Multi-language A-Z Dictionary

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Multi-language translation - Words start with C

Here is a collection of words starting with C and also you can learn Multi-language translation of a word start with C with the help of pronunciation in English.

Multi-language translation - Words start with C

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

English to Multi-language translation - Words start with C

If you want to know the Multi-language translation of a word start with A, you can search that word and learn different language translations with the help of pronunciation in English.

Calf Camel Cat
Chimpanzee Cow Crocodile
Chicken Cockatoo Crane
Crow Cuckoo Cygnet
Ceiling Cement Chain
Chimney Church Cinema Hall
Cloister College Cottage
Courtyard Cheese Coffee
Cast Category Character
Cinema Comedy Crime
Cloudiness Cyclone Cap
Cloth Coat Cotton
Cyan Cloud Computer
Connect Copy Corrupted
Create Ceramic Chartered Accountancy
Choreography Civil Communication
Computer Applications Computer Science Commit
Criminal Cross Cancer
Catarrh Cholera Cough
Cavern Cliff Climate
Coast Contamination Cove
Crag Craggy Creek
Child Camomile Chrysanthemum
Cobra saffron Crape Jasmine Creeper
Crossandra Cypress Vine Carve
Chop Cook Cookbook
Cherries Currant Custard Apple
Carbuncle Coral Card
Company Content Congratulations
Cash Cashier Change
Cheque Coin Cosmetics
Counter Coupon Credit
Customer Clinical Contusion
Convalesce Convulsion Cramp
Cripple Crutch Cure
Capsule Cardiology Clinic
Cough syrup Colors Chair
Candle Carpet Casket
Cauldron Clothes Containers
Camera Cheek Chest
Chin Calculation Claim
Client Commission Compensation
Complete Comprehension Consequence
Candidates Children City
Consulting Conversation Country
Cabinet Caddy Carafe
Casserole Cleanser Cooker
Cup Cutlery Canal
Cave Canyon Case
Contract Corruption Court
Claiming Collaboration Conciliation
Cooperation Costs Capacity
Century Circumstances Clarification
Collaborate Comment Complaint
Copper Coal Chalk
Cornelian Censor Check
Correspondent Critic Carpenter
Carrier Chauffeur Chemist
Cleaner Clerk Coachman
Cobbler Collector Compositor
Compounder Conductor Confectioner
Constable Contractor Coolie
Craftsman Characterology Chavezology
Chronology Climatology Coleopterology
Coniology Conchology Cosmetology
Craniology Criminology Cynology
Cytomorphology Cytology Clip
Crown Causeway Close court
Crescent Crematorium Cactus
Calyx Canopy Carpel
Clover Cork Civilization
Classism Coalition Cohabitation
Collusion Colonial Committee
Communism Confederacy Conference
Conflict Constitution Convention
Council Countryman Crisis
Culture Careful Canonical
Ceremonial Chapel Chastity
Christian Conclave Confession
Conformist Congregation Consecrate
Contrition Crucifix Cult
Canteen Cooking Cuisine
Calculator Compass Clock
Class Coach Camping
Clouds Circle Cylinder
Cone Cube Counterfoil
Crayon Chemistry Civics
Commerce Camp Car
Cruise Cabbage Carrot
Cauliflower Cucumber Capsicum
Celery Chilli Cluster Beans
Coriander Corn Cowpea
Curry Leaf Celsius Chill
Clear Cool Capricorn
Condense Capable Correct
Clumsy Care Clarify
Confine Contain Conform
Comply Confuse Complicate
Congested Conscientious Conscious
Consecutive Conservative Cautious
Considerate Constantly Contaminate
Contented Continue Convenient
Cozy Comfortable Cranky
Crazy Cruel Cry
Convinced Curtail Consume
Cordial Crucial Clever
Combative Close Continuous
Choose Courageous Cowardly
Careless Closed Compliment
Constant Changeable Clean
Cheap Come Cold
Cache Caddie Cain
Cane Capital Capitol
Cell Cent Cheep
Chic Cite Click
Clique Climb Clime
Coarse Course Colonel
Command Commend Complement
Coulee Coop Coupe
Cops Copse Choral
Cord Chord Core
Corps Coughers Coffers
Counsel Cozen Cousin
Craft Crape Crepe
Crawl Creak Crewel
Confidant Confident Call off
Cancel Call on Complex
Convoluted Challenge Combat
Circular Celebration Centered
Certain Champion Charming
Cheerful Choice Clarity
Collected Comfort Community
Compassion Concentration Connection
Conservation Consideration Contribution
Conviction Courage Creativity
Curious Cute Callous
Collapse Confused Contradictory
Contrary Corrosive Corrupt
Creepy Cutting Confidence
Cheater Conditionality Counselor
Compression Concession Creation
Cannot Caretaker Chairman
Checkup Childcare Classroom
Clockwise Countdown Counterclockwise
Crosswalk Calculate Call
Carry Catch Cause
Celebrate Chart Collect
Combine Communicate Compare
Compete Complain Concentrate
Concern Confirm Consider
Consist Consult Contact
Contest Contribute Convert
Convince Cost Could
Count Couple Cover
Crack Crash Crew
Criticize Curve Cut
Cycle Candidate Championship
