List of Negative words in Lithuanian and English

To learn Lithuanian language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Negative words in English with Lithuanian translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Negative words in Lithuanian, this place will help you to learn Negative words in Lithuanian language with their pronunciation in English. Negative words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Lithuanian.

List of Negative words in Lithuanian and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Negative words in Lithuanian

Here is the list of Negative words in Lithuanian language and their pronunciation in English.

Horrendous baisu
Horrible siaubinga
Hostile priešiškas
Hurtful žeidžiantis
Ignorant neišmanantis
Ignore ignoruoti
Immature nesubrendęs
Imperfect netobulas
Impossible neįmanomas
Inelegant neelegantiškas
Infernal pragariškas
Injure sužaloti
Insane beprotiškas
Insidious klastingas
Jealous pavydus
Junky narkomanas
Lose prarasti
Lousy bjaurus
Lumpy gumbuotas
Malicious piktybinis
Mean reiškia
Messy netvarkingas
Missing dingęs
Misunderstood nesuprastas
Moan dejuoti
Moldy supelijęs
Moody paniuręs
Naive naivus
Nasty bjaurus
Naughty neklaužada
Negative neigiamas
Never niekada
No ne
Nobody niekas
Nonsense nesąmonė
Not ne
Noxious kenksmingas
Objectionable nepriimtinas
Odious šlykštus
Offensive agresyvus
Old senas
Oppressive slegiantis
Pain skausmas
Petty smulkmeniškas
Plain paprastas
Poisonous nuodingas
Pompous pompastiškas
Poor vargšas
Questionable abejotinas
Quit mesti
Reject atmesti
Renege renege
Repellant repelentas
Repulsive atstumiantis
Revenge kerštas
Revolting maištaujantis
Rocky akmenuotas
Rotten supuvęs
Rude grubus
Sad liūdnas
Savage laukinis
Scare išgąsdinti
Scream rėkti
Severe sunkus
Shocking šokiruojantis
Sick serga
Sickening liguistas
Sinister grėsmingas
Slimy gleivėtas
Smelly smirdantis

Top 1000 Lithuanian words

Here you learn top 1000 Lithuanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Lithuanian meanings with transliteration.

Eat valgyti
All visi
New naujas
Snore knarkti
Fast greitai
Help padėti
Pain skausmas
Rain lietus
Pride pasididžiavimas
Sense jausmas
Large didelis
Skill įgūdžių
Panic panika
Thank ačiū
Desire noras
Woman moteris
Hungry alkanas

Daily use Lithuanian Sentences

Here you learn top Lithuanian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Lithuanian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Labas rytas
What is your name Koks tavo vardas
What is your problem Kokia tavo problema?
I hate you aš tavęs nekenčiu
I love you Aš tave myliu
Can I help you Ar galiu tau padėti?
I am sorry Atsiprašau
I want to sleep aš noriu miegoti
This is very important Tai labai svarbu
Are you hungry Ar tu alkanas?
How is your life Kaip gyvenimas?
I am going to study einu mokytis
Lithuanian Vocabulary
Lithuanian Dictionary

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