List of Prefix in Lithuanian and English

To learn Lithuanian language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Lithuanian translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Lithuanian Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Lithuanian language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Lithuanian.

List of Prefix in Lithuanian and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Prefix words in Lithuanian

Here is the list of prefixes in Lithuanian language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Deactivate išjungti
Debate diskusijos
Decade dešimtmetis
Decent padorus
Decision sprendimą
Declare deklaruoti
Decode dekoduoti
Decomposition skilimas
Decrease mažinti
Deduction atskaita
Default numatytas
Defeat nugalėti
Defend ginti
Deforest miškų kirtimas
Deformation deformacija
Degeneration degeneracija
Demand paklausa


Disaccord nesantaika
Disaffection nepasitenkinimas
Disagree nesutikti
Disappear išnykti
Disapprove nepritarti
Discharge iškrovimas
Discipline disciplina
Discompose išskaidyti
Discount nuolaida
Discover atrasti
Displeasure nepasitenkinimą
Disqualify diskvalifikuoti


Exceed viršyti
Exchange mainai
Exhale iškvėpti
Explain paaiškinti
Explosion sprogimas
Export eksportuoti


Impair pabloginti
Impassion aistra
Implant implantas
Import importuoti
Impossible neįmanomas
Impress sužavėti
Improper netinkamas
Improve pagerinti


Inaction neveiklumas
Inactive neaktyvus
Inadequate neadekvatus
Income pajamos
Incorrect neteisinga
Indirect netiesioginis
Insecure nesaugus
Inside viduje
Invisible nematomas


Interaction sąveika
Interchange apsikeitimas
Intermission pertrauka
International tarptautinis
Internet internetas
Interview interviu


Irradiation švitinimas
Irrational neracionalus
Irregular netaisyklingos
Irrelevant nesvarbus
Irreplaceable nepakeičiamas
Irreversible negrįžtamas


Midday vidurdienis
Midland midland
Midnight vidurnaktis
Midway pusiaukelėje
Midwife akušerė


Misaligned nesuderinta
Misguide klaidą
Misinform dezinformuoti
Mislead suklaidinti
Misplace ne vietoje
Misrule neteisingai valdyti
Misspelt neteisingai parašyta
Mistake klaida
Misunderstand nesuprasti
Misuse piktnaudžiavimas


Non existent neegzistuojantis
Non pareil non pareil
Nonchalant nerūpestingas
Nonfiction negrožinė literatūra
Nonsense nesąmonė
Nonstop be sustojimo


Overcharge permokestis
Overcome įveikti
Overflow perpildymas
Overlap sutampa
Overload perkrova
Overlook nepastebėti
Overpower galia
Overrate pervertinti
Overrule panaikinti


Predefine iš anksto apibrėžti
Prefix priešdėlis
Prehistory priešistorė
Prepay išankstinis apmokėjimas
Prepossess preposesse
Prevail vyrauti
Preview peržiūra


Proactive iniciatyvus
Proceed tęsti
Proclaim skelbti
Profess išpažinti
Profit pelno
Profound gilus
Program programa
Progress progresas
Prolong pratęsti


React reaguoti
Reappear vėl pasirodyti
Reclaim susigrąžinti
Recollect prisiminti
Recommendation rekomendacija
Reconsider persvarstyti
Recover atsigauti
Redo perdaryti
Rewrite perrašyti


Telecommunication telekomunikacijos
Telegram telegrama
Telepathic telepatinis
Telephone telefonas
Telescope teleskopu
Television televizija


Transfer perkėlimas
Transform transformuoti
Transgender translytis
Translation vertimas
Transparent skaidrus
Transport transporto


Undo anuliuoti
Unequal nelygios
Unhappy nelaimingas
Unpack išpakuoti
Unseen nematytas
Unstable nestabilus
Unusual neįprastas


Update atnaujinti
Upgrade patobulinti
Uphill įkalnėn
Uphold palaikyti
Upset liūdnas
Upstairs viršuje
Upward aukštyn

Top 1000 Lithuanian words

Here you learn top 1000 Lithuanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Lithuanian meanings with transliteration.

Eat valgyti
All visi
New naujas
Snore knarkti
Fast greitai
Help padėti
Pain skausmas
Rain lietus
Pride pasididžiavimas
Sense jausmas
Large didelis
Skill įgūdžių
Panic panika
Thank ačiū
Desire noras
Woman moteris
Hungry alkanas

Daily use Lithuanian Sentences

Here you learn top Lithuanian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Lithuanian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Labas rytas
What is your name Koks tavo vardas
What is your problem Kokia tavo problema?
I hate you aš tavęs nekenčiu
I love you Aš tave myliu
Can I help you Ar galiu tau padėti?
I am sorry Atsiprašau
I want to sleep aš noriu miegoti
This is very important Tai labai svarbu
Are you hungry Ar tu alkanas?
How is your life Kaip gyvenimas?
I am going to study einu mokytis
Lithuanian Vocabulary
Lithuanian Dictionary

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