List of Negative words in Guarani and English

To learn Guarani language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Negative words in English with Guarani translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Negative words in Guarani, this place will help you to learn Negative words in Guarani language with their pronunciation in English. Negative words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Guarani.

List of Negative words in Guarani and English

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Negative words in Guarani

Here is the list of Negative words in Guarani language and their pronunciation in English.

Adverse adverso rehegua
Angry pochy
Annoy myangekói
Anxious py'atarova
Apathy apatía rehegua
Appalling oporomondýiva
Arrogant oñembotuicháva
Atrocious atrocioso rehegua
Awful ivairasa
Bad vai
Banal banal rehegua
Barbed púas rehegua
Belligerent beligerente rehegua
Bemoan oñembyasy
Beneath karape
Boring kuerái
Broken jeka
Callous calloso
Careless oñangareko'ỹva
Clumsy ipomberu
Coarse grueso
Collapse ñembyaipa
Confused jesarea
Contradictory ojoavyva
Contrary contrario
Corrosive corrosivo rehegua
Corrupt pokarê rehegua
Crazy tavy
Creepy pirĩmba
Criminal criminal rehegua
Cruel aña
Cry tasẽ
Cutting oikytĩvo
Damage mbyai
Dead mano
Decaying oñembyaíva
Deformed deformado rehegua
Deny mbotove
Deplorable deplorable
Depressed motĩndýva
Deprived ojepriváva
Despicable ojedespresiáva
Dirty ky'a
Disease mba'asy
Disgusting mbojeguarúva
Dishonest iñonrrádova
Dishonorable deshonrables
Distress angata
Dreadful kyhyje rehegua
Evil vai
Fail meg̃ua
Faulty falla rehegua
Fear kyhyje
Feeble ikangy
Fight ñorairõ
Filthy ky'a
Foul mba’e vai
Ghastly horriblemente
Grave tyvy
Greed mba'epotarasa
Grimace mueca ñemongu’e
Gross ikoróchova
Gruesome horrible
Guilty mbojaha
Haggard haggard rehegua
Hard hatã
Harmful oporombyaíva
Hate py'ako'õ
Hideous hideous
Homely hogapegua

Top 1000 Guarani words

Here you learn top 1000 Guarani words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Guarani meanings with transliteration.

Eat karu
All opavave
New pyahu
Snore ryguasu rupi’a
Fast pya'e
Help pytyvõ
Pain hasy
Rain ama
Pride juruvu
Sense ñandukuaáva
Large tuicha
Skill katupyry
Panic kyhyjevai
Thank aguyjeme'ẽ
Desire potapy
Woman kuña
Hungry ñembyahýi

Daily use Guarani Sentences

Here you learn top Guarani sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Guarani meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Mba'éichapa ndepyhare
What is your name Mba'éichapa nderéra
What is your problem Mbaʼépa nde provléma?
I hate you Che ndacha'éi nderehe
I love you Rohayhu
Can I help you Ikatúpa roipytyvõ?
I am sorry Che ñembyasy
I want to sleep Che akese
This is very important Upéva ningo iñimportanteterei
Are you hungry ¿Reñembyahýi piko?
How is your life Mba’éichapa nde rekove?
I am going to study Che aháta astudia
Guarani Vocabulary
Guarani Dictionary

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