English to Amharic A-Z Dictionary

English to Amharic translation / English to Amharic Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Amharic language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Amharic through English in an easy way. English to Amharic translation helps you to learn any word in Amharic using English in an interesting way.

English to Amharic translation – Words start with C

Here is a collection of words starting with C and also you can learn Amharic translation of a word start with C with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Amharic translation – Words start with C

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Amharic Dictionary – Words start with C

If you want to know the Amharic translation of a word start with C, you can search that word and learn Amharic translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with C

Calf ጥጃ t’ija
Camel ግመል gimeli
Cat ድመት dimeti
Chimpanzee ቺምፓንዚ chīmipanizī
Cow ላም lami
Crocodile አዞ āzo
Chicken ዶሮ doro
Cockatoo ኮካቶ kokato
Crane ክሬን kirēni
Crow ቁራ k’ura
Cuckoo ኩኩ kuku
Cygnet ሳይግኔት sayiginēti
Ceiling ጣሪያ t’arīya
Cement ሲሚንቶ sīmīnito
Chain ሰንሰለት seniseleti
Chimney ጭስ ማውጫ ch’isi mawich’a
Church ቤተ ክርስቲያን bēte kirisitīyani
Cinema Hall ሲኒማ አዳራሽ sīnīma ādarashi
Cloister ክሎስተር kilositeri
College ኮሌጅ kolēji
Cottage ጎጆ gojo
Courtyard ግቢ gibī
Cheese አይብ āyibi
Coffee ቡና buna
Cast ውሰድ wisedi
Category ምድብ midibi
Character ባህሪ bahirī
Cinema ሲኒማ sīnīma
Comedy ኮሜዲ komēdī
Crime ወንጀል wenijeli
Cloudiness ደመናማነት demenamaneti
Cyclone አውሎ ንፋስ āwilo nifasi
Cap ካፕ kapi
Cloth ጨርቅ ch’erik’i
Coat ካፖርት kaporiti
Cotton ጥጥ t’it’i
Cyan ሳያን sayani
Cloud ደመና demena
Computer ኮምፒውተር komipīwiteri
Connect መገናኘት megenanyeti
Copy ቅዳ k’ida
Corrupted የተበላሸ yetebelashe
Create መፍጠር mefit’eri
Ceramic የሴራሚክ ጥናት yesēramīki t’inati
Chartered Accountancy የሂሳብ ጥናት, ኦዲት, የፋይናንስ ግምገማ yehīsabi t’inati, odīti, yefayinanisi gimigema
Choreography ዳንሶችን የመፍጠር እና የማደራጀት ጥበብ danisochini yemefit’eri ina yemaderajeti t’ibebi
Civil በማናቸውም ሕንፃ ውስጥ የእቅድ, ዲዛይን, ግንባታ ጥናት bemanachewimi ḥinit͟s’a wisit’i ye’ik’idi, dīzayini, ginibata t’inati
Communication የሰዎች ግንኙነት እና ባህሪ ጥናት yesewochi gininyuneti ina bahirī t’inati
Computer Applications የኮምፒተር ፕሮግራም ጥናት yekomipīteri pirogirami t’inati
Computer Science የኮምፒተር ጥናት yekomipīteri t’inati

Top 1000 Amharic words

Here you learn top 1000 Amharic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Amharic meanings with transliteration.

Eat ብላ
All ሁሉም
New አዲስ
Snore ማንኮራፋት
Fast ፈጣን
Help መርዳት
Pain ህመም
Rain ዝናብ
Pride ኩራት
Sense ስሜት
Large ትልቅ
Skill ችሎታ
Panic ድንጋጤ
Thank አመሰግናለሁ
Desire ምኞት
Woman ሴት
Hungry የተራበ

Daily use Amharic Sentences

Here you learn top Amharic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Amharic meanings with transliteration.

Good morning ምልካም እድል
What is your name ስምህ ማን ነው
What is your problem ችግርህ ምንድን ነው?
I hate you አልወድህም
I love you አፈቅርሃለሁ
Can I help you ላግዚህ ? ላግዝሽ?
I am sorry አዝናለሁ
I want to sleep መተኛት እፈልጋለሁ
This is very important ይህ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው
Are you hungry እርቦሃል?
How is your life ኑሮህ እንዴት ነው?
I am going to study ልማር ነው።
Amharic Vocabulary
Amharic Dictionary

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