List of Adverbs in Turkish and English
To learn Turkish language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Adverbs in English with Turkish translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Adverbs in Turkish, this place will help you to learn Adverbs in Turkish language with their pronunciation in English. Adverbs are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Turkish.
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Adverbs in Turkish
Here is the list of Adverbs in Turkish language and their pronunciation in English.
Abnormally | anormal olarak |
Accidentally | kazara |
Actually | Aslında |
Adventurously | maceracı bir şekilde |
Almost | neredeyse |
Always | Her zaman |
Annually | yıllık |
Anxiously | endişeyle |
Arrogantly | kibirli bir şekilde |
Beautifully | güzelce |
Bitterly | acı bir şekilde |
Bravely | cesurca |
Briefly | kısaca |
Brightly | parlak bir şekilde |
Calmly | sakince |
Carefully | dikkatlice |
Certainly | kesinlikle |
Cheerfully | neşeyle |
Clearly | Açıkça |
Closely | yakından |
Colorfully | rengarenk |
Commonly | yaygın olarak |
Correctly | doğru şekilde |
Daily | günlük |
Deeply | derinden |
Dreamily | rüya gibi |
Easily | kolayca |
Enormously | son derece |
Equally | eşit olarak |
Especially | özellikle |
Eventually | sonunda |
Exactly | Kesinlikle |
Extremely | aşırı boyutta |
Fairly | adil bir şekilde |
Famously | meşhur |
Foolishly | aptalca |
Fully | tamamen |
Generally | genel olarak |
Gracefully | zarifçe |
Happily | mutlu bir şekilde |
Healthily | sağlıklı |
Helpfully | yardımsever |
Highly | büyük ölçüde |
Honestly | Açıkçası |
Hopelessly | umutsuzca |
Hourly | saatlik |
Immediately | hemen |
Instantly | aniden |
Jealously | kıskançlıkla |
Joyfully | sevinçle |
Kindly | nazikçe |
Knowingly | bilerek |
Knowledgeably | bilgili bir şekilde |
Lazily | tembelce |
Lovingly | sevgiyle |
Madly | çılgınca |
Mechanically | mekanik olarak |
Monthly | aylık |
Mostly | çoğunlukla |
Mysteriously | gizemli bir şekilde |
Naturally | doğal olarak |
Nearly | neredeyse |
Neatly | düzgün şekilde |
Nicely | güzelce |
Officially | resmi olarak |
Openly | açıkça |
Painfully | acı verici bir şekilde |
Patiently | sabırla |
Perfectly | kusursuzca |
Physically | fiziksel olarak |
Top 1000 Turkish words
Here you learn top 1000 Turkish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Turkish meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Turkish Sentences
Here you learn top Turkish sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Turkish meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Günaydın |
What is your name | Adın ne |
What is your problem | Senin problemin ne? |
I hate you | senden nefret ediyorum |
I love you | seni seviyorum |
Can I help you | Yardımcı olabilir miyim? |
I am sorry | Üzgünüm |
I want to sleep | uyumak istiyorum |
This is very important | Bu çok önemli |
Are you hungry | aç mısın? |
How is your life | hayatın nasıl? |
I am going to study | ders çalışacağım |
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