Healthcare vocabulary words in Turkmen and English

To learn Turkmen language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Turkmen words that we can used in daily life. Healthcare are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Healthcare vocabulary words in Turkmen, this place will help you to learn all Healthcare vocabulary words in English to Turkmen language. Healthcare vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Healthcare vocabulary words in English to Turkmen and play Turkmen quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Turkmen language, then 1000 most common Turkmen words will helps to learn Turkmen language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Healthcare vocabulary words in Turkmen.

Healthcare vocabulary words in Turkmen and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Healthcare vocabulary words in Turkmen

Here is the list of Healthcare in Turkmen language and their pronunciation in English.

Healthcare vocabulary words - Turkmen

Abdominal garyn
Abortion abort
Accident awariýa
Abuse hyýanatçylykly peýdalanmak
Addict endik
Agony agyry
Ailment kesel
Alcohol alkogol
Amputation amputasiýa
Anaesthetic anestezik
Bandage bandaj
Bleed gan akdy
Blind kör
Bruit miwe
Clinical kliniki
Contusion kontuziýa
Convalesce saglyk
Convulsion sarsgyn
Cough üsgülewük
Cramp kramp
Cripple maýyp
Crutch taýak
Cure bejermek
Dazzle ajaýyp
Debility gowşaklyk
Defecate defekasiýa
Dejection göwnüçökgünlik
Deleterious öçürmek
Delirious delirious
Dentist diş lukmany
Depression depressiýa
Detoxify detoksifikasiýa
Diabetes süýji keseli
Disease kesel
Doctor lukman
Emission zyňyndy
Erection dikeltmek
Febrile febrile
Felon jenaýatçy
Fever gyzzyrma
Fracture döwük
Gargle gargle
Gash gaş
Gasp aljyraňňy
Genetic genetiki
Healer tebip
Herbal ösümlik
Lesion lezýon
Ligament baglanyşyk
Measles gyzamyk
Medical lukmançylyk
Mental akyl
Mite mite
Mutate üýtgetmek
Nurse şepagat uýasy
Ovulation ýumurtga
Pain agyry
Palpate palpate
Panting ysgynsyzlyk
Paralyse ysmaz
Patient sabyrly
Pervert bozuk
Protein belok
Probe gözleg
Pregnancy göwrelilik
Poultice poultice
Relax dynç al
Relief ýeňillik
Sperm sperma
Spew spew
Spine oňurga
Shiner ýalpyldawuk
Shiver titremek
Shock şok
Sneeze asgyrmak
Snivel snivel
Snotty snotty
Snuff gümürtik
Suicide öz janyna kast etmek
Swelling çişmek
Tablet planşet
Taint reňk
Temperature temperatura

Top 1000 Turkmen words

Here you learn top 1000 Turkmen words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Turkmen meanings with transliteration.

Eat iýiň
All hemmesi
New täze
Snore horlamak
Fast çalt
Help Kömek ediň
Pain agyry
Rain ýagyş
Pride buýsanç
Sense manysy
Large uly
Skill ussatlygy
Panic howsala
Thank sag bol
Desire isleg
Woman aýal

Daily use Turkmen Sentences

Here you learn top Turkmen sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Turkmen meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Ertiriňiz haýyrly bolsun!
What is your name Adyň näme
What is your problem Meseläňiz näme?
I hate you men seni ýigrenýarin
I love you men seni söýýärin
Can I help you Size kömek edip bilerinmi?
I am sorry Bagyşlaň
I want to sleep Men ýatasym gelýär
This is very important Bu örän möhümdir
Are you hungry Açmy?
How is your life Durmuşyňyz nähili?
I am going to study Men okamakçy
Turkmen Vocabulary
Turkmen Dictionary

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