Multi-language A-Z Dictionary

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Multi-language translation - Words start with L

Here is a collection of words starting with L and also you can learn Multi-language translation of a word start with L with the help of pronunciation in English.

Multi-language translation - Words start with L

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

English to Multi-language translation - Words start with L

If you want to know the Multi-language translation of a word start with A, you can search that word and learn different language translations with the help of pronunciation in English.

Lamb Langur Leopard
Lion Lizard Lark
Laboratory Latrine Lattice
Library Lighting Laces
Linen Long Skirt Loose
Location Lost Law
Linguistic Left Lame
Lean Leprosy Landscape
Ledge Lover Lotus
Lily Liquid Lemon
Lapis lazuli Level Liability
Limited Lane Lift
Lesion Ligament Lotion
Lingerie Lamp Lock
Ladle Light Larynx
Leg Lip Liver
Lung Loss Leave
Living Lid Lake
Lawyer Legal Leader
Leadership Lose Length
Litre Lead Life
Labourer Landlord Lecturer
Librarian Lifeguard Lack
Lepidopterology Lithology Ludology
Lamina Leaf Legume
Legation Liberal Limpet
Lobbyist Lender Loan
Lecher Lectern Legate
Litany Liturgy Lord
Lunch Learn Lesson
Ledger Late Later
Luggage Ladys Finger Lettuce
Luffa Lightning Leo
Libra Loiter Lifeless
Loathe Lazy Large
Last Lesser Lenient
Local Laugh Ladder
Latter Lade Laid
Lain Lays Laze
Lea Lee Leach
Leech Leak Leek
Lien Leased Least
Led Lessen Liar
Lier Lichen Liken
Lie Lye Lone
Liberate Let Live
Lively Learning Liberty
Love Loyalty Luck
Luxury Lousy Lumpy
Literacy Landform Landmark
Lifelong Lifestyle Lifetime
Limestone Land Lay
Layer Lend Like
Limit Line List
Listen Load Log
Look Lab Lady
Language Literature Lonely
Long Lovely Lucky
Lazily Lovingly Less
Likewise Little Low
Labor Labour Letter
Locate Leading Leather
Leaving Lecture Lovable
Label Labial Laborious
Labyrinth Lac Lace
Lacerate Laches Lachrymation
Lackadaisical Lackey Laconic
Laconically Laconism Lacquer
Lacquey Lacrymatory Lactation
Lacteal Lactometer Lacuna
Lad Laden Ladybird
Lag Lager Laggard
Lagoon Lair Laity
Lakh Lama Lambast
Lambkin Lambskin Lament
Lamentable Lamentably Lamentation
Laminate Lammergeyer Lampblack
Lampoon Lance Lancet
Landgrave Landholder Landing
Landlady Landslide Landslip
Languid Languish Languor
Lank Lanky Lantern
Lap Lapidary Lapidate
Lapidify Lapse Larcener
Larceny Larder Largeheathed
Largeness Largess Larva
Laryngitis Lascivious Laser
Lash Lass Lassitude
Lasso Lasting Latch
Latent Lateral Laterite
Latex Lath Lathe
Lather Lathi Latin
Latitude Latitudinarian Latterly
Laud Laudability Laudable
Laudation Laudative Laudatory
Laughable Laughing gas Laughter
Launch Launder Laundry
Laundryman Laureate Laurel
Lava Lavatory Lavender
Lavish Lavishness Law-abiding
Lawbreaker Lawful Lawgiver
Lawless Lawmaker Lawn
Lax Laxative Laxity
Layby Layfigure Layman
Layoff Layout Layover
Lazar Lazaret Laziness
Leaden Leaflet League
Leakage Leaning Leap
Leap year Lease Leasehold
Leash Leaven Lechery
Leer Lees Leeward
Leeway Legacy Legalize
Legally Legend Leghorn
Legible Legion Legislate
Legislative Leisure Lemma
Lemonade Lemur Lending
Length wise Lenience Lens
Lent Lentil Leonine
Leper Lesbian Lessee
Lest Lethal Lethargic
Lethargy Letterhead Lettuse
Levant Levee Lever
Leverage Leviable Leviathan
Levity Levy Lewd
Lewis Lexicon Liable
Liaison Libel Libellous
Liberalism Liberation Licence
License Licit Lick
Lief Liege Lieu
Liger Lighthouse Lightweight
Lignite Likable Lilliput
Lilt Limb Limbo
Lime Limekiln Limitation
Limn Limousine Limp
Limpid Limy Linchpin
Lineage Lineal Linear
Lineman Liner Linger
Lingering Lingual Linguist
Liniment Lining Link
Linnet Linoleum Linseed
Lint Lintel Lipstick
Liquefy Liquidation Liquor
Lira Lisp Lissom
Lit Liter Literal
Literary Lithe Lithium
Lithograph Litigant Litmus
Litotes Litter Litterateur
Livable Livelihood Livestock
Livid Llama Lo
Loach Loaf Loafer
Loam Loath Loathing
Loathsome Lob Lobby
Lobe Lobster Locality
Locally Loch Locker
Locket Locksmith Locomotion
Locus Locust Locution
Locutory Lodestar Lodge
Lodging Loft Logarithm
Logbook Loggerhead Logic
Logical Logician Logo
Loin Longitude Looby
Lookout Loom Loon
Loop Looping Loosen
Loot Lop Loquacious
Loquacity Lore Lorry
Lot Loth Lottery
Loud Louden Loudspeaker
Lounge Louse Lout
Loveable Loving Lower
Loyal Lozenge Lubber
Lubricant Lubricate Lubrication
Lubricator Lucent Lucerne
Lucid Lucifer Lucrative
Lucre Lucubrate Lug
Lukewarm Lull Lumbago
Lumber Luminary Luminous
Lump Lumpish Luna
Lunacy Lunar Lunge
Lurch Lure Lurid
Lurk Luscious Lush
Lust Luster Lustful
Lustre Lusty Lute
Lux Luxurious Lying
Lymph Lynch Lynx
Lyre Lyric Lysol
learn entry Lohri festival Losoong festival
Lacewings Lice Little Tunny
Logistics Leisure activity Leave behind
Luncheon Log off Licensee
