Which sentences in Belarusian and English

‘Which’ sentences in Belarusian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Belarusian translation of Which sentences and play Which sentences quiz in Belarusian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Belarusian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Belarusian language in an easy way. To learn Belarusian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Which sentences in Belarusian

Which sentences in Belarusian and English

The list of 'Which' sentences in Belarusian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Belarusian translations.

Which dictionary did you refer to? Да якога слоўніка вы спасылаліся?
Which bed do you want to use? Які ложак вы хочаце выкарыстоўваць?
Which of them is your brother? Хто з іх твой брат?
Which season do you like the best? Які сезон вам больш за ўсё падабаецца?
Which food do you like? Якую ежу вы любіце?
Which subject do you like? Які прадмет вам падабаецца?
Which is more important? Што важней?
Which one is mine? Які з іх мой?
Which direction do you want to go? У якім кірунку вы хочаце ісці?
Which do you prefer? Што вы аддаеце перавагу?
Which was good for her Што было добра для яе
Which one is more expensive? Якая з іх даражэй?
Which is correct? Што правільна?
Which is mine? Якая мая?
Which one is the best? Які з іх лепшы?
Which dictionary did you refer to? Да якога слоўніка вы спасылаліся?
Which bed do you want to use? Які ложак вы хочаце выкарыстоўваць?
Which of them is your brother? Хто з іх твой брат?
Which season do you like the best? Які сезон вам больш за ўсё падабаецца?
Which food do you like? Якую ежу вы любіце?
Which subject do you like? Які прадмет вам падабаецца?
Which is more important? Што важней?
Which one is mine? Які з іх мой?
Which direction do you want to go? У якім кірунку вы хочаце ісці?
Which do you prefer? Што вы аддаеце перавагу?
Which was good for her Што было добра для яе
Which one is more expensive? Якая з іх даражэй?
Which is correct? Што правільна?
Which is mine? Якая мая?
Which one is the best? Які з іх лепшы?
Which is better? Што лепш?
Which do you want? Што вы хочаце?
Which is your book? Якая твая кніга?
Which way is the nearest? Які шлях бліжэйшы?
Which book are you reading? Якую кнігу ты чытаеш?
Which is your favorite team? Якая ваша любімая каманда?
Which languages do you speak? На якіх мовах вы размаўляеце?
Which team will win the game? Якая каманда выйграе гульню?

‘Which’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Belarusian words

Here you learn top 1000 Belarusian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Belarusian meanings with transliteration.

Eat есці
All усё
New новы
Snore храпці
Fast хуткі
Help дапамагчы
Pain боль
Rain дождж
Pride гонар
Sense сэнс
Large вялікі
Skill майстэрства
Panic паніка
Thank дзякуй
Desire жаданне
Woman жанчына
Hungry галодны
Belarusian Vocabulary
Belarusian Dictionary

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