Multi-language A-Z Dictionary

To learn Indian languages like Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali and more 20+ Indian languages and other different languages like Chinese, Arabic, French, German, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Finnish, Italian, Filipino, Bulgarian, Esperanto, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Javanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Yoruba, Romanian, Sundanese, Vietnamese, Danish, Maltese, Polish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Thai, Dutch, Czech, Greek, Hausa, Irish, Latin, Malay, Zulu, and more 125+ languages.

Multi-language translation - Words start with D

Here is a collection of words starting with D and also you can learn Multi-language translation of a word start with D with the help of pronunciation in English.

Multi-language translation - Words start with D

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

English to Multi-language translation - Words start with D

If you want to know the Multi-language translation of a word start with A, you can search that word and learn different language translations with the help of pronunciation in English.

Deer Dog Donkey
Dove Drake Duck
Duckling Dais Dome
Drain Drawing Room Director
Disaster Documentary Drama
Drizzle Drought Damask
Darning Dress Data
Design Digital Download
Drive Drawing Dealer
Demand Desert Destroy
Document Drugs Day
Date Dawn Daybreak
Daylight Daytime Duration
Diagonal Disease Dumb
Dwarf Dejection Deluge
Drench Daughter Daughter-in-law
Dahlia Daisy Datura
Delicious Dice Diet
Dish Dough Drink
Date Fruit Diamond Decision
Delete Debit Delivery
Department Discount Dazzle
Debility Defecate Deleterious
Delirious Dentist Depression
Detoxify Diabetes Doctor
Disabilities Disinfectant Dispensary
Dryer Damage Death
Demanding Details Dull
Dam Decide Defend
Defendant Decade Density
December Dusk Desk
Dancer Designer Draftsman
Dramatist Draper Druggist
Dyer Demonology Dendrochronology
Dendrology Deontology Desmology
Dialectology Dipterology Dudology
Dicot Debate Delegation
Democracy Demonstration Deprecate
Deputize Despotic Diplomacy
Dissenter Donation Duty
Dynasty Diligence Dream
Damnation Deceitful Deity
Demon Devil Dignitary
Divine Dessert Dinner
Dishes Dried Drinks
Dictionary Divider Delay
Destination Drum Stick Degrees
Drizzling Divination Defile
Dally Dangerous Daring
Dark Dismal Dead
Delicate Detach Deter
Determined Die Different
Difficult Diminish Decrease
Dirty Disagree Differ
Disappear Disclaim Deny
Dispute Diverse Distinct
Divide Docile Dormant
Doubt Drab Drastic
Dreadful Dry Dubious
Doubtful Duplicate Drifting
Disobedient Display Dense
Disturbance Desire Descent
Defeat Divorce Domestic
Danger Dear Dents
Dissent Dye Dun
Done Dyeing Dying
Dad Dare Deal with
Demise Describe Depict
Dim Disclose Discover
Donate Depart Deficiency
Discard Darling Determination
Direction Discipline Dynamic
Decaying Deformed Deplorable
Depressed Deprived Despicable
Disgusting Dishonest Dishonorable
Distress Deactivate Decent
Declare Decode Decomposition
Deduction Default Deforest
Deformation Degeneration Disaccord
Disaffection Disapprove Discharge
Discompose Displeasure Disqualify
Delicacy Dependence Disappointment
Dashboard Daydream Downward
Dance Deal Deliver
Depend Deserve Determine
Develop Dig Disappoint
Discuss Distance Distribute
Do Does Draft
Drag Draw Drop
Database Debt Definition
Departure Depth Description
Development Device Difference
Difficulty Dirt Discussion
Disk Distribution Drawer
Driver Defeated Defiant
Delightful Disgusted Disturbed
Dizzy Daily Deeply
Dreamily Despite Down
Door Dust Decay
Dwell Detail Double
Defense Deposit Destiny
Disturb Delusion Disallow
Dependent Discovery Diversity
Decoration Dedication Disclaimer
Disclosure Dehydration Discontinue
Disadvantage Dab Dabble
Dace Dacoit Dacoity
Daddle Daddy Dado
Daemon Daffodil Daft
Dagger Daggle Dail eireann
Dainty Dairy Dak
Dal Dale Daltonism
Dame Dammar Damn
Damnable Damp Damper
Damsel Dandelion Dander
Dandle Dandruff Dandy
Dane Dangle Dank
Dapper Dapple Darby
Daredevil Darkness Darksome
Darn Darnel Dart
Dartingly Dash Dashing
Dastard Dastardliness Dastardly
Data processing Databank Dataller
Dateless Dative Datum
Daub Daubery Daunt
Dauntless Dauphin Davit
Daw Dawdle Dawk
Daybook Daysman Dayspring
Daytaler Daze Dazzling
Deacon Deaconry Deadletter
Deadline Deadlock Deadly
Deaf Deafen Deafmute
Deafness Dealing Dean
Dearly Dearness Dearth
Deathbed Deathblow Deathless
Deathwarrant Debacle Debar
Debark Debase Debauch
Debauchee Debauchery Debaucjed
Debenture Debilitate Debonair
Debouch Debris Debtor
Decant Decease Deceit
Decimal Deck Declaim
Declamation Decline Decor
Decorum Decree Deduce
Deed Deem Deep
Defamation Defect Defer
Deference Deficit Deflection
Deforestation Degrade Degree
Deletion Delve Dement
Demonetization Demure Den
Denegation Denial Denomination
Denote Dental Depletion
Deplore Deprecation Deputy
Derangement Derelict Deride
Derivation Derive Descant
Despair Despise Destine
Detect Detective Detergent
Deuce Deviation Devise
Devote Dew Dialogue
Diameter Diaper Diary
Dictator Dictum Diddle
Diffuse Digest Digit
Dilute Dimension Din
Dingle Dint Diploma
Dire Direct Dirge
Disable Disc Discern
Disconcert Discord Discreet
Discrete Disgust Dislike
Dispence Dispose Disregard
Distend Dive Dodge
Dole Dollar Dolt
Domination Dont Doom
Dope Dot Dotation
Dour Dozen Drainage
Draught Drift Drip
Drone Drove Drug
Drum Dual Ductile
Due Duke Dummy
Dump Dung Dupe
Durability Duster Diwali
Durga Puja Dussehra festival Dragonflies
Date palm Diversion Direct effect
Demeaning Dextrous Decisive evidence
Dilatory Directly affect Demineralize
Disagreeable Devolve Doss house
Drama series Devastated Direct consequences
