English to Sindhi A-Z Dictionary

English to Sindhi translation / English to Sindhi Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Sindhi language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Sindhi through English in an easy way. English to Sindhi translation helps you to learn any word in Sindhi using English in an interesting way.

English to Sindhi translation – Words start with I

Here is a collection of words starting with I and also you can learn Sindhi translation of a word start with I with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Sindhi translation – Words start with I

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Sindhi Dictionary – Words start with I

If you want to know the Sindhi translation of a word start with I, you can search that word and learn Sindhi translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with I

Iguana iguana
Ice Factory برف جو ڪارخانو
Inn سرائي
Ice storm برفاني طوفان
Identify سڃاڻڻ
Important اهم
Information ڄاڻ
Input ان پٽ
Install انسٽال ڪريو
Instruction هدايت
Internal اندروني
Internet انٽرنيٽ
Information Technology ڪمپيوٽر جي استعمال جو مطالعو
Instrumentation ماپڻ جي اوزارن جو مطالعو
Interior Design عمارت جي داخلي کي وڌائڻ جو مطالعو
Illegal غير قانوني
Itch خارش
Indian tulip هندستاني ٽولي
Ingredient جزو
I love you مان توهان سان پيار ٿو ڪيان
I love you so much مان توهان سان تمام گهڻو پيار ٿو ڪيان
I love you very much مان توسان تمام گهڻو پيار ڪريان ٿو
Im in love مان پيار ۾ آهيان
Im in love with you مون کي توسان پيار آهي
I missed you so much مون توهان کي تمام گهڻو ياد ڪيو
Im crazy about you مان توهان لاءِ چريو آهيان
I really appreciate it مان واقعي ان جي ساراهه ڪريان ٿو
I am fine آئون ٺيڪ آهيان
Im sorry مون کي افسوس آهي
Im so sorry مون کي ڏاڍو افسوس آهي
Im crazy with you مان توهان سان گڏ چريو آهيان
I miss you توهانجي سِڪ لڳي آ
I really miss you مان واقعي توکي ياد ڪريان ٿو
I really miss you so much مان واقعي توکي تمام گهڻو ياد ڪريان ٿو
Infirmary انفرمري
Injuries زخم
Iron لوهه
Ice Cream آئس ڪريم
Intestine آنت
Inclusive شامل
Injury زخم
Insurance انشورنس
Industry صنعت
Interview انٽرويو
Involves شامل آهي
Island ٻيٽ
Issue مسئلو
Inches انچ
Ideas خيالات
Implement لاڳو ڪرڻ

Top 1000 Sindhi words

Here you learn top 1000 Sindhi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Sindhi meanings with transliteration.

Eat کائڻ
All سڀ
New نئون
Snore خراڙ
Fast تيز
Help مدد
Pain درد
Rain مينهن
Pride فخر
Sense احساس
Large وڏو
Skill مهارت
Panic هراس
Thank مهرباني
Desire خواهش
Woman عورت
Hungry بکايل

Daily use Sindhi Sentences

Here you learn top Sindhi sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Sindhi meanings with transliteration.

Good morning صبح جو سلام
What is your name توهان جو نالو ڇا آهي
What is your problem توهانجو مسئلو ڇا آهي؟
I hate you مون کي توسان نفرت آهي
I love you مان توهان سان پيار ٿو ڪيان
Can I help you ڇا مان توهان جي مدد ڪري سگهان ٿو؟
I am sorry مون کي افسوس آهي
I want to sleep مان سمهڻ چاهيان ٿو
This is very important هي تمام ضروري آهي
Are you hungry ڇا توهان بکيو آهيو؟
How is your life توهان جي زندگي ڪيئن آهي؟
I am going to study مان پڙهندو آهيان
Sindhi Vocabulary
Sindhi Dictionary

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