Come sentences in Lithuanian and English

‘Come’ sentences in Lithuanian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Lithuanian translation of Come sentences and play Come sentences quiz in Lithuanian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Lithuanian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Lithuanian language in an easy way. To learn Lithuanian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Come sentences in Lithuanian

Come sentences in Lithuanian and English

The list of 'Come' sentences in Lithuanian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Lithuanian translations.

Come along with me Eime kartu su manimi
Come along with us Ateik kartu su mumis
Come and help us Ateik ir padėk mums
Come and see me any time you like Ateik pas mane bet kada, kai tik nori
Come and see me at night Ateik pas mane naktį
Come and see me now Ateik ir pamatyk mane dabar
Come and see me when you have time Ateik pas mane, kai turėsi laiko
Come and see me Ateik ir pamatyk mane
Come and visit me Ateik ir aplankyk mane
Come at any time you like Ateikite bet kuriuo jums patogiu metu
Come at early morning Ateik anksti ryte
Come in Įeiti
Come into the room Ateik į kambarį
Come on Nagi
Come on tomorrow Ateik rytoj
Come along with me Eime kartu su manimi
Come along with us Ateik kartu su mumis
Come and help us Ateik ir padėk mums
Come and see me any time you like Ateik pas mane bet kada, kai tik nori
Come and see me at night Ateik pas mane naktį
Come and see me now Ateik ir pamatyk mane dabar
Come and see me when you have time Ateik pas mane, kai turėsi laiko
Come and see me Ateik ir pamatyk mane
Come and visit me Ateik ir aplankyk mane
Come at any time you like Ateikite bet kuriuo jums patogiu metu
Come at early morning Ateik anksti ryte
Come in Įeiti
Come into the room Ateik į kambarį
Come on Nagi
Come on tomorrow Ateik rytoj
Come quickly Ateik greitai
Come slowly Ateik lėtai
Come to my home Ateik į mano namus
Come with me Eik su manimi
Come with your family Ateik su šeima
Come with your friend Ateik su savo draugu
May I come in? Ar galiu užeiti?
You want to come? Tu nori ateiti?
Come in and sit down Įeik ir atsisėsk

‘Come’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Lithuanian words

Here you learn top 1000 Lithuanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Lithuanian meanings with transliteration.

Eat valgyti
All visi
New naujas
Snore knarkti
Fast greitai
Help padėti
Pain skausmas
Rain lietus
Pride pasididžiavimas
Sense jausmas
Large didelis
Skill įgūdžių
Panic panika
Thank ačiū
Desire noras
Woman moteris
Hungry alkanas
Lithuanian Vocabulary
Lithuanian Dictionary

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