Ecology vocabulary words in Guarani and English

To learn Guarani language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Guarani words that we can used in daily life. Ecology are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Ecology vocabulary words in Guarani, this place will help you to learn all Ecology vocabulary words in English to Guarani language. Ecology vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Ecology vocabulary words in English to Guarani and play Guarani quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Guarani language, then 1000 most common Guarani words will helps to learn Guarani language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Ecology vocabulary words in Guarani.

Ecology vocabulary words in Guarani and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Ecology vocabulary words in Guarani

Here is the list of Ecology in Guarani language and their pronunciation in English.

Ecology vocabulary words - Guarani

Air yvytu
Ambiance ambiente rehegua
Aquatic ypegua
Arid arído rehegua
Atmospheric atmosférico rehegua
Beach pararembe'y
Blustery blustery rehegua
Brook arroyo rehegua
Cavern itakua
Cliff pararembe'y
Climate arareko
Cloud arai
Coast yrembe'y
Contamination contaminación rehegua
Cove cala rehegua
Crag ita guasu
Craggy itaju
Creek cala
Dejection ñembyasy
Deluge diluvio rehegua
Drench drench rehegua
Drought ndokyvéi puku
Ecology ecología rehegua
Effluent efluente rehegua
Energy mbaretekue
Evaporation evaporación rehegua
Fertilize abono
Fossil fósil rehegua
Glacial glacial rehegua
Grassland kapi’ipe
Graveyard sepulcro rehegua
Grove arboleda rehegua
Habitat tekoha
Landscape ñupyso
Ledge ledge rehegua
Meadow pradera
Meander meandro rehegua
Misty niebla
Monsoon monzón rehegua
Mossy musgo rehegua
Mound montículo
Mountain yvyty
Mud tuju
Mulch mulch rehegua
Nimbus nimbus rehegua
Ozone ozono rehegua
Parch parch rehegua
Pollution ñembohekotyai
Pond yrenda
Promontory promontorio rehegua
Prospector prospector rehegua
Protection protección rehegua
Quake yvyryrýi
Rainbow arco iris rehegua
Rainfall ama
River ysyry
Road tape
Rock itaguasu
Sea para
Slum barrio pobre rehegua
Smog smog rehegua
Soil sapy'ajepi
Stormy tormenta-icha
Stream Ysyry
Sultry sultry rehegua
Trough canal rehegua
Turf césped rehegua
Typhoon tifón rehegua
Urban tavayguáva
Valley yvytypa´ũ
Vapor vapor rehegua
Verge verge rehegua
Village táva
Volcano volcán
Water y
Wave ypyu'ã
Windfall yvytu rehegua

Top 1000 Guarani words

Here you learn top 1000 Guarani words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Guarani meanings with transliteration.

Eat karu
All opavave
New pyahu
Snore ryguasu rupi’a
Fast pya'e
Help pytyvõ
Pain hasy
Rain ama
Pride juruvu
Sense ñandukuaáva
Large tuicha
Skill katupyry
Panic kyhyjevai
Thank aguyjeme'ẽ
Desire potapy
Woman kuña
Hungry ñembyahýi

Daily use Guarani Sentences

Here you learn top Guarani sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Guarani meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Mba'éichapa ndepyhare
What is your name Mba'éichapa nderéra
What is your problem Mbaʼépa nde provléma?
I hate you Che ndacha'éi nderehe
I love you Rohayhu
Can I help you Ikatúpa roipytyvõ?
I am sorry Che ñembyasy
I want to sleep Che akese
This is very important Upéva ningo iñimportanteterei
Are you hungry ¿Reñembyahýi piko?
How is your life Mba’éichapa nde rekove?
I am going to study Che aháta astudia
Guarani Vocabulary
Guarani Dictionary

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