Multi-language A-Z Dictionary

To learn Indian languages like Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali and more 20+ Indian languages and other different languages like Chinese, Arabic, French, German, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Finnish, Italian, Filipino, Bulgarian, Esperanto, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Javanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Yoruba, Romanian, Sundanese, Vietnamese, Danish, Maltese, Polish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Thai, Dutch, Czech, Greek, Hausa, Irish, Latin, Malay, Zulu, and more 125+ languages.

Multi-language translation - Words start with R

Here is a collection of words starting with R and also you can learn Multi-language translation of a word start with R with the help of pronunciation in English.

Multi-language translation - Words start with R

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

English to Multi-language translation - Words start with R

If you want to know the Multi-language translation of a word start with A, you can search that word and learn different language translations with the help of pronunciation in English.

Rabbit Rat Rhinoceros
Raven Rook Rafter
Railing Roof Room
Rice Rye Review
Romance Rainfall Rainstorm
Raincoat Red Record
Robotics Reason Return
Robbery Right Rainbow
River Road Rock
Relation Relative Rose
Red lotus Rafflesia Recipe
Roast Ruby Relationship
Responsible Revenue Ragi
Rack Receipt Refund
Relax Relief Ruler
Radio Ribbon Rifle
Rouge Refrigerator Rugs
Range Rib Responsibility
Result Risk Repetitive
Resign Restaurant Retired
Rewarding Ramekin Reamer
Roaster Rainforest Refused
Relatives Recommend Rock Oil
Reliable Reports Receptionist
Retailer Radiology Rheology
Rhinology Ring Row
Rachis Reniform Resin
Reticulate Rings Root
Racialism Recant Recapture
Recuse Reform Republic
Requisition Royalty Rate
Reject Reserves Rapt
Rebirth Recluse Rectory
Refectory Relic Religion
Religiosity Reliquary Remission
Repent Reprobate Requiem
Resurrect Resuscitate Reverend
Revivalist Rite Rosary
Rubber Rain Rake
Rectangle Register Revenue Stamp
Rail Route Raddish
Ridged gourd Raindrop Revolution
Reach Recover Receive
Reckless Required Repair
Raise Respect Rich
Rude Rule Restrain
Refuse Reduce Rural
Rough Reign Rap
Read Real Reel
Rode Role Roll
Rows Rue Roux
Rued Retch Remember
Reminder Revise Repeated
Reside Request Remove
Round Radiant Rapture
Ready Reality Recognition
Refined Refresh Relieve
Remarkable Renew Renewed
Repose Resolute Resourceful
Rest Restore Revived
Renege Repellant Repulsive
Revenge Revolting Rocky
Rotten React Reappear
Reclaim Recollect Recommendation
Reconsider Redo Rewrite
Refusal Reference Reader
Realist Reversibility Rudeness
Railway Righthanded Roommate
Runaway Race Realize
Recognize Refer Reflect
Regret Release Rely
Remain Remind Rent
Repeat Replace Reply
Report Represent Require
Research Reserve Resist
Resolve Resort Respond
Retain Retire Reveal
Reward Ride Rise
Run Rush Ratio
Reaction Reading Reception
Recording Reflection Region
Replacement Reputation Requirement
Resolution Resource Response
Relieved Randomly Rapidly
Rarely Readily Really
Regularly Repeatedly Restfully
Roughly Rudely Regarding
Rare Rope Recent
Rotate Regular Related
Reptile Reverse Recovery
Regional Relevant Restrict
Revision Repulsion Residence
Retirement Registration Reproduction
Rabbet Rabbi Rabble
Rabid Rabies Racer
Racial Racism Racket
Racquet Racy Radar
Raddle Radial Radian
Radiance Radiate Radiation
Radiator Radical Radicalism
Radically Radicle Radii
Radioactive Radioactivity Radiogram
Radish Radium Radius
Raffle Raft Rage
Raiment Raj Rally
Ram Ramble Ramp
Rancid Rancorous Rancour
Random Rank Rankness
Rant Rape Rapid
Rapine Rapist Rascal
Rase Rash Rather
Rating Ration Rattan
Raucous Ravage Rave
Ravine Ravish Raw
Ray Raze Ream
Reap Rear Reave
Rebellion Recall Receiver
Recess Reciprocal Recite
Reck Reckon Recline
Recoil Recourse Recruit
Rectify Rectum Redeem
Reed Reformation Regard
Regeneration Rein Relay
Remand Remedy Remitter
Remote Rend Rendering
Repel Replay Representation
Reservation Resignation Respiratory
Restoration Resume Retail
Revaluation Rhyme Rhythm
Riddle Ridge Rife
Rift Rigid Rim
Rinse Rip Ripple
Rive Roach Roam
Rogue Rome Routine
Royal Ruction Rug
Rummy Rupee Ryot
Republic Day Raksha Bandhan Rama Navami
Red Snapper Ranch Reaping
Rituals Recreation Religious
Radiograph Recently Regulate
