English to Galician A-Z Dictionary

English to Galician translation / English to Galician Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Galician language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Galician through English in an easy way. English to Galician translation helps you to learn any word in Galician using English in an interesting way.

English to Galician translation – Words end with Y

Here is a collection of words ending with Y and also you can learn Galician translation of a word end with Y with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Galician translation – Words end with Y

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Galician Dictionary – Words end with Y

If you want to know the Galician translation of a word end with Y, you can search that word and learn Galician translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with Y

Dendrochronology estudo da idade das árbores
Dendrology estudo das árbores
Deontology estudo do deber
Desmology estudo dos ligamentos
Dialectology estudo dos dialectos
Dipterology estudo das moscas
Dudology estudo dos homes
Ecclesiology estudo da arquitectura da igrexa
Egyptology estudo dos antigos exipcios
Embryology estudo dos embrións
Enigmatology estudo de crebacabezas
Enology estudo do viño
Entomology estudo dos insectos
Enzymology estudo das enzimas
Epidemiology estudo da propagación de enfermidades
Epistemology estudo do coñecemento
Ethnology estudo da raza
Ethnomusicology estudo da música
Ethology estudo do comportamento animal
Felinology estudo dos gatos
Fetology estudo do feto
Formicology estudo das formigas
Fulminology estudo dos raios
Futurology estudo do futuro
Garbology estudo do lixo
Geochronology estudo da idade da terra
Gerontology estudo da vellez
Glaciology estudo dos glaciares
Grammatology estudo dos sistemas de escritura
Hematology estudo do sangue
Heliology estudo do sol
Helioseismology estudo das vibracións do sol
Hepatology estudo do fígado
Herpetology estudo dos réptiles
Heteroptology estudo de bichos
Hierographology estudo dos textos sagrados
Hippology estudo dos cabalos
Histology estudo dos tecidos vivos
Hydrogeology estudo das augas subterráneas
Hydrology estudo da auga
Hypnology estudo do sono
Ichthyology estudo dos peixes
Immunology estudo do sistema inmunitario
Islamology estudo do islam
Japanology estudo dos xaponeses
Kymatology estudo das ondas
Lepidopterology estudo das bolboretas
Lithology estudo das rochas
Ludology estudo dos xogos
Mammalogy estudo dos mamíferos

Top 1000 Galician words

Here you learn top 1000 Galician words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Galician meanings with transliteration.

Eat comer
All todos
New novo
Snore roncar
Fast rápido
Help axuda
Pain dor
Rain choiva
Pride orgullo
Sense sentido
Large grande
Skill habilidade
Panic pánico
Thank grazas
Desire desexo
Woman muller
Hungry con fame

Daily use Galician Sentences

Here you learn top Galician sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Galician meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bos días
What is your name Como te chamas
What is your problem Cal é o teu problema?
I hate you ódiote
I love you Quérote
Can I help you Podo axudarte?
I am sorry Síntoo
I want to sleep quero durmir
This is very important Isto é moi importante
Are you hungry Tes fame?
How is your life Como é a túa vida?
I am going to study Vou estudar
Galician Vocabulary
Galician Dictionary

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