List of Negative words in Quechua and English

To learn Quechua language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Negative words in English with Quechua translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Negative words in Quechua, this place will help you to learn Negative words in Quechua language with their pronunciation in English. Negative words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Quechua.

List of Negative words in Quechua and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Negative words in Quechua

Here is the list of Negative words in Quechua language and their pronunciation in English.

Horrendous manchakuypaq
Horrible millay
Hostile awqa
Hurtful k’irikuq
Ignorant mana yachaq
Ignore wischupay
Immature mana puqusqa
Imperfect mana hunt’asqa
Impossible mana atina
Inelegant inelegante nisqa
Infernal infierno nisqa
Injure k’irisqa
Insane waqa
Insidious insidioso
Jealous tunpakuq
Junky junky
Lose chinkachiy
Lousy millay
Lumpy lumpy
Malicious mana allin yuyayniyuq
Mean ninan
Messy qacha
Missing chinkachisqa
Misunderstood pantasqa hamut’asqa
Moan waqay
Moldy mohoyuq
Moody piñasqa
Naive chiqaq rimaq
Nasty millay
Naughty travieso
Negative negativo
Never mana haykaqpas
No Manam
Nobody mana pipas
Nonsense mana imapaq valeq
Not mana
Noxious mana allin ruwaq
Objectionable mana allinpaq qhawarisqa
Odious millakuypaq
Offensive millapa
Old machu
Oppressive sarunchakuq
Pain nanay
Petty pequeño
Plain panpa
Poisonous venenoyuq
Pompous pomposo nisqa
Poor wakcha
Questionable tapunapaq hina
Quit lluqsiy
Reject kutichipuy
Renege renege nisqa
Repellant repelente nisqa
Repulsive repulsivo nisqa
Revenge venganza
Revolting hatariq
Rocky qaqa
Rotten ismusqa
Rude millay
Sad llakisqa
Savage sallqa
Scare manchachiy
Scream qapariy
Severe nisyu
Shocking t’ukuchiq
Sick unquq
Sickening unquchiq
Sinister siniestro nisqa
Slimy llimp’iyuq
Smelly asnaq

Top 1000 Quechua words

Here you learn top 1000 Quechua words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Quechua meanings with transliteration.

Eat mikuy
All llapan
New musuq
Snore ronco
Fast utqay
Help yanapay
Pain nanay
Rain para
Pride apuskachay
Sense musyay
Large hatun
Skill yachay
Panic manchay
Thank riqsikuy
Desire munay
Woman warmi
Hungry yarqay

Daily use Quechua Sentences

Here you learn top Quechua sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Quechua meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Rimaykullayki
What is your name Imataq sutiyki
What is your problem ¿Ima sasachakuyniykitaq?
I hate you Chiqnikuykim
I love you Kuyaykim
Can I help you ¿Yanapaykimanchu?
I am sorry Llakikuni
I want to sleep Puñuyta munani
This is very important Kayqa ancha allinmi
Are you hungry ¿Yarqasqachu kanki?
How is your life ¿Imaynataq kawsayniki?
I am going to study Estudiaqmi risaq
Quechua Vocabulary
Quechua Dictionary

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