Let sentences in Japanese and English

‘Let’ sentences in Japanese with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Japanese translation of Let sentences and play Let sentences quiz in Japanese language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Japanese sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Japanese language in an easy way. To learn Japanese language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Let sentences in Japanese

Let sentences in Japanese and English

The list of 'Let' sentences in Japanese language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Japanese translations.

Let me check 確認させてください que rensasetekudasai
Let me have a look at the picture 写真を見てみましょう xie zhenwo jiantemimashou
Let me in 入らせて rurasete
Let me know お知らせ下さい o zhirase xiasai
Let me read the paper when you have finished with it 終わったらその論文を読ませてください zhongwattarasono lun wenwo dumasetekudasai
Let me say 私は言わせて siha yanwasete
Let me see そうねぇ soune~e
Let me tell you about the case 事件についてお話ししましょう shi jiannitsuiteo huashishimashou
Let’s celebrate! さぁ祝おう! sa~a zhuou!
Let's always be friends いつも友達になりましょう itsumo you daninarimashou
Let's ask the teacher 先生に聞いてみよう xian shengni wenitemiyou
Let's be friends forever 永遠に友達になりましょう yong yuanni you daninarimashou
Let's drop by his house 彼の家に立ち寄りましょう bino jiani lichi jirimashou
Let's go by bus バスで行こう basude xingkou
Let's go out and eat 外に出て食べましょう waini chute shibemashou
Let me check 確認させてください que rensasetekudasai
Let me have a look at the picture 写真を見てみましょう xie zhenwo jiantemimashou
Let me in 入らせて rurasete
Let me know お知らせ下さい o zhirase xiasai
Let me read the paper when you have finished with it 終わったらその論文を読ませてください zhongwattarasono lun wenwo dumasetekudasai
Let me say 私は言わせて siha yanwasete
Let me see そうねぇ soune~e
Let me tell you about the case 事件についてお話ししましょう shi jiannitsuiteo huashishimashou
Let’s celebrate! さぁ祝おう! sa~a zhuou!
Let's always be friends いつも友達になりましょう itsumo you daninarimashou
Let's ask the teacher 先生に聞いてみよう xian shengni wenitemiyou
Let's be friends forever 永遠に友達になりましょう yong yuanni you daninarimashou
Let's drop by his house 彼の家に立ち寄りましょう bino jiani lichi jirimashou
Let's go by bus バスで行こう basude xingkou
Let's go out and eat 外に出て食べましょう waini chute shibemashou
Let's go to a movie 映画に行こう ying huani xingkou
Let's have dinner 夕食を取ろう xi shiwo qurou
Let's hurry up 急いでみよう jiidemiyou
Let's leave her alone 彼女を放っておこう bi nuwo fangtteokou
Let's leave it そのままにしておきましょう sonomamanishiteokimashou
Let's not do the work 仕事をしないようにしましょう shi shiwoshinaiyounishimashou
Let's start the party パーティーを始めましょう patiwo shimemashou
Let's wrap up this work now この作業をまとめましょう kono zuo yewomatomemashou

‘Let’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Japanese words

Here you learn top 1000 Japanese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Japanese meanings with transliteration.

Eat 食べる shiberu
All 全て quante
New 新着 xin zhe
Snore いびき ibiki
Fast 速い sui
Help ヘルプ herupu
Pain 痛み tongmi
Rain 雨 yu
Pride 誇り kuari
Sense 検出 jian chu
Large 大きい dakii
Skill スキル sukiru
Panic パニック panikku
Thank 感謝 gan xie
Desire 欲望 yu wang
Woman 女性 nu xing
Hungry お腹がすいた o fugasuita
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