Multi-language A-Z Dictionary

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Multi-language translation - Words start with H

Here is a collection of words starting with H and also you can learn Multi-language translation of a word start with H with the help of pronunciation in English.

Multi-language translation - Words start with H

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

English to Multi-language translation - Words start with H

If you want to know the Multi-language translation of a word start with A, you can search that word and learn different language translations with the help of pronunciation in English.

Hare Hamster Hind
Hippopotamus Horn Horse
Hound Hyena Hawk
Hen Heron Hearth
Hospital House Horror
Hail Heat wave Humidity
Hurricane Handkerchief Hat
Higher Horticulture Hospitality
Help Headache Hurt
Habitat Husband Hibiscus
Heat Herb History
Hello Happy birthday Happy Christmas
Happy new year Happy valentines day How are you
Healer Herbal Health
Hammer Hose Hook
Heater Headphones Hanger
Hair Hand Head
Heart Heel Hip
Hired Hills Hour
Hairdresser Hawker Hematology
Heliology Helioseismology Hepatology
Herpetology Heteroptology Hierographology
Hippology Histology Hydrogeology
Hydrology Hypnology Hair Pin
Hall Hamlet Herbarium
Hell Hardy Hastate
Hybrid Hallowed Heathen
Heaven Heresy Hermitage
Hindi Holiness Holy
Hymnal Home Hostel
Harvest Holder Half year
Highway Hotel Horoscope
Haughty Handy Hard
Happy Hate High
Hold Honest Hospitable
Hostile Huge Humble
Humiliate Happen Honor
Human Host Handsome
Here Humane Hungry
Heir Haul Heal
Hear Heard Herd
Hertz Hurts Hew
Hue Hey Hay
Hi Hire Him
Hymn Hoard Horde
Hoarse Hoe Ho
Hoes Holed Hole
However Humorous Hopeless
Healing Hope Hot
Humor Haggard Harmful
Hideous Homely Horrendous
Horrible Hurtful Helpful
Hopeful Harmless Heaviness
Handbag Handmade Handwriting
Hangman Hardware Headline
Headquarter Herself Himself
Homework Honeymoon Household
Housekeeper Handle Hang
Harm Has Have
Hesitate Hide Highlight
Hit Hunt Hurry
Hearing Height Historian
Honey Housing Healthy
Hilarious Happily Healthily
Helpfully Highly Honestly
Hopelessly Hourly He
Her How Half
His Habit Hidden
Honour Heading Holding
Holiday Hundred Hygiene
Heritage Happening Habeascorpus
Haberdasher Habiliment Habitability
Habitable Habitation Habitual
Habituate Habituation Hack
Hackle Hackney Hacksaw
Had Haematemisis Haemophilia
Haemorrhage Haemorrhoid Haemostatic
Hag Haggle Hagiarchy
Hagiology Haiku Hailstone
Hailstorm Hairbreadth Haircut
Hairdo Hairdrier Hairless
Hairline Hairpin Hair-raising
Hairsplitting Hairspring Hairy
Hajj Hajji Hakeem
Halal Halcyon Hale
Halfback Half-baked Halfhearted
Halfmast Halitosis Hallmark
Hallo Halloo Hallow
Hallucination Halo Halogen
Halt Halter Haltingly
Halve Ham Hammock
Hamper Hamstring Handbill
Handbook Handcuff Handful
Handgrenade Handicap Handicraft
Handiwork Handloom Handmaid
Handout Handpost Hangabout
Hangar Hangback Hangeron
Hanggliding Hangup Hank
Hanker Hansard Hap
Haphazard Hapless Happiness
Harakiri Harangue Harass
Harbinger Harbour Hardearned
Harden Hardheaded Hardihood
Hardly Hardness Hardset
Hardship Harelip Harem
Harijan Hark Harlem
Harlequin Harlot Harmfully
Harmfulness Harmonic Harmonious
Harmonist Harmonium Harmonize
Harmony Harness Harp
Harper Harpoon Harpyeagle
Harrier Harrow Harry
Harsh Hart Hartal
Harvester Hash Hashish
Hasp Hassle Hassock
Haste Hasten Hasty
Hatch Hatchet Hateful
Hath Hatred Hattrick
Haunch Haunt Haunted
Haveersack Haven Have-nots
Havildar Havoc Hawthorn
Haystack Haywire Hazard
Hazardous Haze Hazel
Hazy Headlight Headmaster
Headphone Headquarters Headstrong
Headway Heady Heamoglobin
Heap Hearken Hearse
Heartbeat Heartbreak Hearten
Heartfelt Heartrending Heated
Heather Heave Heavy
Hebrew Heckle Hectare
Hectic Hector Hedge
Hedonism Heed Hefty
Hegemony Heifer Heinous
Helicopter Helipad Helium
Helix Helm Helmet
Hem Hemisphere Hemlock
Hemp Hence Henchman
Henpecked Henroost Heparin
Hepatic Heptagon Heracleum
Herald Herbage Herbiferous
Herbivore Hercules Hereafter
Hereby Heredity Herein
Hereof Heretic Heretofore
Hereupon Hermetic Hermit
Hern Hernia Hero
Heroin Heroine Heroism
Herring Hesitant Hesitation
Hesperus Hessian Hest
Heterodox Heterogeneous Heterosexual
Heuristic Hewer Hex
Hexagon Hexahedron Hiatus
Hibernate Hiccough Hideout
Hiding Hidrosis Hie
Hierarch Hierarchy Higgle
High flown Highborn Highbred
Highland Highness Highpriest
Highroad Hijack Hike
Hilarity Hill Hillock
Hilt Himalayan Hinder
Hindrance Hindu Hinduism
Hinge Hint Hinterland
Hiss Histamine Hitch
Hither Hiv Hive
Hoar Hoarfrost Hoariness
Hoary Hoax Hob
Hobble Hobby Hock
Hockey Hog Hogwash
Hoipolloi Hoist Holdup
Holi Holism Holistic
Hollow Holly Holocaust
Hologram Holograph Holster
Homage Homeland Homemade
Homeopathy Homesick Homicide
Homing Homoeopathy Homogeneous
Homonym Hone Honeycomb
Honeysuckle Honorarium Honorary
Hooch Hood Hoodlum
Hoof Hooligan Hoop
Hoot Hooter Hop
Horizon Horizontal Hormone
Horology Horrid Horrify
Horsegram Horseleech Horsepower
Horseshoe Hortatory Hosier
Hospice Hostage Hostler
Housewife Hovel Hover
Howdah Howitzer Howl
Hoy Hub Hubby
Hubris Huckster Huddle
Huff Hug Hull
Hullo Hum Humanity
Humbug Humdrum Humid
Humility Humming Hummock
Hump Humus Hunch
Hung Hunger Hunk
Hunter Hurdle Hurl
Hurrah Hurried Hurtle
Hush Husk Hussy
Hustings Hustle Hut
Huzza Hyaena Hydra
Hydrant Hydraulic Hydrodynamic
Hydrofoil Hydrogen Hydrometer
Hydrostatic Hygrometer Hymen
Hypersonic Hyphen Hypnotism
Hypocrite Hypodermic Hypothalamus
Hypothesis Hysteria Hysteric
habeas corpus hotel administration Hornbill festival
Halibut Homestead Hobbies
Heiress Hypoglycaemia Half century
Highly educated Housewarming Human being
