List of Negative words in Icelandic and English

To learn Icelandic language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Negative words in English with Icelandic translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Negative words in Icelandic, this place will help you to learn Negative words in Icelandic language with their pronunciation in English. Negative words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Icelandic.

List of Negative words in Icelandic and English

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Negative words in Icelandic

Here is the list of Negative words in Icelandic language and their pronunciation in English.

Adverse skaðleg
Angry reiður
Annoy ónáða
Anxious kvíðinn
Apathy sinnuleysi
Appalling skelfilegt
Arrogant hrokafullur
Atrocious grimmur
Awful hræðilegt
Bad slæmt
Banal banal
Barbed gadda
Belligerent herskár
Bemoan harma
Beneath fyrir neðan
Boring leiðinlegur
Broken brotið
Callous kvíðalaus
Careless kærulaus
Clumsy klaufalegt
Coarse gróft
Collapse hrynja
Confused ruglaður
Contradictory misvísandi
Contrary þvert á móti
Corrosive ætandi
Corrupt spillt
Crazy brjálaður
Creepy hrollvekjandi
Criminal glæpamaður
Cruel grimmur
Cry gráta
Cutting klippa
Damage skemmdir
Dead dauður
Decaying rotnandi
Deformed vansköpuð
Deny afneita
Deplorable ömurlegt
Depressed þunglyndur
Deprived sviptur
Despicable fyrirlitlegur
Dirty skítugur
Disease sjúkdómur
Disgusting ógeðslegt
Dishonest óheiðarlegur
Dishonorable óheiðarlegur
Distress neyð
Dreadful hræðilegt
Evil illt
Fail mistakast
Faulty gölluð
Fear ótta
Feeble veikburða
Fight bardagi
Filthy skítugt
Foul rangt
Ghastly hræðilegt
Grave gröf
Greed græðgi
Grimace gremju
Gross brúttó
Gruesome hryllilegt
Guilty sekur
Haggard hrörlegur
Hard erfitt
Harmful skaðlegt
Hate hata
Hideous forljótur
Homely heimilislegt

Top 1000 Icelandic words

Here you learn top 1000 Icelandic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Icelandic meanings with transliteration.

Eat borða
All allt
New nýr
Snore hrjóta
Fast hratt
Help hjálp
Pain sársauka
Rain rigning
Pride Stolt
Sense skyn
Large stór
Skill hæfni
Panic hræðsla
Thank þakka
Desire löngun
Woman konu
Hungry svangur

Daily use Icelandic Sentences

Here you learn top Icelandic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Icelandic meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Góðan daginn
What is your name Hvað heitir þú
What is your problem Hvað er vandamálið þitt?
I hate you ég hata þig
I love you ég elska þig
Can I help you Get ég hjálpað þér?
I am sorry Fyrirgefðu
I want to sleep Ég vil sofa
This is very important Þetta er mjög mikilvægt
Are you hungry Ertu svangur?
How is your life Hvernig er líf þitt?
I am going to study Ég er að fara að læra
Icelandic Vocabulary
Icelandic Dictionary

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