Chapter Charity Childhood
Chocolate Cigarette Collection
Combination Comparison Competition
Concept Conclusion Confusion
Construction Context Control
Cookie County Criticism
Currency Calm Cloudy
Colorful Concerned Condemned
Cooperative Crowded Calmly
Carefully Certainly Cheerfully
Clearly Closely Colorfully
Commonly Correctly Concerning
Considering Counting Consequently
Cheers Cheat Color
Crowd Cattle Common
Compel Corner Custom
Capture Chamber Coconut
Conduct Costume Campaign
Carriage Cleavage Conserve
Consumer Critical Calibrate
Curiosity Chloroform Combustion
Compulsory Confection Certificate
Cultivation Corporation Conformation
Classification Congratulation Cab
Cabal Cabaret Cabbing
Cabin Cable Cablegram
Cabletelevision Cabman Cabriolet
Cachalot Cachet Cachinnate
Cackle Cackler Cacography
Cacophony Cad Cadaver
Cadence Cadet Cadge
Cadger Cadi Cadre
Caesar Cafe Caffeine
Caftan Cage Cajole
Cajolement Cajoler Cajolery
Cajolingly Cake Cakewalk
Calamitous Calamity Calando
Calcify Calcine Calcium
Calculable Calculative Calculus
Calendar Calends Caliban
Caliber Calico Caliper
Caliph Calisthenics Calix
Calk Caller Calligraphy
Calling Callus Calmness
Caloric Calorie Calumniate
Calumnious Calumny Calvary
Calve Calx Calypso
Cam Cambric Camcorder
Came Cameleer Camelopard
Camelry Cameraman Camouflage
Campanology Camper Camphor
Campus Can Canalize
Canard Canary Cancellation
Cancrine Cancroid Candelabra
Candescent Candid Candidature
Candidly Candour Candy
Canine Canister Canker
Cankerous Cannabis Cannery
Cannibal Cannikin Cannon
Cannonade Cannula Canny
Canoe Canon Canoodle
Canophilist Canorous Cant
Cantab Canter Canto
Cantonment Canty Canvas
Canvasser Capability Capacious
Caparison Cape Capillary
Capitalism Capitation Capitulate
Capon Caprice Capricious
Caprine Capstan Captain
Caption Captious Captivate
Captive Captivity Captor
Caramel Carat Caravan
Carbide Carbine Carbohydrate
Carbolic Carbomb Carbon
Carborundum Carboy Carburettor
Cardamom Cardboard Cardiac
Cardinal Carditis Careen
Caret Cargo Caricature
Caries Carmine Carnage
Carnal Carnival Carnivore
Carnivorous Carol Carousal
Carp Carpark Carpus
Carriole Carrion Cart
Cartage Cartel Cartesian
Cartilage Carton Cartoon
Cartridge Cascade Casein
Cashew Cashew nut Cashmere
Casino Cask Cassata
Cassava Cassette Cassock
Castaway Caste Castellan
Castigate Castle Castor
Castrate Casual Casually
Catabolism Cataclysm Catacomb
Catalepsy Catalogue Catalyst
Catamaran Catapult Catchable
Catcher Catchment Catchpenny
Catechism Categorical Catenary
Cater Cateract Caterer
Caterpillar Caterwaul Cathead
Catherine Cathode Catholic
Caucus Caught Caulk
Causal Causerie Caustic
Cautery Caution Cavalcade
Cavalier Cavalry Caveat
Caviare Cavil Cavity
Caw Cay Cease
Cede Celebrity Cellular
Census Central Centum
Cerebrum Ceremony Cess
Cession Chafe Chaff
Chance Chaplet Charge
Charm Chase Chat
Cheer Chew Chide
Chime Chip Chit
Choke Choler Chromosome
Chunk Churl Churn
Cigar Cincture Cinnamon
Circuit Circumference Circus
Citizen Civic Clamp
Clan Clap Clash
Classic Claw Clay
Climax Cloak Clod
Clone Clot Club
Cluck Clue Clump
Cluster Clutch Cocaine
Cock Cocksure Code
Cog Cognition Coherent
Coign Coil Coir
Cole Collar Collide
Colony Colt Column
Coma Comb Comic
Commence Commitment Compact
Compartment Compeer Component
Compound Compress Concede
Concert Conch Concise
Concord Concrete Concur
Condemn Condensation Condition
Condole Condom Condone
Conduit Confluence Congest
Congestion Congress Conic
Coniferous Conjunction Connate
Connote Conquest Consistent
Consolation Conspicuous Constrain
Consultant Container Contend
Contestant Continent Contour
Contrast Convection Convene
Convoy Cony Copious
Copyright Corb Cordon
Cornet Corona Corporate
Correspond Corridor Corrosion
Cosmetic Cosmic Cosmos
Cot Cote Cottar
Couch Coup Courier
Covert Covey Coy
Crab Cradle Cram
Cranium Crank Crap
Crass Crate Cream
Crease Creed Creep
Crest Crib Cricket
Crisp Crock Crook
Crossing Crouch Crude
Crumb Crumple Cruse
Crush Crypt Crystal
Cub Cue Cull
Cullion Culm Culprit
Cultural Cumulation Cunning
Cupid Curb Curch
Curl Current Curriculum
Curry Curse Cushion
Custard Cyanide centimetre
consonants Clarinet Cymbal
Christmas Chhath Pooja Cockroaches
Crickets Catfish Cod
Cuttle Cedar Conifer
Crop Crop rotation Compost
Customs Citizenship Crop management
Crop diversity Crop protection Cash crops
Ceremonies Cultural exchange Cultural identity
Cultural heritage Churchgoer Chef
Christianity Compelling Crumble
Convincing Controller Compose
Culpability Conceptualise Convincing evidence
Creative work Cutie Cubit
Centaur Create opportunities Carry information
Compartmentalise Conventionalize Cambodia
