English to German A-Z Dictionary

English to German translation / English to German Dictionary gives the meaning of words in German language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn German through English in an easy way. English to German translation helps you to learn any word in German using English in an interesting way.

English to German translation – Words start with C

Here is a collection of words starting with C and also you can learn German translation of a word start with C with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to German translation – Words start with C

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

German Dictionary – Words start with C

If you want to know the German translation of a word start with C, you can search that word and learn German translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with C

Carditis Karditis
Careen kielholen
Caret Caret
Cargo Ladung
Caricature Karikatur
Caries Karies
Carmine karminrot
Carnage Blutbad
Carnal fleischlich
Carnival Karneval
Carnivore Fleischfresser
Carnivorous Fleischfresser
Carol Carol
Carousal Karussell
Carp Karpfen
Carpark Parkplatz
Carpus Handwurzel
Carriole Karriole
Carrion Aas
Cart Wagen
Cartage Transport
Cartel Kartell
Cartesian kartesisch
Cartilage Knorpel
Carton Karton
Cartoon Karikatur
Cartridge Patrone
Cascade Kaskade
Casein Kasein
Cashew Cashew
Cashew nut Cashewnuss
Cashmere Kaschmir
Casino Kasino
Cask Fass
Cassata Kassata
Cassava Maniok
Cassette Kassette
Cassock Soutane
Castaway wegwerfen
Caste Kaste
Castellan Kastellan
Castigate geißeln
Castle Schloss
Castor Rolle
Castrate kastrieren
Casual lässig
Casually beiläufig
Catabolism Katabolismus
Cataclysm Katastrophe
Catacomb Katakombe

Top 1000 German words

Here you learn top 1000 German words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have German meanings with transliteration.

Eat Essen
All alles
New Neu
Snore schnarchen
Fast schnell
Help Hilfe
Pain Schmerz
Rain Regen
Pride Stolz
Sense Sinn
Large groß
Skill Fähigkeit
Panic Panik
Thank danken
Desire Verlangen
Woman Frau
Hungry hungrig

Daily use German Sentences

Here you learn top German sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have German meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Guten Morgen
What is your name Wie heißen Sie
What is your problem was ist dein Problem?
I hate you ich hasse dich
I love you ich liebe dich
Can I help you Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
I am sorry es tut mir leid
I want to sleep ich will schlafen
This is very important Dies ist sehr wichtig
Are you hungry Bist du hungrig?
How is your life wie ist dein Leben?
I am going to study ich werde studieren
German Vocabulary
German Dictionary

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