I sentences in Estonian and English

‘I’ sentences in Estonian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Estonian translation of I sentences and play I sentences quiz in Estonian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Estonian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Estonian language in an easy way. To learn Estonian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

I sentences in Estonian

I sentences in Estonian and English

The list of 'I' sentences in Estonian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Estonian translations.

I accepted her invitation Võtsin ta kutse vastu
I agree ma nõustun
I agree with you ma nõustun sinuga
I admire his talent Imetlen tema talenti
I agree with your opinion Nõustun teie arvamusega
I am a student ma olen õpilane
I am going to study ma hakkan õppima
I am interested in swimming Olen huvitatud ujumisest
I am just going for a walk Ma lähen lihtsalt jalutama
I am feeling tired today Tunnen end täna väsinuna
I am glad to be with you Mul on hea meel teiega olla
I am not a teacher Ma ei ole õpetaja
I am sorry mul on kahju
I am talking with my mother Ma räägin oma emaga
I am thinking about my children Ma mõtlen oma lastele
I accepted her invitation Võtsin ta kutse vastu
I agree ma nõustun
I agree with you ma nõustun sinuga
I admire his talent Imetlen tema talenti
I agree with your opinion Nõustun teie arvamusega
I am a student ma olen õpilane
I am going to study ma hakkan õppima
I am interested in swimming Olen huvitatud ujumisest
I am just going for a walk Ma lähen lihtsalt jalutama
I am feeling tired today Tunnen end täna väsinuna
I am glad to be with you Mul on hea meel teiega olla
I am not a teacher Ma ei ole õpetaja
I am sorry mul on kahju
I am talking with my mother Ma räägin oma emaga
I am thinking about my children Ma mõtlen oma lastele
I am very pleased to meet you Mul on väga hea meel teiega kohtuda
I apologize if I hurt your feelings Vabandan, kui solvasin teie tundeid
I arrived there too early Jõudsin sinna liiga vara
I believe you ma usun sind
I bought it last week Ostsin selle eelmisel nädalal
I can do this job Ma saan seda tööd teha
I can run faster Ma suudan kiiremini joosta
I can sing well Ma oskan hästi laulda
I can speak English ma oskan inglise keelt rääkida
I can swim ma oskan ujuda
I can’t believe it Ma ei suuda seda uskuda
I can't come Ma ei saa tulla
I can't follow you Ma ei saa sind jälgida
I can't agree with you Ma ei saa sinuga nõustuda
I can't remember his name Ma ei mäleta ta nime
I can't hear you Ma ei kuule sind
I can't see anything Ma ei näe midagi
I didn't like it Mulle see ei meeldinud
I disagree with you Ma ei nõustu sinuga
I do not understand ma ei saa aru
I don’t know ma ei tea
I don't have any money Mul ei ole raha
I don't like the color Mulle ei meeldi värv
I had a good idea Mul oli hea idee
I like it very much Mulle meeldib see väga
I need more time Ma vajan rohkem aega
I want to sleep ma tahan magada
I wish you good luck ma soovin sulle edu

‘I’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Estonian words

Here you learn top 1000 Estonian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Estonian meanings with transliteration.

Eat sööma
All kõik
New uus
Snore norskama
Fast kiire
Help abi
Pain valu
Rain vihma
Pride uhkus
Sense meel
Large suur
Skill oskus
Panic paanika
Thank tänan
Desire soov
Woman naine
Hungry näljane
Estonian Vocabulary
Estonian Dictionary

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