youNo et molesto
I'm proud of my sonEstic orgullós del meu fill
I'm sorry to disturb youEm sap greu molestar-te
Is something wrong?Hi ha alguna cosa malament?
May I open the door?Puc obrir la porta?
Thanks for everythingGràcies per tot
This is very difficultAixò és molt difícil
This is very importantAixò és molt important
Where are you fromD'on ets
Do you have any ideaTens cap idea
I love you so mucht'estimo tant
I love you very mucht'estimo molt
I’m in love with youestic enamorat de tu
I missed you so mucht'he trobat molt a faltar
Let me think about itDeixa que m'ho pensi
Thank you very muchMoltes gràcies
I can't stop thinkingNo puc parar de pensar
Will you stop talking?Deixaràs de parlar?
Would you like to go?T'agradaria anar?
Would you teach me?M'ensenyaries?
Where is your room?On és la teva habitació?
Where should we go?On hem d'anar?
Where is your house?On és casa teva?
Please close the doorSi us plau tanca la porta
She agreed to my ideaElla va acceptar la meva idea
That boy is intelligentAquell noi és intel·ligent
It was a very big roomEra una habitació molt gran
He can swim very fastPot nedar molt ràpid
He accepted my ideaVa acceptar la meva idea
They loved each otherS'estimaven
When will you reach?Quan arribaràs?
Where are you from?D'on ets?
Where are you going?On vas?
We love each otherEns estimem
We obeyed the rulesVam complir les normes
We started to walkVam començar a caminar
We will never agreeMai estarem d'acord
We can make changePodem fer el canvi
We cook everydayCuinem cada dia
We enjoyed itHo vam gaudir
What about you?I tu?
What are you doing?Què estàs fent?
What did you say?Què has dit?
What do you need?Què necessites?
What do you think?Què penses?
What do you want?Què vols?
What happened?Què va passar?
What is that?Què és això?
When was she born?Quan va neixer ella?
When will we arrive?Quan arribarem?
Where are you?On ets?
Where does it hurt?On fa mal?
Where is my book?On és el meu llibre?
Where is the river?On és el riu?
Who broke this?Qui va trencar això?
Why are you crying?Per què plores?
I can't see anythingNo veig res
I disagree with youNo estic d'acord amb tu
I like it very muchM'agrada molt
I need more timeNecessito més temps
I want to sleepvull dormir
I'm able to swimSóc capaç de nedar
I'm not a doctorNo sóc metge
I'm taller than youSóc més alt que tu
I'm very sadestic molt trist
Is he a teacher?És professor?
Is she married?Està casada?
Is this book yours?Aquest llibre és teu?
Let's ask the teacherPreguntem al professor
Let's go out and eatSortim a dinar
Let's go to a movieAnem a una pel·lícula

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedLa seva opinió no va ser acceptada
His proposals were adopted at the meetingLes seves propostes van ser aprovades a la reunió
How do you come to school?Com vens a l'escola?
If I had money, I could buy itSi tingués diners, els podria comprar
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you oneSi vols un llapis, te'n presto un
If he comes, ask him to waitSi ve, demana-li que esperi
If it rains, we will get wetSi plou, ens mullarem
If I studied, I would pass the examSi estudiés, aprovaria l'examen
My hair has grown too longEl meu cabell m'ha crescut massa
My mother is always at homeLa meva mare sempre és a casa
There are many fish in this lakeHi ha molts peixos en aquest llac
There are many problems to solveHi ha molts problemes per resoldre
There are some books on the deskHi ha alguns llibres a l'escriptori
There is nothing wrong with himNo hi ha res dolent amb ell
There was a sudden change in the weatherHi va haver un canvi sobtat de temps
There was nobody in the gardenNo hi havia ningú al jardí
There was nobody thereNo hi havia ningú
There were five murders this monthAquest mes hi ha hagut cinc assassinats
They admire each otherS'admiren mútuament
They agreed to work togetherVan acordar treballar junts
They are both good teachersTots dos són bons professors
We want something newVolem alguna cosa nova
We should be very carefulHem de ser molt prudents
When can I see you next time?Quan et podré veure la propera vegada?
When did you finish the work?Quan vas acabar la feina?
When will you harvest your wheat?Quan collireu el blat?
Where do you want to go?On vols anar?
Where is the pretty girl?On és la noia bonica?
Which food do you like?Quin menjar t'agrada?
Which is more important?Què és més important?
Which one is more expensive?Quin és més car?
Which way is the nearest?Quin camí és el més proper?
Which is your favorite team?Quin és el teu equip preferit?
Which languages do you speak?Quines llengües parles?
Which team will win the game?Quin equip guanyarà el partit?
Why are you drying your hair?Per què t'asseques els cabells?
Why are you late?Per què arribes tard?
Why did you get so angry?Per què t'has enfadat tant?
Why did you quit?Per què vas renunciar?
Why don't you come in?Per què no entres?

Why were you late this morning?Per què has fet tard aquest matí?
Why are you so tired today?Per què estàs tan cansat avui?
Would you like to dance with me?T'agradaria ballar amb mi?
Would you come tomorrow?Vindries demà?
You are always complainingSempre et queixes
Thanks for your explanationGràcies per la teva explicació
Thanks for the complimentGràcies pel compliment
Thanks for the informationGràcies per la informació
Thanks for your understandingGràcies per la seva comprensió
Thank you for supporting meGràcies per donar-me suport
I really miss you so muchRealment et trobo molt a faltar
Happy valentine’s dayFeliç dia de Sant Valentí
Whose decision was final?La decisió de qui va ser definitiva?
Whose life is in danger?La vida de qui està en perill?
You are a good teacherEts un bon professor
You can read this bookPodeu llegir aquest llibre
You don't understand meNo m'entens
You have to study hardHas d'estudiar molt
Where do you have pain?On tens dolor?
They are both in the roomTots dos són a l'habitació
That house is very smallAquella casa és molt petita
Please give me your handSi us plau, dóna'm la mà
Please go to the schoolSi us plau, aneu a l'escola
Please sit here and waitSi us plau, seu aquí i espera
Please speak more slowlySi us plau, parleu més lentament
My father is in his roomEl meu pare és a la seva habitació
May I ask you something?Et puc preguntar una cosa?
May I ask you a question?Puc fer-vos una pregunta?
Is the job still available?La feina encara està disponible?
I arrived there too earlyHi vaig arribar massa aviat
Do you have a family?Tens una família?
Do you have any problem?Tens algun problema?
Do you have any idea?Tens cap idea?
Did you finish the job?Has acabat la feina?
Did you like the movie?T'ha agradat la pel·lícula?
Are we ready to go now?Estem preparats per marxar ara?
Would you like to come?Li agradaria venir?
I don't speak very wellNo parlo gaire bé
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

•   Are sentences
•   Can sentences
•   Come sentences
•   Could sentences
•   Did sentences
•   Do sentences
•   Don't sentences
•   Have sentences
•   He sentences
•   His sentences
•   How sentences
•   I sentences
•   If sentences
•   I'm sentences
•   Is sentences
•   It sentences
•   Let sentences
•   May sentences
•   My sentences
•   No sentences

Catalan Vocabulary
Catalan Dictionary