English to Maltese A-Z Dictionary

English to Maltese translation / English to Maltese Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Maltese language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Maltese through English in an easy way. English to Maltese translation helps you to learn any word in Maltese using English in an interesting way.

English to Maltese translation – Words start with M

Here is a collection of words starting with M and also you can learn Maltese translation of a word start with M with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Maltese translation – Words start with M

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Maltese Dictionary – Words start with M

If you want to know the Maltese translation of a word start with M, you can search that word and learn Maltese translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with M

Mare debba
Mongoose mongoose
Monkey xadina
Mosquito nemus
Mouse ġurdien
Mule bagħal
Macaw macaw
Magpie magpie
Mynah mynah
Mosque moskea
Maize qamħirrum
Millet millieġ
Maida maida
Making Nagħmlu
Military Militari
Motion Mozzjoni
Movie Film
Music Mużika
Mystery Misteru
Mediterranean Mediterranju
Mist ċpar
Monsoon monsoon
Mudslide valanga tat-tajn
Muffler silencer
Magenta kulur aħmar vjola ċar
Measure miżura
Memory memorja
Management Science Xjenza tal-Ġestjoni
Mass Communication Komunikazzjoni tal-Massa
Multimedia Multimidja
Money flus
Monday It-Tnejn
Morning Filgħodu
Mad ġenn
Measles ħosba
Meadow mergħa
Meander meandru
Misty ċpar
Mossy ħażiż
Mound munzuna
Mountain muntanji
Mud tajn
Mulch mulch
Mother omm
Mother-in-law kunjata
Mistress mistress
Madan mogra madan mogra
Marigold marigold
Maulsari maulsari
Murraya murraya

Top 1000 Maltese words

Here you learn top 1000 Maltese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Maltese meanings with transliteration.

Eat tiekol
All kollha
New ġdid
Snore inħir
Fast malajr
Help għajnuna
Pain uġigħ
Rain xita
Pride kburija
Sense sens
Large kbar
Skill ħila
Panic paniku
Thank grazzi
Desire xewqa
Woman mara
Hungry bil-ġuħ

Daily use Maltese Sentences

Here you learn top Maltese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Maltese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bongu
What is your name X'jismek
What is your problem x'inhi l-problema tiegħek?
I hate you nobgħodok
I love you inħobbok
Can I help you nista 'ngħinek?
I am sorry Jiddispjaċini
I want to sleep Irrid norqod
This is very important Dan huwa importanti ħafna
Are you hungry int bil-ġuħ?
How is your life kif hi ħajtek?
I am going to study jien se nistudja
Maltese Vocabulary
Maltese Dictionary

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