List of Adverbs in Guarani and English

To learn Guarani language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Adverbs in English with Guarani translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Adverbs in Guarani, this place will help you to learn Adverbs in Guarani language with their pronunciation in English. Adverbs are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Guarani.

List of Adverbs in Guarani and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Adverbs in Guarani

Here is the list of Adverbs in Guarani language and their pronunciation in English.

Abnormally anormalmente
Accidentally accidentalmente
Actually Añetehápe
Adventurously aventurero-pe
Almost haimete
Always akói
Annually anualmente
Anxiously jepy’apýpe
Arrogantly arrogantemente
Beautifully iporãiterei
Bitterly py’aro
Bravely py’aguasúpe
Briefly mbykymi
Brightly omimbipáva
Calmly py’aguapýpe
Carefully reñangarekóke
Certainly oje'ehaichaite
Cheerfully vy’ápe
Clearly hesakã porã
Closely hi’aguĩva
Colorfully colorido-pe
Commonly jepiveguáicha
Correctly hekopete
Daily ára ha ára
Deeply pypuku
Dreamily sueño-pe
Easily hasy'ỹme
Enormously tuichaiterei mba’e
Equally joja avei
Especially mba'erãite
Eventually ipahaitépe
Exactly hesakuaitépe
Extremely rasaite
Fairly ha'evéma
Famously herakuãitéva
Foolishly tavy reheve
Fully plenamente
Generally tuichaháicha
Gracefully gracioso-pe
Happily vy’ápe
Healthily hesãivape
Helpfully oipytyvõva
Highly yvateterei
Honestly tekopotĩme
Hopelessly esperanza’ỹre
Hourly aravo’i pukukue
Immediately ag̃aiténtema
Instantly upepete voi
Jealously envidia reheve
Joyfully vy’ápe
Kindly hory
Knowingly oikuaávo
Knowledgeably oikuaa porãva
Lazily ipy’a’ỹre
Lovingly mborayhúpe
Madly tavyeterei
Mechanically mecánicamente
Monthly mensualmente
Mostly ñepyrũrãitevoi
Mysteriously misteriosamente
Naturally naturalmente
Nearly haimete
Neatly neatmente
Nicely iporãiterei
Officially oficialmente
Openly abiertamente
Painfully hasy reheve
Patiently paciencia reheve
Perfectly perfectamente
Physically físicamente

Top 1000 Guarani words

Here you learn top 1000 Guarani words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Guarani meanings with transliteration.

Eat karu
All opavave
New pyahu
Snore ryguasu rupi’a
Fast pya'e
Help pytyvõ
Pain hasy
Rain ama
Pride juruvu
Sense ñandukuaáva
Large tuicha
Skill katupyry
Panic kyhyjevai
Thank aguyjeme'ẽ
Desire potapy
Woman kuña
Hungry ñembyahýi

Daily use Guarani Sentences

Here you learn top Guarani sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Guarani meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Mba'éichapa ndepyhare
What is your name Mba'éichapa nderéra
What is your problem Mbaʼépa nde provléma?
I hate you Che ndacha'éi nderehe
I love you Rohayhu
Can I help you Ikatúpa roipytyvõ?
I am sorry Che ñembyasy
I want to sleep Che akese
This is very important Upéva ningo iñimportanteterei
Are you hungry ¿Reñembyahýi piko?
How is your life Mba’éichapa nde rekove?
I am going to study Che aháta astudia
Guarani Vocabulary
Guarani Dictionary

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