Would sentences in Icelandic and English

‘Would’ sentences in Icelandic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Icelandic translation of Would sentences and play Would sentences quiz in Icelandic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Icelandic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Icelandic language in an easy way. To learn Icelandic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Would sentences in Icelandic

Would sentences in Icelandic and English

The list of 'Would' sentences in Icelandic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Icelandic translations.

Would you do me a favor? Viltu gera mér greiða?
Would you do something for me? Viltu gera eitthvað fyrir mig?
Would you join me for a walk? Viltu fara með mér í göngutúr?
Would you like ice? Viltu ís?
Would you like some more cake? Langar þig í meiri köku?
Would you like to come? Myndirðu vilja koma?
Would you like to dance with me? Viltu dansa við mig?
Would you like to go? Viltu fara?
Would you like to wait? Viltu bíða?
Would you play with me? Myndirðu leika við mig?
Would you please try again later? Viltu vinsamlegast reyna aftur síðar?
Would you say it once more? Myndirðu segja það einu sinni enn?
Would you teach me? Myndirðu kenna mér?
Would you like to read his speech? Viltu lesa ræðuna hans?
Would it do any good? Myndi það gera eitthvað gagn?
Would you do me a favor? Viltu gera mér greiða?
Would you do something for me? Viltu gera eitthvað fyrir mig?
Would you join me for a walk? Viltu fara með mér í göngutúr?
Would you like ice? Viltu ís?
Would you like some more cake? Langar þig í meiri köku?
Would you like to come? Myndirðu vilja koma?
Would you like to dance with me? Viltu dansa við mig?
Would you like to go? Viltu fara?
Would you like to wait? Viltu bíða?
Would you play with me? Myndirðu leika við mig?
Would you please try again later? Viltu vinsamlegast reyna aftur síðar?
Would you say it once more? Myndirðu segja það einu sinni enn?
Would you teach me? Myndirðu kenna mér?
Would you like to read his speech? Viltu lesa ræðuna hans?
Would it do any good? Myndi það gera eitthvað gagn?
Would he have married viji? Hefði hann gifst Viji?
Would you like to play a game? Langar þig að spila leik?
Would you kill me? Myndirðu drepa mig?
Would you love me? Myndirðu elska mig?
Would you like me? Viltu mig?
Would you hate me? Myndirðu hata mig?
Would you like to join us tonight? Viltu vera með okkur í kvöld?
Would you please carry this for me? Viltu vinsamlegast bera þetta fyrir mig?
Would you like to come tomorrow? Viltu koma á morgun?
Would you run with me? Myndirðu hlaupa með mér?
Would he pay for the lunch? Myndi hann borga fyrir hádegismatinn?
Would that be a good idea? Væri það góð hugmynd?
Would you make dinner? Myndir þú búa til kvöldmat?
Would you come with me? Myndirðu koma með mér?
Would you come here? Myndirðu koma hingað?
Would you come tomorrow? Myndirðu koma á morgun?

‘Would’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Icelandic words

Here you learn top 1000 Icelandic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Icelandic meanings with transliteration.

Eat borða
All allt
New nýr
Snore hrjóta
Fast hratt
Help hjálp
Pain sársauka
Rain rigning
Pride Stolt
Sense skyn
Large stór
Skill hæfni
Panic hræðsla
Thank þakka
Desire löngun
Woman konu
Hungry svangur
Icelandic Vocabulary
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