Politics vocabulary words in German and English

To learn German language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common German words that we can used in daily life. Politics are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Politics vocabulary words in German, this place will help you to learn all Politics vocabulary words in English to German language. Politics vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Politics vocabulary words in English to German and play German quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn German language, then 1000 most common German words will helps to learn German language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Politics vocabulary words in German.

Politics vocabulary words in German and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Politics vocabulary words in German

Here is the list of Politics in German language and their pronunciation in English.

Politics vocabulary words - German

Absolutism Absolutismus
Activist Aktivist
Advisor Berater
Advocacy Interessenvertretung
Agitation Agitation
Agrarian landwirtschaftlich
Agreement Zustimmung
Amity Freundschaft
Assembly Montage
Authority Behörde
Awareness Bewusstsein
Civilization Zivilisation
Classism Klassismus
Coalition Koalition
Cohabitation Zusammenleben
Collusion Absprache
Colonial kolonial
Committee Komitee
Communism Kommunismus
Confederacy Konföderation
Conference Konferenz
Conflict Konflikt
Constitution Verfassung
Convention Konvention
Corruption Korruption
Council Rat
Country Land
Countryman Landsmann
Court Gericht
Crisis Krise
Culture Kultur
Debate Debatte
Delegation Delegation
Democracy Demokratie
Demonstration Demonstration
Deprecate missbilligen
Deputize vertreten
Despotic despotisch
Diplomacy Diplomatie
Dissenter Andersdenkender
Donation Spende
Duty Pflicht
Dynasty Dynastie
Economy Wirtschaft
Election Wahl
Elective wählbar
Elite Elite
Embargo Embargo
Embassy Botschaft
Emblem Emblem
Emigrant Emigrant
Empire Reich
Enrolment Einschreibung
Environment Umgebung
Equality Gleichberechtigung
Escape fliehen
Executive Exekutive
Expenditure Ausgaben
Faction Fraktion
Federation Föderation
Fund Fonds
Government Regierung
Inauguration Amtseinführung
Income Einkommen
Inflation Inflation
Institution Institution
Leader Führer
Legation Gesandtschaft
Liberal Liberale
Limpet Napfschnecke
Lobbyist Lobbyist
Mandate Mandat
Member Mitglied
Mutuality Gegenseitigkeit
News Nachrichten
Obeisance Ehrerbietung
Objector Einwand
Oligarchy Oligarchie
Opposition Opposition
Pact Pakt
Parliament Parlament
Patrician Patrizier
Policy Politik
Politics Politik
Population Population
Preside präsidieren
Prison Gefängnis
Proletarian proletarisch
Promulgate verkünden
Proponent Befürworter
Provoke provozieren
Racialism Rassismus
Recant widerrufen
Recapture zurückerobern
Recuse Wiederverwenden
Reform Reform
Relationship Verhältnis
Republic Republik
Requisition Anforderung
Royalty Königtum
Sanction Sanktion
Society Gesellschaft
Statute Satzung
Success Erfolg
Tax MwSt
Theory Theorie
Value Wert
Voting Wählen
War Krieg
Welfare Wohlfahrt
Wield ausüben

Top 1000 German words

Here you learn top 1000 German words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have German meanings with transliteration.

Eat Essen
All alles
New Neu
Snore schnarchen
Fast schnell
Help Hilfe
Pain Schmerz
Rain Regen
Pride Stolz
Sense Sinn
Large groß
Skill Fähigkeit
Panic Panik
Thank danken
Desire Verlangen
Woman Frau
Hungry hungrig

Daily use German Sentences

Here you learn top German sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have German meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Guten Morgen
What is your name Wie heißen Sie
What is your problem was ist dein Problem?
I hate you ich hasse dich
I love you ich liebe dich
Can I help you Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
I am sorry es tut mir leid
I want to sleep ich will schlafen
This is very important Dies ist sehr wichtig
Are you hungry Bist du hungrig?
How is your life wie ist dein Leben?
I am going to study ich werde studieren
German Vocabulary
German Dictionary

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