List of Positive words in Chinese and English

To learn Chinese language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Positive words in English with Chinese translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Positive words in Chinese, this place will help you to learn Positive words in Chinese language with their pronunciation in English. Positive words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Chinese.

List of Positive words in Chinese and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Positive words in Chinese

Here is the list of Positive words in Chinese language and their pronunciation in English.

Absorbing 吸收的 xishou de
Accepted 公认 gongrèn
Acclaim 欢呼 huanhu
Accomplish 完成 wáncheng
Accuracy 准确性 zhǔnquè xìng
Active 积极的 jijí de
Add 添加 tianjia
Admire 钦佩 qinpèi
Advantage 优势 youshì
Affection 感情 ganqíng
Affinity 亲和力 qinhelì
Affirmation 肯定 kendìng
Afford 买得起 mai de qi
Agree 同意 tóngyì
Aim 目的 mudì
Air 空气 kongqì
Alert 警报 jingbào
Allow 允许 yǔnxǔ
Amazing 惊人的 jingren de
Animation 动画片 dònghuà piàn
Appeal 上诉 shàngsu
Applause 掌声 zhangsheng
Appreciated 赞赏 zànshang
Approve 批准 pizhǔn
Assurance 保证 baozhèng
Attraction 景点 jingdian
Awareness 意识 yìshí
Balance 平衡 píngheng
Beautiful 美丽的 meilì de
Belong 属于 shǔyú
Benefit 益处 yìchu
Best 最好的 zuì hao de
Better 更好的 gèng hao de
Beyond 超过 chaoguò
Blessing 祝福 zhufú
Bold 大胆的 dàdan de
Brave 勇敢的 yǒnggan de
Brightness 亮度 liàngdu
Brilliant 杰出的 jiechu de
Capable 有能力的 yǒu nenglì de
Care 关心 guanxin
Celebration 庆典 qìngdian
Centered 居中 juzhong
Certain 肯定 kendìng
Challenge 挑战 tiaozhàn
Champion 冠军 guànjun
Change 改变 gaibiàn
Charming 迷人 míren
Cheerful 快乐 kuàilè
Choice 选择 xuanze
Clarity 明晰 míngxi
Clean 干净的 ganjìng de
Clear 清除 qingchú
Clever 聪明的 congmíng de
Collaboration 合作 hezuò
Collected 集 jí
Comedy 喜剧 xiju
Comfort 舒适 shushì
Community 社区 shèqu
Compassion 同情 tóngqíng
Complete 完全的 wánquán de
Concentration 专注 zhuanzhu
Confident 自信的 zìxìn de
Congratulations 恭喜 gongxi
Connection 联系 liánxì
Conservation 保护 baohu
Consideration 考虑 kaolǜ
Content 内容 nèiróng
Continuous 连续的 liánxu de
Contribution 贡献 gòngxiàn

Top 1000 Chinese words

Here you learn top 1000 Chinese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Chinese meanings with transliteration.

Eat 吃 chi
All 全部 quan bu
New 新的 xin de
Snore 鼾 han
Fast 快速地 kuai su de
Help 帮助 bang zhu
Pain 痛 tong
Rain 雨 yu
Pride 自豪 zi hao
Sense 感觉 gan jue
Large 大 da
Skill 技能 ji neng
Panic 恐慌 kong huang
Thank 谢谢 xie xie
Desire 欲望 yu wang
Woman 女士 nu shi
Hungry 饥饿的 ji e de

Daily use Chinese Sentences

Here you learn top Chinese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Chinese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning 早上好 Zaoshang hao
What is your name 你叫什么名字 Ni jiao shenme mingzi
What is your problem 你有什么问题? Ni you she me wenti?
I hate you 我恨你 Wo hen ni
I love you 我爱你 Wo ai ni
Can I help you 我可以帮你吗? Wo keyi bang ni ma?
I am sorry 对不起 duibuqi
I want to sleep 我要睡觉 wo yao shuijiao
This is very important 这个非常重要 Zhege feichang zhòngyao
Are you hungry 你饿了吗? Ni ele ma?
How is your life 你过得怎么样? Niguo de zenme yang?
I am going to study 我要去学习 wo yao qu xuexi
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