Animals names in Pashto and English

To learn Pashto language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Pashto words that we can used in daily life. Animals are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Animals names in Pashto, this place will help you to learn all Animals names in English to Pashto language. Animals vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Animals names in English to Pashto and play Pashto quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Pashto language, then 1000 most common Pashto words will helps to learn Pashto language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Animals vocabulary words in Pashto.

Animals names in Pashto and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Animals names in Pashto

Here is the list of Animals in Pashto language and their pronunciation in English.

Animals names - Pashto

Ape بندر
Ass غوښه
Baboon بابون
Bear bear
Boar خنزیر
Buffalo غوښه
Bull بیل
Calf خوسکي
Camel اوښ
Cat پیشو
Chimpanzee چمپینزی
Cow غوا
Crocodile تمسخر
Deer هرن
Dog سپی
Donkey خر
Elephant هاتین
Ewe اووه
Fawn چرګ
Fox ګیدړ
Frog چونګښه
Giraffe زرافه
Goat وزه
Gorilla ګوریلا
Grizzly خړ
Hare سوى
Hamster هامسټر
Hind هند
Hippopotamus هیپوپوټاموس
Horn سینګ
Horse آس
Hound ښکار
Hyena هاینا
Iguana iguana
Jackal ژیړ
Jaguar جاګوار
Kangaroo کانګارو
Kitten بلی
Lamb وری
Langur لنګور
Leopard چیتا
Lion زمری
Lizard چرګ
Mare مار
Mongoose ملنګ
Monkey بیزو
Mosquito مچه
Mouse موږک
Mule خچر
Otter اوټر
Ox بیل
Panther پینتر
Pig سور
Pony ټټو
Porcupine خنزیر
Puppy ګوډاګی
Rabbit سوى
Rat موږک
Rhinoceros ګنډا
Sheep پسونه
Snake مار
Snail snail
Squirrel squirrel
Stag ځړول
Tail لکۍ
Tiger پړانګ
Tortoise شمشتۍ
Turtle کچی
Weasel غوښه
Wolf لیوه
Zebra زیبرا
Zorilla زوریلا

Top 1000 Pashto words

Here you learn top 1000 Pashto words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Pashto meanings with transliteration.

Eat خوړل
All ټول
New نوی
Snore خرراټی
Fast چټک
Help مرسته
Pain درد
Rain باران
Pride وياړ
Sense احساس
Large لوی
Skill مهارت
Panic ورخطايي
Thank مننه
Desire هیله
Woman ښځه
Hungry وږی

Daily use Pashto Sentences

Here you learn top Pashto sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Pashto meanings with transliteration.

Good morning سهار مو پخیر
What is your name ستاسو نوم څه دی
What is your problem ستاسو ستونزه څه ده؟
I hate you زه له تا نفرت لرم
I love you زه تا سره مینه لرم
Can I help you ایا زه درسره مینه کولی شم؟
I am sorry زه بخښنه غواړم
I want to sleep زه غواړم چې ویده شم
This is very important دا خورا مهم دی
Are you hungry ایا تاسو وږی یاست؟
How is your life ستا ژوند څنګه دی؟
I am going to study زه زده کړه کوم
Pashto Vocabulary
Pashto Dictionary

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