When sentences in Czech and English

‘When’ sentences in Czech with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Czech translation of When sentences and play When sentences quiz in Czech language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Czech sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Czech language in an easy way. To learn Czech language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

When sentences in Czech

When sentences in Czech and English

The list of 'When' sentences in Czech language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Czech translations.

When are you busy? kdy jsi zaneprázdněný?
When are you coming back? kdy se vracíš?
When are you going to leave? kdy odjedeš?
When can I see you next time? kdy tě můžu vidět příště?
When can we eat? kdy můžeme jíst?
When did he go to Europe? kdy odjel do evropy?
When did you finish the work? kdy jsi dokončil práci?
When did you get home? kdy jsi přišel domů?
When do you study? kdy studuješ?
When does it begin? kdy to začíná?
When he spoke, everyone became silent když promluvil, všichni ztichli
When is a good time for you? kdy je pro tebe dobrý čas?
When is the best time to feed your dog? kdy je nejlepší krmit svého psa?
When is the intermission? kdy je přestávka?
When is your birthday? kdy máš narozeniny?
When are you busy? kdy jsi zaneprázdněný?
When are you coming back? kdy se vracíš?
When are you going to leave? kdy odjedeš?
When can I see you next time? kdy tě můžu vidět příště?
When can we eat? kdy můžeme jíst?
When did he go to Europe? kdy odjel do evropy?
When did you finish the work? kdy jsi dokončil práci?
When did you get home? kdy jsi přišel domů?
When do you study? kdy studuješ?
When does it begin? kdy to začíná?
When he spoke, everyone became silent když promluvil, všichni ztichli
When is a good time for you? kdy je pro tebe dobrý čas?
When is the best time to feed your dog? kdy je nejlepší krmit svého psa?
When is the intermission? kdy je přestávka?
When is your birthday? kdy máš narozeniny?
When the bus came, she got on když přijel autobus, nastoupila
When was it finished? kdy to bylo hotové?
When was she born? kdy se narodila?
When was the last time we met? kdy jsme se viděli naposledy?
When will they arrive? kdy dorazí?
When will they give a concert? kdy budou koncertovat?
When will we arrive? kdy dorazíme?
When will you be back? kdy budeš zpátky?
When will you come back to school? kdy se vrátíš do školy?
When will you leave? kdy odejdeš?
When will you reach? kdy dorazíš?
When will your book be published? kdy vyjde vaše kniha?
When will you harvest your wheat? kdy budeš sklízet pšenici?

‘When’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Czech words

Here you learn top 1000 Czech words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Czech meanings with transliteration.

Eat jíst
All Všechno
New Nový
Snore chrápání
Fast rychle
Help Pomoc
Pain bolest
Rain déšť
Pride hrdost
Sense smysl
Large velký
Skill dovednost
Panic panika
Thank poděkovat
Desire touha
Woman žena
Hungry hladový
Czech Vocabulary
Czech Dictionary

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