Multi-language A-Z Dictionary

To learn Indian languages like Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali and more 20+ Indian languages and other different languages like Chinese, Arabic, French, German, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Finnish, Italian, Filipino, Bulgarian, Esperanto, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Javanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Yoruba, Romanian, Sundanese, Vietnamese, Danish, Maltese, Polish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Thai, Dutch, Czech, Greek, Hausa, Irish, Latin, Malay, Zulu, and more 125+ languages.

Multi-language translation - Words start with S

Here is a collection of words starting with S and also you can learn Multi-language translation of a word start with S with the help of pronunciation in English.

Multi-language translation - Words start with S

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

English to Multi-language translation - Words start with S

If you want to know the Multi-language translation of a word start with A, you can search that word and learn different language translations with the help of pronunciation in English.

Sheep Snake Snail
Squirrel Stag Skylark
Sparrow Swan School
Shed Sitting room Stair
Steeple Stone Store Room
Study room Sorghum Scene
Screen Screenplay Screenwriter
Shooting Show Soundtrack
Star Story Style
Surprise Sandstorm Sleet
Smog Snow Snowfall
Snowflakes Snowstorm Solar radiation
Squall Storm Sandals
Scarf Sewing Shawl
Sheet Shirt Shoe
Shoelace Shorts Silk
Skirt Slipper Smock
Socks Stockings Suit
Suiting Sweater Silver
Sky blue Secure Send
Speed Store Supposed
Sculpture Social Work Sell
Smuggler Spy Saturday
Sunday South Southeast
Southwest Sneezing Spittle
Stomachache Sweat Sea
Slum Soil Stormy
Stream Sultry Sister
Son Siblings Spouse
Son-in-law Sunflower Salt
Sauce Seeds Serve
Spice Spoon Sprinkle
Steam Sticking Stir
Substance Strawberry Sapodilla
Sapphire Search Service
Stored See you See you later
See you next week See you next year See you soon
See you tomorrow Sweet dreams Sale
Shelf Shopping Supervisor
Sperm Spew Spine
Shiner Shiver Shock
Sneeze Snivel Snotty
Snuff Suicide Swelling
Scalpel Scan Scissor
Stethoscope Stretcher Surgeon
Surgery Syringe Stereo
Shades Stamps Stapler
Sneakers Shoulder Skin
Skull Stomach Shop
Salary Sales Student
Shears Shelves Sieve
Sifter Sink Skewers
Skillet Slicer Soap
Spatula Spices Sponge
Steamer Stove Shrubland
Street Sentence Statement
Support Skills Speak
Strategy Succeed Suggest
Steel Shale Sulphur
September Sensation Shocking
Special Sports Subject
Sailor Scientist Sculptor
Secretary Seedsman Shoemaker
Shop assistant Shopkeeper Soldier
Sweeper Southern Ocean Sand
Seaway Ship Scatology
Seismology Selenology Semiology
Serpentology Sexology Sitiology
Sociology Somnology Somatology
Stomatology Sumerology Symptomatology
Suburb Saturn Satellite
Stars Sun Sap
Sapling Seed Seedling
Sepal Shamrock Shoot
Shrub Spore Sprout
Stalk Stamen Stand
Stem Stigma Stipule
Stoma Succulent Sunlight
Sanction Society Statute
Success Save Seller
Sacrifice Secular Seminarian
Sermon Sermonize Shroud
Sin Spirit Supplicant
Surplice Synod Savoury
Spicy Study Sweet
Scissors Staff Spring
Summer Skiing Sunglasses
Sunscreen Semi Circle Square
Sphere Seal Stool
Science Social science Statistics
Siddha Second Span
Sail Subway Suitcase
Snake gourd Spinach Sweet Potato
Season Shower Slush
Sunburn Sunny Suntanned
Sunshine Scorpio Sagittarius
Spiritual Succession Skill
Scared Same Seem
Shy Stuffed Successive
Satisfied Sob Soiled
Split Stupid Simple
Sick Spotless Substandard
Sporadic Scanty Sullen
Strange Single Sad
Safe Select Silent
Small Spontaneous Stable
Steady Start Stationary
Successful Sufficient Superb
Suppress Surplus Satisfy
Synonym Sharp Soul
Senior Slow Safety
Spend Smooth Sometimes
Sour Strong Subtract
Sealing Scent Sheik
Sight Seen See
Seam Sew Sow
Site Soar Sore
Sole Soot Stare
Stake Steak Steal
Stile Suite Stationery
Shorten So Sorry
Sacred Savour Scope
Security Sensational Sensible
Sensitive Sexy Sharing
Shelter Shine Simplicity
Sleep Smart Smashing
Smile Solid Soulmate
Space Spark Spectacular
Spunky Stability Still
Stimulation Strength Stunning
Stupendous Super Superior
Supreme Surprised Sustain
Swag Sweetness Swift
