Management vocabulary words in Sundanese and English

To learn Sundanese language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Sundanese words that we can used in daily life. Management are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Management vocabulary words in Sundanese, this place will help you to learn all Management vocabulary words in English to Sundanese language. Management vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Management vocabulary words in English to Sundanese and play Sundanese quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Sundanese language, then 1000 most common Sundanese words will helps to learn Sundanese language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Management vocabulary words in Sundanese.

Management vocabulary words in Sundanese and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Management vocabulary words in Sundanese

Here is the list of Management in Sundanese language and their pronunciation in English.

Management vocabulary words - Sundanese

Activity kagiatan
Adjust nyaluyukeun
Aggression agresi
Allocation alokasi
Anticipation antisipasi
Appointment pasini
Arbitration arbitrase
Authority wewenang
Balance kasaimbangan
Bargaining tawar menawar
Board papan
Budget anggaran
Business usaha
Business plan rencana bisnis
Claiming ngaku
Collaboration gawé bareng
Communication komunikasi
Company pausahaan
Conciliation konsiliasi
Cooperation gawé babarengan
Costs harga
Director diréktur
Efficiency efisiensi
Enterprise pausahaan
Executives eksekutif
Finance ngabiayaan
Industry industri
Information inpormasi
Issue masalah
Leader pamingpin
Leadership kapamimpinan
Lose eleh
Management manajemén
Manager manajer
Mediation mediasi
Mentor pembimbing
Optimize ngaoptimalkeun
Organization organisasi
Planning rarancang
Process prosés
Product produk
Production produksi
Project proyék
Responsibility tanggung jawab
Service palayanan
Skills kaahlian
Supervisor pangawas
Trainee palatih
Win meunang
Word kecap

Top 1000 Sundanese words

Here you learn top 1000 Sundanese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Sundanese meanings with transliteration.

Eat dahar
All sadayana
New anyar
Snore ngorok
Fast gancang
Help Tulung
Pain nyeri
Rain hujan
Pride kareueus
Sense rasa
Large badag
Skill kaahlian
Panic panik
Thank hatur nuhun
Desire kahayang
Woman awewe
Hungry kalaparan

Daily use Sundanese Sentences

Here you learn top Sundanese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Sundanese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Wilujeng énjing
What is your name Saha nami anjeun
What is your problem naon masalah anjeun?
I hate you abdi ngéwa ka anjeun
I love you abdi bogoh ka anjeun
Can I help you naon anu abdi tiasa bantosan?
I am sorry hapunten
I want to sleep abdi hoyong bobo
This is very important Ieu penting pisan
Are you hungry Anjeun lapar?
How is your life kumaha hirup anjeun?
I am going to study abdi bade diajar
Sundanese Vocabulary
Sundanese Dictionary

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