English to German A-Z Dictionary

English to German translation / English to German Dictionary gives the meaning of words in German language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn German through English in an easy way. English to German translation helps you to learn any word in German using English in an interesting way.

English to German translation – Words start with V

Here is a collection of words starting with V and also you can learn German translation of a word start with V with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to German translation – Words start with V

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

German Dictionary – Words start with V

If you want to know the German translation of a word start with V, you can search that word and learn German translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with V

Vulture Geier
Ventilator Ventilator
Verandah Veranda
Violent Heftig
Volcanic eruption Vulkanausbruch
Veil Schleier
Velvet Samt
Vest Weste
Video Video
Virus Virus
Visitor Besucher
Violence Gewalt
Valley Senke
Vapor Dampf
Verge Rand
Village Dorf
Volcano Vulkan
Vegetable Gemüse
Very good Sehr gut
Vegetables Gemüse
Veterinarian Tierarzt
Veterinary Veterinär
Vacuum Vakuum
Vent entlüften
Vase Vase
Value Wert
Vehicle Fahrzeug
Verdict Urteil
Verification Überprüfung
Vaccinator Impfstoff
Veterinary doctor Tierarzt
Vaccinology Studie von Impfstoffen
Venereology Studium der Geschlechtskrankheiten
Vexillology Studium der Flaggen
Victimology Untersuchung von Verbrechensopfern
Virology Studium der Viren
Venus Venus
Vascular plant Gefäßpflanze
Vein Vene
Venation Venation
Vine Ranke
Voting Wählen
Venerate verehren
Veneration Verehrung
Verily wahrlich
Vow Gelübde
Vegetarian Vegetarier
Vacation Urlaub
Voyage Reise
Virgo Jungfrau

Top 1000 German words

Here you learn top 1000 German words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have German meanings with transliteration.

Eat Essen
All alles
New Neu
Snore schnarchen
Fast schnell
Help Hilfe
Pain Schmerz
Rain Regen
Pride Stolz
Sense Sinn
Large groß
Skill Fähigkeit
Panic Panik
Thank danken
Desire Verlangen
Woman Frau
Hungry hungrig

Daily use German Sentences

Here you learn top German sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have German meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Guten Morgen
What is your name Wie heißen Sie
What is your problem was ist dein Problem?
I hate you ich hasse dich
I love you ich liebe dich
Can I help you Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
I am sorry es tut mir leid
I want to sleep ich will schlafen
This is very important Dies ist sehr wichtig
Are you hungry Bist du hungrig?
How is your life wie ist dein Leben?
I am going to study ich werde studieren
German Vocabulary
German Dictionary

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