Crape Jasmine meaning in different languages

How to say Crape Jasmine in different languages. To learn languages, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life, and also play picture dictionary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn languages, then 1000 most common words will helps to learn languages easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. Here is a multilingual translation / multilingual dictionary of the word Crape Jasmine with their pronunciation in English.

How to say Crape Jasmine in different languages

Here is the translation of word Crape Jasmine in different languages, Indian languages and other all languages are separated in alphabetical order, this will help to improve your languages. Here you learn meaning of Crape Jasmine in 125+ languages.

Indian languages

Assamese ক্ৰেপ জেচমিন kraepa jecamina
Bengaliক্রেপ জুঁই krepa jumi
Gujaratiક્રેપ જાસ્મિન krepa jasmina
Hindiचांदनी chaandanee
Kannadaಕ್ರೇಪ್ ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ krep mallige
Malayalamക്രേപ്പ് ജാസ്മിൻ krepp jasmin
Marathiतगर tagara
Odiaକ୍ରାପ୍ ଜସ୍ମିନ୍ |
Punjabiਕਰੈਪ ਜੈਸਮੀਨ karaipa jaisamina
Sanskritcrape jasmine
Tamilநந்தியாவட்டை Nantiyavattai
Teluguక్రేప్ మల్లె krep malle
Urduکریپ جیسمین

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Other languages

Albanianjasemini crape
Amharic ክራፕ ጃስሚን kirapi jasimīni
Arabicكريب الياسمين karib alyasamin
Armenian կրեպ հասմիկ krep hasmik
Aymaracrape jazmine ukat juk’ampinaka
Azerbaijanikrep jasmin
Bambaracrape jasmine (jasmine) ye
Basquecrape jasmina
Belarusian крэп язміну krep jazminu
Bhojpuriक्रेप चमेली के बा
Bosniankrep jasmin
Bulgarianкреп жасмин krep zhasmin
Burmese crape jasmine crape jasmine
Catalangessamí de crapa
Cebuanocrape jasmine
Chichewamchere wa jasmine
Chinese紫茉莉 zi mòli
Corsicancrape jasmine
Croatiancrape jasmin
Czechkrepový jasmín
Danishcrape jasmin
Dogriक्रेप चमेली
Dutchcrape jasmijn
Esperantocrape jasmeno
Estoniankrepp jasmiin
Ewecrape jasmine si woyɔna be jasmine
Filipinocrape jasmine
Finnishrapsi jasmiini
Frenchcrêpe de jasmin
Frisiankrap jasmyn
Galicianxasmín crape
Georgian კრეპ ჟასმინი k’rep’ zhasmini
GermanKrepp Jasmin
Greekγιασεμί giasemi
Guaranicrape jazmín rehegua
Haitian Creolecrape jasmine
Hausacrape Jasmin
Hawaiiancrape jasmine

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Hebrewקרפ יסמין
Hmongpaj jasmine
Hungariancrape jázmin
Igbojasmine crape
Ilocanocrape nga jasmine
Indonesiankain sutera melati
Irishcrape jasmine
Italiangelsomino crespo
Japaneseサンユウカ San'yuuka
Javanesemlathi crape
Kazakh креп жасмин krep jasmïn
Khmer ផ្កាម្លិះ phkamliah
Kinyarwandacrape jasmine
Konkaniक्रॅप चमेली
Korean상장 재스민 sangjang jaeseumin
Kriokrep jasmin we dɛn kɔl
Kurmanji Kurdishcrape yasmine
Kyrgyz крап жасмин krap jasmin
Lao ດອກກຸຫຼາບ dok ku rab
LatinAenean crape
Latviankrepa jasmīns
Lingalajasmine ya crape
Lithuaniankrepinis jazminas
Lugandacrape jasmine nga bwe kiri
Luxembourgishcrape jasmin
Macedonian крап јасмин krap jasmin
Maithiliक्रेप चमेली
Malagasycrape jasmine
Malaymelati crape
Maltesecrape ġiżimin
Maorikarepe jasmine
Mizocrape jasmine a ni
Mongolian мэлрэг цэцэг melreg tsetseg
Nepaliक्रेप चमेली krepa cameli
Norwegiancrape jasmin
Oromocrape jasmine jedhamuun beekama
Pashtoکریپ جیسمین
Persianکراپ یاس

Read also:  Alphabets  |  Grammar

Polishjaśminowy crape
Portuguesecrape jasmim
Quechuacrape jazmín nisqa
Romanianiasomie crape
Russianкреп жасмин krep zhasmin
Samoanlapisi jasmine
Scots Gaelicjasmine
Sepedijasmine ya crape
Serbian креп јасмин krep jasmin
Sesothojasmine e monate
Shonajasmine yakaoma
Sindhiڪرپ ياسمين
Sinhala crape jasmine crape jasmine
Slovakkrepový jazmín
Sloveniancrape jasmin
Somalijasmine ceeriin
Sorani Kurdishکراپ یاسمین
Spanishjazmín de crespón
Sundanesecrape melati
Swahilicrasm jasmine
Swedishcrape jasmin
Tajik ёсумин креп josumin krep
Thaiเครป จัสมิน kherp cas min
Tigrinyaክሬፕ ጃስሚን
Tsongacrape jasmine ya xirhendzevutani
Turkishkrep yasemin
Twicrape jasmine a wɔfrɛ no jasmine
Ukrainian креповий жасмин krepovyy zhasmyn
Uyghurcrape jasmine
Uzbekkrep yasemin
Vietnamesecrape jasmine
Welshjasmin crape
Xhosaijasmine ebomvu
Yiddish קראַפּע דזשאַסמינע krape jasmine
Yorubacrape Jasimi
Zului-crape jasmine

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