Let sentences in Welsh and English

‘Let’ sentences in Welsh with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Welsh translation of Let sentences and play Let sentences quiz in Welsh language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Welsh sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Welsh language in an easy way. To learn Welsh language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Let sentences in Welsh

Let sentences in Welsh and English

The list of 'Let' sentences in Welsh language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Welsh translations.

Let me check Gadewch i mi wirio
Let me have a look at the picture Gadewch i mi edrych ar y llun
Let me in Gadewch i mi ddod i mewn
Let me know Rhowch wybod i mi
Let me read the paper when you have finished with it Gadewch imi ddarllen y papur pan fyddwch wedi gorffen ag ef
Let me say Gadewch i mi ddweud
Let me see Gadewch i mi weld
Let me tell you about the case Gadewch imi ddweud wrthych am yr achos
Let’s celebrate! Dewch i ni ddathlu!
Let's always be friends Gadewch i ni fod yn ffrindiau bob amser
Let's ask the teacher Gadewch i ni ofyn i'r athro
Let's be friends forever Gadewch i ni fod yn ffrindiau am byth
Let's drop by his house Gadewch i ni alw heibio ei dŷ
Let's go by bus Gadewch i ni fynd ar y bws
Let's go out and eat Gadewch i ni fynd allan a bwyta
Let me check Gadewch i mi wirio
Let me have a look at the picture Gadewch i mi edrych ar y llun
Let me in Gadewch i mi ddod i mewn
Let me know Rhowch wybod i mi
Let me read the paper when you have finished with it Gadewch imi ddarllen y papur pan fyddwch wedi gorffen ag ef
Let me say Gadewch i mi ddweud
Let me see Gadewch i mi weld
Let me tell you about the case Gadewch imi ddweud wrthych am yr achos
Let’s celebrate! Dewch i ni ddathlu!
Let's always be friends Gadewch i ni fod yn ffrindiau bob amser
Let's ask the teacher Gadewch i ni ofyn i'r athro
Let's be friends forever Gadewch i ni fod yn ffrindiau am byth
Let's drop by his house Gadewch i ni alw heibio ei dŷ
Let's go by bus Gadewch i ni fynd ar y bws
Let's go out and eat Gadewch i ni fynd allan a bwyta
Let's go to a movie Gadewch i ni fynd i ffilm
Let's have dinner Gadewch i ni gael cinio
Let's hurry up Gadewch i ni frysio
Let's leave her alone Gadewch i ni adael llonydd iddi
Let's leave it Gadewch i ni ei adael
Let's not do the work Gadewch i ni beidio â gwneud y gwaith
Let's start the party Gadewch i ni ddechrau'r parti
Let's wrap up this work now Gadewch i ni orffen y gwaith hwn nawr

‘Let’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Welsh words

Here you learn top 1000 Welsh words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Welsh meanings with transliteration.

Eat bwyta
All I gyd
New newydd
Snore chwyrnu
Fast cyflym
Help help
Pain poen
Rain glaw
Pride balchder
Sense synnwyr
Large mawr
Skill sgil
Panic panig
Thank diolch
Desire awydd
Woman gwraig
Hungry newynog
Welsh Vocabulary
Welsh Dictionary

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