List of Positive words in Slovenian and English

To learn Slovenian language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Positive words in English with Slovenian translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Positive words in Slovenian, this place will help you to learn Positive words in Slovenian language with their pronunciation in English. Positive words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Slovenian.

List of Positive words in Slovenian and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Positive words in Slovenian

Here is the list of Positive words in Slovenian language and their pronunciation in English.

Personality osebnost
Play igrati
Please prosim
Pleasure užitek
Plucky pogumen
Polite vljuden
Positive pozitivno
Powerful močan
Precision natančnost
Prepared pripravljeno
Preservation ohranjanje
Pretty lepa
Priceless neprecenljivo
Pride ponos
Privacy zasebnost
Productive produktivno
Progress napredek
Prompt poziv
Proud ponosen
Punctual točen
Pure čista
Purpose namen
Quaint čuden
Quality kakovosti
Quick hitro
Quiet tih
Radiant sijoča
Rapture navdušenje
Ready pripravljena
Reality resničnost
Reason razlog
Recognition priznanje
Recommend priporočam
Refined rafinirano
Refresh osveži
Relax sprostite se
Reliable zanesljiv
Relief olajšanje
Relieve razbremeniti
Religion religija
Remarkable izjemen
Renew obnoviti
Renewed prenovljen
Repose počitek
Resolute odločen
Resourceful iznajdljiv
Respect spoštovanje
Responsibility odgovornost
Rest počitek
Restore obnoviti
Revived oživel
Rewarding nagrajevanje
Rich bogata
Romance romantika
Sacred sveto
Safety varnost
Satisfied zadovoljen
Save shraniti
Savour okusiti
Scope Obseg
Secure varno
Security varnost
Sensational senzacionalno
Sensible Občutljiv
Sensitive občutljiva
Service storitev
Sexy seksi
Sharing delitev
Shelter zavetje
Shine sijaj

Top 1000 Slovenian words

Here you learn top 1000 Slovenian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Slovenian meanings with transliteration.

Eat jesti
All vse
New novo
Snore smrčanje
Fast hitro
Help pomoč
Pain bolečine
Rain dež
Pride ponos
Sense smisel
Large velik
Skill spretnost
Panic panika
Thank hvala
Desire želja
Woman ženska
Hungry lačen

Daily use Slovenian Sentences

Here you learn top Slovenian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Slovenian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Dobro jutro
What is your name kako ti je ime
What is your problem Kaj je tvoj problem?
I hate you sovražim te
I love you Ljubim te
Can I help you Ti lahko pomagam?
I am sorry žal mi je
I want to sleep hočem spati
This is very important To je zelo pomembno
Are you hungry Si lačen?
How is your life Kako je tvoje življenje?
I am going to study grem študirat
Slovenian Vocabulary
Slovenian Dictionary

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