English to Serbian A-Z Dictionary

English to Serbian translation / English to Serbian Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Serbian language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Serbian through English in an easy way. English to Serbian translation helps you to learn any word in Serbian using English in an interesting way.

English to Serbian translation – Words start with U

Here is a collection of words starting with U and also you can learn Serbian translation of a word start with U with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Serbian translation – Words start with U

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Serbian Dictionary – Words start with U

If you want to know the Serbian translation of a word start with U, you can search that word and learn Serbian translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with U

University универзитета univerziteta
Urinal писоар pisoar
Underpants гаће gaće
Underwear Доњи веш Donji veš
Uniform униформа uniforma
Update ажурирање ažuriranje
Urban урбан urban
Uncle ујак ujak
Under испод ispod
Umbrella кишобран kišobran
Utensils посуђе posuđe
Unemployed незапослени nezaposleni
Unit јединица jedinica
Uranus уран uran
Universe универзум univerzum
Understory ундерстори understori
Ungodly безбожник bezbožnik
Unholy несвети nesveti
Unorthodox неортодоксни neortodoksni
Untouchable недодирљив nedodirljiv
Unsafe несигурно
Unfasten откопчати
Unlike за разлику од
Unusual необичан
Unaware несвестан
Uppermost најгорњи
Unkind нељубазни
Unhappy несрећни
Unbiased непристрасан
Upset узнемирен
Urgent хитно
Ugly ружна
Use Користите
Ultimate крајњи
Unbelievable невероватно
Unconditional безусловно
Understand разумети
Unique јединствени
Unity јединство
Unreal нестварно
Up горе
Upgrade надоградити
Useful корисним
Undermine поткопати
Unfair неправедно
Unfavorable неповољан
Unhealthy нездраво
Unlucky несрећни
Unpleasant непријатан
Unreliable непоуздан

Top 1000 Serbian words

Here you learn top 1000 Serbian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Serbian meanings with transliteration.

Eat јести
All све
New Нова
Snore хркање
Fast брзо
Help помоћ
Pain бол
Rain киша
Pride Понос
Sense смисао
Large велики
Skill вештина
Panic паника
Thank захвалити
Desire жеља
Woman жена
Hungry гладан

Daily use Serbian Sentences

Here you learn top Serbian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Serbian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Добро јутро
What is your name Како се зовеш
What is your problem Шта је твој проблем?
I hate you Мрзим те
I love you Волим те
Can I help you Могу ли ти помоћи?
I am sorry Жао ми је
I want to sleep Хоћу да спавам
This is very important Ово је веома важно
Are you hungry Јеси ли гладан?
How is your life Како је твој живот?
I am going to study Ја ћу да студирам
Serbian Vocabulary
Serbian Dictionary

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