I sentences in Sindhi and English

‘I’ sentences in Sindhi with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Sindhi translation of I sentences and play I sentences quiz in Sindhi language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Sindhi sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Sindhi language in an easy way. To learn Sindhi language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

I sentences in Sindhi

I sentences in Sindhi and English

The list of 'I' sentences in Sindhi language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Sindhi translations.

I accepted her invitation مون سندس دعوت قبول ڪئي
I agree مان متفق آهيان
I agree with you مان توهان سان متفق آهيان
I admire his talent مان سندس قابليت کي ساراهيان ٿو
I agree with your opinion مان توهان جي راء سان متفق آهيان
I am a student مان هڪ شاگرد آهيان
I am going to study مان پڙهندو آهيان
I am interested in swimming مون کي ترڻ ۾ دلچسپي آهي
I am just going for a walk مان صرف سير لاءِ وڃي رهيو آهيان
I am feeling tired today مان اڄ ٿڪل محسوس ڪري رهيو آهيان
I am glad to be with you مان توهان سان گڏ خوش آهيان
I am not a teacher مان استاد نه آهيان
I am sorry مون کي افسوس آهي
I am talking with my mother مان پنهنجي ماءُ سان ڳالهائي رهيو آهيان
I am thinking about my children مان پنهنجي ٻارن جي باري ۾ سوچي رهيو آهيان
I accepted her invitation مون سندس دعوت قبول ڪئي
I agree مان متفق آهيان
I agree with you مان توهان سان متفق آهيان
I admire his talent مان سندس قابليت کي ساراهيان ٿو
I agree with your opinion مان توهان جي راء سان متفق آهيان
I am a student مان هڪ شاگرد آهيان
I am going to study مان پڙهندو آهيان
I am interested in swimming مون کي ترڻ ۾ دلچسپي آهي
I am just going for a walk مان صرف سير لاءِ وڃي رهيو آهيان
I am feeling tired today مان اڄ ٿڪل محسوس ڪري رهيو آهيان
I am glad to be with you مان توهان سان گڏ خوش آهيان
I am not a teacher مان استاد نه آهيان
I am sorry مون کي افسوس آهي
I am talking with my mother مان پنهنجي ماءُ سان ڳالهائي رهيو آهيان
I am thinking about my children مان پنهنجي ٻارن جي باري ۾ سوچي رهيو آهيان
I am very pleased to meet you مون کي توسان ملي ڏاڍي خوشي ٿي
I apologize if I hurt your feelings مان معافي وٺان ٿو جيڪڏهن مون توهان جي جذبات کي نقصان پهچايو
I arrived there too early مان اتي تمام جلد پهچي ويس
I believe you مان توهان کي يقين ڏيان ٿو
I bought it last week مون ان کي گذريل هفتي خريد ڪيو
I can do this job مان هي ڪم ڪري سگهان ٿو
I can run faster مان تيز ڊوڙي سگهان ٿو
I can sing well مان سٺو ڳائي سگهان ٿو
I can speak English مان انگريزي ڳالهائي سگهان ٿو
I can swim مان ترڻ ڪري سگهان ٿو
I can’t believe it مان ان تي يقين نه ٿو ڪري سگھان
I can't come مان نه ٿو اچي سگهان
I can't follow you مان توهان جي پيروي نه ٿو ڪري سگهان
I can't agree with you مان توهان سان متفق نه ٿو ٿي سگهان
I can't remember his name مان هن جو نالو ياد نٿو ڪري سگهان
I can't hear you مان توهان کي ٻڌي نٿو سگهان
I can't see anything مان ڪجهه به نه ٿو ڏسي سگهان
I didn't like it مون کي اهو پسند نه آيو
I disagree with you مان توهان سان متفق آهيان
I do not understand مان نٿو سمجهان
I don’t know مون کي ناهي خبر
I don't have any money مون وٽ پئسا نه آهن
I don't like the color مون کي رنگ پسند نه آهي
I had a good idea مون کي هڪ سٺو خيال هو
I like it very much مون کي اهو تمام گهڻو پسند آهي
I need more time مون کي وڌيڪ وقت گهرجي
I want to sleep مان سمهڻ چاهيان ٿو
I wish you good luck مان توهان کي سٺي قسمت جي خواهشمند آهيان

‘I’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Sindhi words

Here you learn top 1000 Sindhi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Sindhi meanings with transliteration.

Eat کائڻ
All سڀ
New نئون
Snore خراڙ
Fast تيز
Help مدد
Pain درد
Rain مينهن
Pride فخر
Sense احساس
Large وڏو
Skill مهارت
Panic هراس
Thank مهرباني
Desire خواهش
Woman عورت
Hungry بکايل
Sindhi Vocabulary
Sindhi Dictionary

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