I sentences in Serbian and English

‘I’ sentences in Serbian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Serbian translation of I sentences and play I sentences quiz in Serbian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Serbian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Serbian language in an easy way. To learn Serbian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

I sentences in Serbian

I sentences in Serbian and English

The list of 'I' sentences in Serbian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Serbian translations.

I accepted her invitation Прихватио сам њен позив
I agree слажем се
I agree with you Слажем се са тобом
I admire his talent Дивим се његовом таленту
I agree with your opinion Слажем се са вашим мишљењем
I am a student ја сам студент
I am going to study Ја ћу да студирам
I am interested in swimming Занима ме пливање
I am just going for a walk Идем само у шетњу
I am feeling tired today Данас се осећам уморно
I am glad to be with you Драго ми је што сам са вама
I am not a teacher Ја нисам учитељ
I am sorry Жао ми је
I am talking with my mother Разговарам са својом мајком
I am thinking about my children Размишљам о својој деци
I accepted her invitation Прихватио сам њен позив
I agree слажем се
I agree with you Слажем се са тобом
I admire his talent Дивим се његовом таленту
I agree with your opinion Слажем се са вашим мишљењем
I am a student ја сам студент
I am going to study Ја ћу да студирам
I am interested in swimming Занима ме пливање
I am just going for a walk Идем само у шетњу
I am feeling tired today Данас се осећам уморно
I am glad to be with you Драго ми је што сам са вама
I am not a teacher Ја нисам учитељ
I am sorry Жао ми је
I am talking with my mother Разговарам са својом мајком
I am thinking about my children Размишљам о својој деци
I am very pleased to meet you Веома сам задовољан што смо се упознали
I apologize if I hurt your feelings Извињавам се ако сам повредио твоја осећања
I arrived there too early Стигао сам тамо прерано
I believe you верујем ти
I bought it last week Купио сам га прошле недеље
I can do this job Могу да радим овај посао
I can run faster Могу да трчим брже
I can sing well Знам добро да певам
I can speak English Умем да говорим енглески
I can swim ја умем да пливам
I can’t believe it Не могу да верујем
I can't come Не могу доћи
I can't follow you Не могу да те пратим
I can't agree with you не могу да се сложим са тобом
I can't remember his name Не могу да се сетим његовог имена
I can't hear you Не чујем те
I can't see anything не видим ништа
I didn't like it није ми се свидело
I disagree with you Не слажем се са вама
I do not understand Не разумем
I don’t know Не знам
I don't have any money Ја немам новца
I don't like the color Не свиђа ми се боја
I had a good idea Имао сам добру идеју
I like it very much то ми се много допада
I need more time Треба ми још времена
I want to sleep Хоћу да спавам
I wish you good luck Желим вам пуно среће

‘I’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Serbian words

Here you learn top 1000 Serbian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Serbian meanings with transliteration.

Eat јести
All све
New Нова
Snore хркање
Fast брзо
Help помоћ
Pain бол
Rain киша
Pride Понос
Sense смисао
Large велики
Skill вештина
Panic паника
Thank захвалити
Desire жеља
Woman жена
Hungry гладан
Serbian Vocabulary
Serbian Dictionary

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