List of Verbs in Albanian and English

To learn Albanian language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Verbs in English with Albanian translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Verbs in Albanian, this place will help you to learn Verbs in Albanian language with their pronunciation in English. Verbs are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Albanian.

List of Verbs in Albanian and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Verbs in Albanian

Here is the list of Verbs in Albanian language and their pronunciation in English.

Abuse abuzimi
Accept pranoj
Access akses
Accuse akuzim
Achieve arritur
Acknowledge pranoj
Acquire fitojnë
Act veprojnë
Adapt përshtaten
Add shtoni
Adjust rregulloj
Admire admiroj
Admit pranoj
Adopt adoptojnë
Adore adhuroj
Advance përpara
Affect ndikojnë
Afford përballojë
Agree dakord
Allow lejojnë
Amaze mahnitin
Amount shuma
Anger zemërimi
Announce shpallë
Answer përgjigje
Anticipate parashikoj
Apologize kërko falje
Appeal ankim
Appear shfaqen
Apply aplikoni
Appreciate vlerësoj
Approach qasje
Appropriate të përshtatshme
Approve miratojnë
Are janë
Argue argumentojnë
Arise lindin
Arrange rregulloni
Arrive arrijnë
Ask pyesni
Assist asistojnë
Associate bashkëpunëtor
Assume supozoj
Assure siguroj
Attach bashkëngjitni
Attack sulmojnë
Attempt përpjekje
Attend marrin pjesë
Attract tërheqin
Avoid shmangni
Bake piqem
Balance ekuilibër
Base bazë
Battle betejë
Bear ariu
Beat mundi
Become bëhet
Bed shtrat
Been qenë
Begin fillojnë
Behave silleni
Being duke qenë
Believe besoj
Belong i përkasin
Bend përkulem
Bet bast
Bid oferta
Blame fajësojnë
Block bllokoj
Blow goditje

Top 1000 Albanian words

Here you learn top 1000 Albanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Albanian meanings with transliteration.

Eat hani
All të gjitha
New i ri
Snore gërhij
Fast shpejtë
Help ndihmë
Pain dhimbje
Rain shiu
Pride krenaria
Sense kuptim
Large i madh
Skill shkathtësi
Panic panik
Thank falenderim
Desire dëshirë
Woman grua
Hungry i uritur

Daily use Albanian Sentences

Here you learn top Albanian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Albanian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Miremengjes
What is your name Si e ke emrin
What is your problem Cili është problemi juaj?
I hate you Unë të urrej
I love you Unë të dua
Can I help you Mund t'ju ndihmoj?
I am sorry me vjen keq
I want to sleep dua të fle
This is very important Kjo eshte shume e rendesishme
Are you hungry A je i uritur?
How is your life Se si është jeta juaj?
I am going to study Unë jam duke shkuar për të studiuar
Albanian Vocabulary
Albanian Dictionary

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