Sympathetic Synergy Systematization
Savage Scare Scream
Severe Sickening Sinister
Slimy Smelly Spiteful
Sticky Stinky Stressful
Stuck Suspect Suspicious
Straighten Strengthen Sensationalism
Socialist Seamless Sadness
Smartness Smoothness Subdivision
Supervision Suction Safeguard
Salesman Snapshot Somebody
Something Sometime Sportsman
Staircase Startup Say
Seat Seek Separate
Settle Shake Shall
Share Sign Size
Smell Smoke Solve
Sound Spell Sport
Spot Spray Spread
Stage Stay Step
Stop Stretch Struggle
Submit Supply Survive
Swim Salad Sample
Satisfaction Sector Selection
Series Session Setting
Signature Significance Singer
Sir Situation Software
Solution Song Soup
Speaker Speech Storage
Stranger Studio Suggestion
Supermarket Sympathy System
Scary Selfish Shiny
Silly Sleepy Smiling
Smoggy Sparkling Safely
Separately Seriously Sharply
Silently Sleepily Slowly
Smoothly Softly Speedily
Successfully Suddenly She
Such Several Some
Since So that Such that
Supposing Six Seven
Sixteen Seventeen Sixty
Sixty one Sixty two Sixty three
Sixty four Sixty five Sixty six
Sixty seven Sixty eight Sixty nine
Seventy Seventy one Seventy two
Seventy three Seventy four Seventy five
Seventy six Seventy seven Seventy eight
Seventy nine Sit Sum
Sage Scam Self
Side Soft Soon
Swap Saint Score
Sense Shape Slope
Snore Spent Script
Scroll Secret Shield
Should Social Sudden
Serious Servant Similar
Suspend Suitable Subscribe
Sugarcane Surrender Supplement
Significant Self confidence Sabbath
Sable Sabot Sabotage
Saboteur Sabulous Sac
Saccharimeter Saccharine Sacerdotal
Sachet Sack Sackcloth
Sacless Sacrament Sacrarium
Sacredness Sacrilege Sacrilegious
Sacrosanct Sadden Saddle
Sadism Sadist Saffron
Sagacious Sake Salinity
Saliva Sallow Salmon
Salutation Salve Sanad
Sanctify Sanctuary Sanctum
Sandal Sanitary Saturation
Savant Savvy Saw
Scale Scamp Scandal
Scanning Scarp Schedule
Scheme Scholarship Scientific
Scold Scoop Scorn
Scot Scramble Scrap
Scratch Screw Scribe
Scrub Scythe Seagirt
Seashore Seaweed Secede
Secrete Seduction Seep
Segment Seize Seldom
Self-control Self-defense Self-employed
Self-esteem Self-respect Semen
Semester Semicircle Semiconductor
Seminar Sentiment Septic
Serene Serf Set
Seventh Sex Shack
Shackle Shade Shadow
Shaft Shallow Sham
Shame Shampoo Shanty
Shard Shark Sheave
Sheer Shell Shelve
Shift Shipping Shirk
Shoal Shore Short
Shot Shout Showcase
Shrine Shuck Shuffle
Shunt Shut Shuttle
Sibling Siege Signal
Silkworm Simplex Simulation
Sincere Sketch Skew
Skid Skiff Skip
Sky Slab Slag
Slap Slave Sleeve
Slice Slide Slim
Slip Sludge Slur
Smash Snack Snare
Snippet Snitch Snooze
Snub Socket Solar
Soluble Sorrow Sort
Sot Species Specification
Specimen Spelling Spider
Spike Spill Spin
Spindle Spiral Spit
Spite Spoke Sponsor
Sprite Spunk Squad
Squash Stack Stadium
Stagnant Stain Stale
Stall Stamp Standard
Static Station Statue
Status Steed Stencil
Sterile Stick Stiff
Stole Straight Straw
Stress Strict Strike
Stripe Stroke Structure
Stylish Submarine Substitute
Suck Suffer Suffix
Sugar Summary Summit
Sunset Suppose Sure
Surface Surname Survey
Suture Swain Swale
Swamp Sway Swear
Swill Swing Swipe
Swirl Switch Swoon
Swoop Sword Swot
Sycamine Syce Syllabus
Symbol Symmetry Symptom
Synthesis Syrup step father
step mother Sitar Saga Dawa
Scorpionflies Snakeflies Stick insects
Stoneflies Sucking lice Sardines
Seabass Squid Sheesham
Sustainable agriculture Stakeholder Sophistication
Sowing Sustainable farming Soil fertility
Seedlings Symbols Social practices
Spectacle Spectatorship Sundown
Sunflower seeds Sunken Sunken ship
Sunny day Sunrise Sunroof
Sunshade Sunstroke Suntan
Superficial Superfluous Superhero
Superimpose Superintendent Superiority
Supernatural Supernova Superpower
Supersede Supersonic Superstition
Superstitious Superstructure Supervise
Supervisory Supper Supplant
Supple Supplemental Supplementary
Sister-in-law Supplication Supplier
Supplies Supporter Supporting
Supportive Supposedly Supposition
Suppression Supremacy Surcharge
Surely Surety Surf
Surfboard Surfer Surfing
Surge Surgical Surgical treatment
Suriname Surly Surmise
Surmount Surpass Surpassing
Surprising Surprisingly Surreal
Surreptitiously Surrogate Spree
Slay Sportswear Smuggle
School principal Searing Sweetie
Springy Stick out Slipping
Sigh Speculation Scourge
Subjugation Swell Simplified
