List of Compound words in Turkish and English

To learn Turkish language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Compound words in English with Turkish translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Compound words in Turkish, this place will help you to learn Compound words in Turkish language with their pronunciation in English. Compound words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Turkish.

List of Compound words in Turkish and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Compound words in Turkish

Here is the list of Compound words in Turkish language and their pronunciation in English.

A compound word is a word that contains more than one word (combine two words). Example:      • Bath+Room = Bathroom      • Bed+Room = Bedroom

Afternoon öğleden sonra
Airbag hava yastığı
Anybody herhangi biri
Anything herhangi bir şey
Anytime istediğin zaman
Anyway Neyse
Anywhere herhangi bir yer
Backbone omurga
Background arka plan
Backyard arka bahçe
Barcode barkod
Bathroom banyo
Bedroom yatak odası
Birthday doğum günü
Breakfast kahvaltı
Businessman işadamı
Butterfly kelebek
Cannot yapamamak
Careless dikkatsiz
Caretaker bekçi
Chairman başkan
Checkup kontrol etmek
Childcare çocuk bakımı
Classroom sınıf
Clockwise saat yönünde
Countdown geri sayım
Counterclockwise saat yönünün tersine
Crosswalk yaya geçidi
Dashboard Gösterge Paneli
Daydream hayal kurmak
Downward aşağı doğru
Earthquake deprem
Earthworm solucan
Eggplant patlıcan
Everybody herkes
Everyday Her gün
Everyone herkes
Everything her şey
Everywhere her yer
Eyebrow kaş
Fallout araları açılmak
Farewell veda
Feedback geri bildirim
Football Futbol
Footwear ayakkabı
Gallbladder safra kesesi
Gentleman beyefendi
Goodnight iyi geceler
Grandfather Büyük baba
Grandmother Nene
Grapefruit greyfurt
Grasshopper çekirge
Grassland otlak
Greenhouse sera
Handbag el çantası
Handmade el yapımı
Handwriting el yazısı
Hangman cellat
Hardware donanım
Headache baş ağrısı
Headline başlık
Headquarter Merkezi
Herself kendini
Himself kendisi
Homework Ev ödevi
Honeymoon balayı
Household ev
Housekeeper kahya
Iceberg buzdağı
Income gelir

Top 1000 Turkish words

Here you learn top 1000 Turkish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Turkish meanings with transliteration.

Eat yemek
All herşey
New yeni
Snore horlama
Fast hızlı
Help Yardım Edin
Pain Ağrı
Rain yağmur
Pride gurur
Sense algı
Large büyük
Skill beceri
Panic panik
Thank teşekkür
Desire arzu
Woman Kadın

Daily use Turkish Sentences

Here you learn top Turkish sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Turkish meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Günaydın
What is your name Adın ne
What is your problem Senin problemin ne?
I hate you senden nefret ediyorum
I love you seni seviyorum
Can I help you Yardımcı olabilir miyim?
I am sorry Üzgünüm
I want to sleep uyumak istiyorum
This is very important Bu çok önemli
Are you hungry aç mısın?
How is your life hayatın nasıl?
I am going to study ders çalışacağım
Turkish Vocabulary
Turkish Dictionary

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