No sentences in Luxembourgish and English

‘No’ sentences in Luxembourgish with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Luxembourgish translation of No sentences and play No sentences quiz in Luxembourgish language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Luxembourgish sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Luxembourgish language in an easy way. To learn Luxembourgish language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

No sentences in Luxembourgish

No sentences in Luxembourgish and English

The list of 'No' sentences in Luxembourgish language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Luxembourgish translations.

No one can tell Keen kann soen
No one can kill me Keen kann mech ëmbréngen
No matter Egal
No one came except john Keen koum ausser John
No one could solve the puzzle Keen konnt de Puzzel léisen
No one had anything left to say Keen hat eppes méi ze soen
No one knows the reason Keen weess de Grond
No one knows Keen weess
No one likes war Keen huet de Krich gär
No one stops to listen to him Keen hält op fir him ze lauschteren
No one told me that she had failed Keen huet mir gesot datt hatt gescheitert ass
No one wants to listen to my opinions Keen wëll meng Meenung nolauschteren
No one will know Keen wäert wëssen
No problem Kee Problem
No way! Nimools!
No one can tell Keen kann soen
No one can kill me Keen kann mech ëmbréngen
No matter Egal
No one came except john Keen koum ausser John
No one could solve the puzzle Keen konnt de Puzzel léisen
No one had anything left to say Keen hat eppes méi ze soen
No one knows the reason Keen weess de Grond
No one knows Keen weess
No one likes war Keen huet de Krich gär
No one stops to listen to him Keen hält op fir him ze lauschteren
No one told me that she had failed Keen huet mir gesot datt hatt gescheitert ass
No one wants to listen to my opinions Keen wëll meng Meenung nolauschteren
No one will know Keen wäert wëssen
No problem Kee Problem
No way! Nimools!
No worries Keng Suergen
No, thank you Nee, merci
No time for love Keng Zäit fir Léift
No, I'll eat later Nee, ech iessen méi spéit
No need to rush Net néideg ze presséieren
No one is supported for a free ride Keen gëtt fir e gratis Ride ënnerstëtzt
No one had said anything Keen hat eppes gesot
No wonder he was upset Kee Wonner, datt hien opgereegt war
No idea at all Keng Ahnung iwwerhaapt

‘No’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Luxembourgish words

Here you learn top 1000 Luxembourgish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Luxembourgish meanings with transliteration.

Eat iessen
All all
New nei
Snore schnurren
Fast séier
Help hëllefen
Pain Péng
Rain reenen
Pride stolz
Sense Sënn
Large grouss
Skill Fäegkeet
Panic Panik
Thank merci
Desire Wonsch
Woman frau
Hungry hongereg
Luxembourgish Vocabulary
Luxembourgish Dictionary

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