Is sentences in Lithuanian and English

‘Is’ sentences in Lithuanian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Lithuanian translation of Is sentences and play Is sentences quiz in Lithuanian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Lithuanian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Lithuanian language in an easy way. To learn Lithuanian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Is sentences in Lithuanian

Is sentences in Lithuanian and English

The list of 'Is' sentences in Lithuanian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Lithuanian translations.

Is anybody home? Ar kas nors namie?
Is everything OK? Ar viskas gerai?
Is he a friend of yours? Ar jis tavo draugas?
Is he a teacher? Ar jis mokytojas?
Is he breathing? Ar jis kvėpuoja?
Is he still here? Ar jis vis dar čia?
Is his father a doctor? Ar jo tėvas yra gydytojas?
Is it far from here? Ar tai toli nuo čia?
Is it free? Ar tai nemokama?
Is it near your house? Ar jis šalia jūsų namų?
Is she at home? Ar ji namie?
Is she married? Ar ji ištekėjusi?
Is she staying at a hotel? Ar ji apsistoja viešbutyje?
Is she your sister? Ar ji tavo sesuo?
Is something wrong? Ar kažkas negerai?
Is anybody home? Ar kas nors namie?
Is everything OK? Ar viskas gerai?
Is he a friend of yours? Ar jis tavo draugas?
Is he a teacher? Ar jis mokytojas?
Is he breathing? Ar jis kvėpuoja?
Is he still here? Ar jis vis dar čia?
Is his father a doctor? Ar jo tėvas yra gydytojas?
Is it far from here? Ar tai toli nuo čia?
Is it free? Ar tai nemokama?
Is it near your house? Ar jis šalia jūsų namų?
Is she at home? Ar ji namie?
Is she married? Ar ji ištekėjusi?
Is she staying at a hotel? Ar ji apsistoja viešbutyje?
Is she your sister? Ar ji tavo sesuo?
Is something wrong? Ar kažkas negerai?
Is that true? Ar tai tiesa?
Is that what you have in mind? Ar tai turi omenyje?
Is the bath clean? Ar vonia švari?
Is the bath ready? Ar vonia paruošta?
Is the job still available? Ar dar laisvas darbas?
Is the job too much for you? Ar darbo tau per daug?
Is there a doctor in the house? Ar namuose yra gydytojas?
Is there anything else you want me to do? Ar dar ką nors norite, kad aš padaryčiau?
Is there anything I can do for you? Ar galiu ką nors padaryti už jus?
Is this book yours? Ar ši knyga tavo?
Is your mother at home? Ar tavo mama namie?
Is this love? Ar tai meilė?
Is there a cat on the table? Ar ant stalo yra katė?
Is the snake alive? Ar gyvatė gyva?
Is this is a correct answer? Ar tai teisingas atsakymas?

‘Is’ sentences in other languages (40+)

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