Whose sentences in Persian and English

‘Whose’ sentences in Persian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Persian translation of Whose sentences and play Whose sentences quiz in Persian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Persian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Persian language in an easy way. To learn Persian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Whose sentences in Persian

Whose sentences in Persian and English

The list of 'Whose' sentences in Persian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Persian translations.

Whose car is that? اون ماشین مال کیه؟
Whose friend is he? او دوست کیست؟
Whose guitar is this? این گیتار مال کیه؟
Whose house is across from yours? خانه چه کسی روبروی شماست؟
Whose is this? این کیه؟
Whose pencil is this? این مداد مال کیه؟
Whose turn is it? نوبت کیست؟
Whose sound is it? صدای کیست؟
Whose child is it? بچه کیه؟
Whose eyes are red? چشمان کی قرمز است؟
Whose decision was final? تصمیم کی قطعی بود؟
Whose problem will it be? مشکل از کی خواهد بود؟
Whose boyfriend are you? دوست پسر کی هستی
Whose movie was it? فیلم مال کی بود؟
Whose dog is barking outside? سگ کی بیرون پارس میکنه؟
Whose car is that? اون ماشین مال کیه؟
Whose friend is he? او دوست کیست؟
Whose guitar is this? این گیتار مال کیه؟
Whose house is across from yours? خانه چه کسی روبروی شماست؟
Whose is this? این کیه؟
Whose pencil is this? این مداد مال کیه؟
Whose turn is it? نوبت کیست؟
Whose sound is it? صدای کیست؟
Whose child is it? بچه کیه؟
Whose eyes are red? چشمان کی قرمز است؟
Whose decision was final? تصمیم کی قطعی بود؟
Whose problem will it be? مشکل از کی خواهد بود؟
Whose boyfriend are you? دوست پسر کی هستی
Whose movie was it? فیلم مال کی بود؟
Whose dog is barking outside? سگ کی بیرون پارس میکنه؟
Whose room was this? این اتاق مال کی بود؟
Whose book is this? این کتاب برای کیست؟
Whose life is in danger? زندگی چه کسی در خطر است؟
Whose voice is this? این صدای کیه؟
Whose Responsibility Is It? این مسئولیت کیست؟
Whose birthday is it today? امروز تولد کیه؟
Whose flag is shown here? پرچم چه کسی در اینجا نشان داده شده است؟
Whose idea is this? این ایده کیست؟
Whose life is perfect? زندگی چه کسی کامل است؟
Whose tea is this? این چای مال کیه؟
Whose security are we talking about? از امنیت چه کسی صحبت می کنیم؟

‘Whose’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Persian words

Here you learn top 1000 Persian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Persian meanings with transliteration.

Eat خوردن
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New جدید
Snore خروپف کردن
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Pain درد
Rain باران
Pride غرور
Sense احساس، مفهوم
Large بزرگ
Skill مهارت
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Thank تشکر
Desire میل
Woman زن
Hungry گرسنه
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