Plant names in Yoruba and English

To learn Yoruba language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Yoruba words that we can used in daily life. Plant are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Plant names in Yoruba, this place will help you to learn all Plant names in English to Yoruba language. Plant vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Plant names in English to Yoruba and play Yoruba quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Yoruba language, then 1000 most common Yoruba words will helps to learn Yoruba language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Yoruba.

Plant names in Yoruba and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Plant names in Yoruba

Here is the list of Plant in Yoruba language and their pronunciation in English.

Plant names - Yoruba

Acorn agbada
Agriculture ogbin
Angiosperm angiosperm
Autotroph autotroph
Axilary bud egbọn axilary
Biennial biennial
Blade abẹfẹlẹ
Blossom tanná
Botany eweko
Bract abirun
Branch ẹka
Bromeliad bromeliad
Bud egbọn
Cactus cactus
Calyx calyx
Canopy ibori
Carpel carpel
Clover clover
Cork koki
Dicot dikoti
Endosperm endosperm
Epicotyl epicotyl
Evergreen lailai
Fern fern
Fertilizer ajile
Filament filament
Flora eweko
Flower ododo
Foliage ewe
Garden ọgba
Germinate dagba
Ginkgo ginkgo
Grain ọkà
Grass koriko
Grove oriṣa
Grow dagba
Gum gomu
Hardy lile
Hastate yara
Herb eweko
Horticulture ogbin
Hybrid arabara
Inflorescence itanna
Internode internode
Ivy ivy
Jungle igbo
Juniper juniperi
Kudzu kudzu
Lamina lamina
Leaf ewe
Legume ẹfọ
Meristem meristem
Midrib midrib
Monocot monocot
Moss Mossi
Nectar nectar
Needle abẹrẹ
Node ipade
Nut nut
Ovary nipasẹ ọna
Palm ọpẹ
Palmate ọpẹ
Peduncle ẹsẹ
Perennial ọdun
Petal ewe kekere
Petiole petiole
Phloem phloem
Photosynthesis fọtoyiyati
Pinnate pinnate
Pistil pistil
Pith pith
Plumule paipu
Pollen eruku adodo
Pollinate eruku adodo
Prickle prickle
Rachis rachis
Reniform reniform
Resin resini
Reticulate atunse
Rings oruka
Root gbongbo
Sap omi
Sapling sapling
Seed irugbin
Seedling ororoo
Sepal sepal
Shamrock shamrock
Shoot iyaworan
Shrub abemiegan
Soil ile
Spine ẹhin
Spore spore
Sprout rú jáde
Stalk igi ọka
Stamen stamen
Stand duro
Stem yio
Stigma abuku
Stipule stipule
Stoma stoma
Succulent succulent
Sunlight orun
Tap root taproot
Thorn elegun
Tree igi
Trunk ẹhin mọto
Tuber isu
Twig ẹka
Understory ni isalẹ
Vascular plant iṣan ọgbin
Vein iṣọn
Venation ohun ọdẹ
Vine ajara
Weed igbo
Whorled panṣaga

Top 1000 Yoruba words

Here you learn top 1000 Yoruba words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Yoruba meanings with transliteration.

Eat jẹun
All gbogbo
New titun
Snore snore
Fast sare
Help Egba Mi O
Pain irora
Rain ojo
Pride igberaga
Sense ori
Large nla
Skill ogbon
Panic ẹ̀rù
Thank o ṣeun
Desire ifẹ
Woman obinrin
Hungry ebi npa

Daily use Yoruba Sentences

Here you learn top Yoruba sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Yoruba meanings with transliteration.

Good morning E kaaro
What is your name Ki 'ni oruko re
What is your problem Kini isoro re?
I hate you Nko ni ife si o
I love you mo nifẹ rẹ
Can I help you iranlọwọ wo ni mo le ṣe fun ọ?
I am sorry Ma binu
I want to sleep mo fe sun
This is very important Eyi jẹ pataki pupọ
Are you hungry ṣe ebi n pa Ẹ?
How is your life bawo ni aye re?
I am going to study Emi yoo kawe
Yoruba Vocabulary
Yoruba Dictionary

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