English to Macedonian A-Z Dictionary

English to Macedonian translation / English to Macedonian Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Macedonian language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Macedonian through English in an easy way. English to Macedonian translation helps you to learn any word in Macedonian using English in an interesting way.

English to Macedonian translation – Words start with D

Here is a collection of words starting with D and also you can learn Macedonian translation of a word start with D with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Macedonian translation – Words start with D

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Macedonian Dictionary – Words start with D

If you want to know the Macedonian translation of a word start with D, you can search that word and learn Macedonian translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with D

Deer елен elen
Dog куче kuče
Donkey магаре magare
Dove гулаб gulab
Drake Дрејк Drejk
Duck патка patka
Duckling пајче pajče
Dais маргаритка margaritka
Dome купола kupola
Drain исцеди iscedi
Drawing Room соба за цртање soba za crtanje
Director директор direktor
Disaster катастрофа katastrofa
Documentary документарен филм dokumentaren film
Drama драма drama
Drizzle врне vrne
Drought суша suša
Damask Дамаск Damask
Darning осудување osuduvanje
Dress фустан fustan
Data податоци podatoci
Design дизајн dizajn
Digital дигитален digitalen
Download преземете prezemete
Drive возење vozenje
Drawing изучување на цртање izučuvanje na crtanje
Dealer дилер diler
Demand побарувачката pobaruvačkata
Desert пустина pustina
Destroy уништи uništi
Document документ dokument
Drugs лекови lekovi
Day ден den
Date датум datum
Dawn зората zorata
Daybreak разденување razdenuvanje
Daylight дневна светлина dnevna svetlina
Daytime дење denje
Duration времетраење vremetraenje
Diagonal дијагонала dijagonala
Disease болест bolest
Dumb неми nemi
Dwarf џуџе džudže
Dejection потиштеност potištenost
Deluge потоп potop
Drench натопете natopete
Daughter ќерка ḱerka
Daughter-in-law снаа snaa
Dahlia Далија Dalija
Daisy маргаритка margaritka

Top 1000 Macedonian words

Here you learn top 1000 Macedonian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Macedonian meanings with transliteration.

Eat јадете
All сите
New нов
Snore рчи
Fast брзо
Help помош
Pain болка
Rain дожд
Pride гордост
Sense смисла
Large големи
Skill вештина
Panic паника
Thank благодарам
Desire желба
Woman жена
Hungry гладен

Daily use Macedonian Sentences

Here you learn top Macedonian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Macedonian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Добро утро
What is your name Како се викаш
What is your problem Кој е твојот проблем?
I hate you те мразам
I love you Те сакам
Can I help you Можам ли да ти помогнам?
I am sorry жал ми е
I want to sleep сакам да спијам
This is very important Ова е многу важно
Are you hungry Дали си гладен?
How is your life Како е вашиот живот?
I am going to study ќе учам
Macedonian Vocabulary
Macedonian Dictionary

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