Lohri festival meaning in different languages

How to say Lohri festival in different languages. To learn languages, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life, and also play picture dictionary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn languages, then 1000 most common words will helps to learn languages easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. Here is a multilingual translation / multilingual dictionary of the word Lohri festival with their pronunciation in English.

How to say Lohri festival in different languages

Here is the translation of word Lohri festival in different languages, Indian languages and other all languages are separated in alphabetical order, this will help to improve your languages. Here you learn meaning of Lohri festival in 125+ languages.

Indian languages

Assamese লোহৰী উৎসৱ
Bengaliলোহরি উৎসব
Gujaratiલોહરી તહેવાર
Hindiलोहड़ी का त्यौहार
Kannadaಲೋಹ್ರಿ ಹಬ್ಬ
Malayalamലോഹ്രി ഉത്സവം
Marathiलोहरी सण
Odiaଲୋହରୀ ପର୍ବ |
Punjabiਲੋਹੜੀ ਦਾ ਤਿਉਹਾਰ
Sanskritलोहरी पर्व
Tamilலோஹ்ரி திருவிழா
Teluguలోహ్రీ పండుగ
Urduلوہڑی کا تہوار

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Other languages

AlbanianFestivali i Lohrit
Amharic የሎህሪ በዓል
Arabicمهرجان لوهري
Armenian Լոհրի փառատոն
AymaraLohri jach’a phunchhäwi
AzerbaijaniLohri festivalı
BambaraLohri seli
BasqueLohri jaialdia
Belarusian Фестываль Лоры
Bhojpuriलोहड़ी के त्योहार
BosnianLohri festival
Bulgarianфестивал Лохри
Burmese Lohri ပွဲတော်
CatalanFestival de Lohri
CebuanoLohri festival
ChichewaChikondwerero cha Lohri
Corsicanfestival Lohri
CroatianLohri festival
Czechfestival Lohri
DanishLohri festival
Dogriलोहड़ी त्योहार
EstonianLohri festival
EweLohri ƒe azãɖuɖu
FilipinoLohri festival
FinnishLohrin festivaali
FrenchFête de Lohri
FrisianLohri festival
GalicianFestival de Lohri
Georgian ლოჰრის ფესტივალი
GreekΦεστιβάλ Lohri
GuaraniLohri arete rehegua
Haitian CreoleLohri festival
HausaLohri festival
Hawaiianʻahaʻaina Lohri

Read also:  Dictionary  |  Dictionary Quiz

Hebrewפסטיבל לוהרי
HmongLohri festival
HungarianLohri fesztivál
IcelandicLohri hátíð
IgboEmemme Lohri
IlocanoPiesta ti Lohri
IndonesianFestival Lohri
Irishféile Lohri
ItalianFesta di Lohri
JavaneseFestival Lohri
Kazakh Лохри фестивалі
Khmer ពិធីបុណ្យ Lohri
KinyarwandaUmunsi mukuru wa Lohri
Konkaniलोहरी उत्सव
KrioLohri fɛstival
Kurmanji KurdishFestîvala Lohrî
Kyrgyz Лохри майрамы
Lao ບຸນ Lohri
LatinLohri festival
LatvianLohri festivāls
LingalaFɛti ya Lohri
LithuanianLohri festivalis
LugandaEkivvulu kya Lohri
LuxembourgishLohri Festival
Macedonian фестивал Лохри
Maithiliलोहड़ी पर्व
MalagasyLohri festival
MalayPerayaan Lohri
MalteseLohri festival
MaoriTe hakari o Lohri
MizoLohri kût
Mongolian Лохри наадам
Nepaliलोहरी पर्व
NorwegianLohri festival
OromoAyyaana Lohri
Pashtoد لوهري جشن
Persianجشنواره لهری

Read also:  Alphabets  |  Grammar

PolishFestiwal Lohri
PortugueseFestival de Lohri
QuechuaLohri raymi
RomanianFestivalul Lohri
RussianФестиваль Лори
SamoanLohri tausamiga
Scots Gaelicfèis Lohri
SepediMokete wa Lohri
Serbian Лохри фестивал
SesothoMokete oa Lohri
ShonaLohri festival
Sindhiلوهڙي جو ميلو
Sinhala ලෝරි උත්සවය
Slovakfestival Lohri
Slovenianfestival Lohri
SomaliXaflada Lohri
Sorani Kurdishفێستیڤاڵی لۆهری
Spanishfiesta de lohri
SundaneseFestival Lohri
SwahiliTamasha la Lohri
SwedishLohri festival
Tajik Фестивали Лохри
TatarЛохри фестивале
Tigrinyaበዓል ሎህሪ
TsongaNkhuvo wa Lohri
TurkishLohri festivali
TurkmenLohri baýramy
TwiLohri afahyɛ no
Ukrainian Фестиваль Лорі
UyghurLohri festival
UzbekLohri festivali
Vietnameselễ hội Lohri
Welshgwyl Lohri
XhosaLohri umthendeleko
Yiddish לאָהרי פעסטיוואַל
YorubaLohri Festival
ZuluLohri festival

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