How sentences in Maltese and English

‘How’ sentences in Maltese with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Maltese translation of How sentences and play How sentences quiz in Maltese language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Maltese sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Maltese language in an easy way. To learn Maltese language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

How sentences in Maltese

How sentences in Maltese and English

The list of 'How' sentences in Maltese language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Maltese translations.

How about you? u inti?
How are you? kif inti?
How are you peter? kif int petru?
How about another piece of cake? xi ngħidu għal biċċa kejk oħra?
How to know that kif tkun taf li
How was your breakfast? kif kien il-kolazzjon tiegħek?
How was your day? kif kienet il-ġurnata tiegħek?
How was your night? kif irqadt?
How was your summer? kif kien is-sajf tiegħek?
How was your weekend? Kif kien il-'weekend?
How is it going? kif int sejjer?
How is your life? kif hi ħajtek?
How is your family? kif inhi familtek?
How is it? Kif inhi?
How about tomorrow? kif dwar għada?
How about you? u inti?
How are you? kif inti?
How are you peter? kif int petru?
How about another piece of cake? xi ngħidu għal biċċa kejk oħra?
How to know that kif tkun taf li
How was your breakfast? kif kien il-kolazzjon tiegħek?
How was your day? kif kienet il-ġurnata tiegħek?
How was your night? kif irqadt?
How was your summer? kif kien is-sajf tiegħek?
How was your weekend? Kif kien il-'weekend?
How is it going? kif int sejjer?
How is your life? kif hi ħajtek?
How is your family? kif inhi familtek?
How is it? Kif inhi?
How about tomorrow? kif dwar għada?
How are things going? kif sejrin l-affarijiet?
How are things? kif aħna?
How can I find this place? kif nista' nsib dan il-post?
How can I get in touch with you? kif nista' nagħmel kuntatt miegħek?
How can I get there? kif nista nasal hemm?
How can I get to the station? kif nista' nasal l-istazzjon?
How can I help you? kif nista ngħinek?
How can I tell if I'm really in love? kif nista 'ngħid jekk jien verament inħobb?
How deep is the lake? kemm hu fond il-lag?
How did you learn about that news? kif tgħallimt dwar dik l-aħbar?
How did you make it? kif għamiltu?
How do I report a theft? kif nirrapporta serq?
How do you come to school? kif tasal l-iskola?
How do you feel about it? kif tħossok dwar dan?
How do you feel about the issue? kif tħossok dwar il-kwistjoni?
How does your opinion differ from his? kif tvarja l-opinjoni tiegħek minn tiegħu?
How far is it from here? kemm hi bogħod minn hawn?
How high is that mountain? kemm hi għolja dik il-muntanja?
How is your dad? kif inhu missierek?
How late are you open? kemm tkun tard tiftaħ?
How long can I keep this book? kemm nista' nżomm dan il-ktieb?
How old are you? kemm għandek żmien?
How long will you stay here? kemm se tibqa' hawn?
How long does it take? kemm iddum?
How many kids do you have? kemm għandek tfal?

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Eat tiekol
All kollha
New ġdid
Snore inħir
Fast malajr
Help għajnuna
Pain uġigħ
Rain xita
Pride kburija
Sense sens
Large kbar
Skill ħila
Panic paniku
Thank grazzi
Desire xewqa
Woman mara
Hungry bil-ġuħ
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